
Wednesday, June 15, 2016

{WISH we had a Certified Podologist in our area}

For 33 years I've MISSED my Dutch Certified Podologist or in other terms a Certified Master Pedicurist.
Not to be mistaken by 'a pedicure' as that is by far not the same!
The NORTH AMERICAN SCHOOL OF PODOLOGY is in Toronto, Canada. Just click on the pink hyperlink.
You can also find them on Facebook: NASP.
The usual Pedicures could lead to dangerous infections as you can read following this link.
Especially for retired, older people or people with diabetes there is a risk for infection.
My right foot has been injured when a horse that I just had been riding, stepped on my toes.
Very painful and the big toe's nail was loose and black.
It still is not a normal toenail...
So I would LOVE to go to a Certified Podologist but my nearest is 234.8 km away!
One way that is a 3 hour drive.
That leaves me no other option as to take care of my feet as well as I can do myself...
For decades I've been using the buffing tool that you see under my Chanel toilet bag. I had it already back in The Netherlands and it runs on batteries.
Also different types of Diamancel (click the hyperlink) Files that I purchased at Neiman Marcus, decades ago...
The top Diamancel Diamond File for Foot Calluses #20, I seldom used, my husband did use it more often.
My choice is the Diamancel Diamond Foot Buffer #11 (the black one at the top in 1st and 2nd photo) and that gives you silky smooth heels or as I use them also, under my big toe and below.
For smoothing the skin where you removed some callus around toes or fingers, Diamancel File #5 is perfect!
So together with my Mehaz tools, that's how I care for my feet.
These are the other tools that I use.
Top is a 24k gold plated scissor from Toledo, Spain.
A rather course tweezer for pulling up any loose parts after carefully cleaning around nail with my pointed scissor. I do start out with a foot soak to soften up my feet.
My MehazProfessional Cuticle Pusher and Straight Spoon, made in Germany.
My Mehaz professional stainless steel nail clipper. Similar with two springs here: Mehaz Professional Corner Nipper (click on the pink hyperlinks to see info).

Sure, I am by far not a Certified Podologist myself but my feet did feel great after this treatment and I did give them a coating of my Chanel 'Party Pink'...
Using some body lotion makes them feel baby soft and sandal ready for summer!

Are you seeing a Certified Podologist?

Thanks for your visit!


  1. I always feel so good after giving myself a mani-pedi, too, Dear Mariette! I love your little toe ring and the color you chose for painting your piggies. This reminds me to do mine! Hugs xo Karen

  2. Yes, summer is coming soon. I have to be ready for my foot nails. The party pink of Chanel is beautiful!
    You have many tools to care of your nails! Impressive! I like the scissor from Toledo, Spain.Lovely!
    I hope you have a good new week,Mariette.

  3. Dear Mariette
    I thought of all my life that is how more common foot problem that is I had care of my foot all the time of my health. you has all of your body has very good!
    I hope happy time!

  4. Deaerst Mariette,
    it always is hard to find GOOD tings close to the place where we live ...would be a long drive to get your toes done ...but, you did them well, Party Pink is a lovely Summer colour!
    Have a lovely week,
    Love and hugs and blessings,
    Claudia xo

  5. Ja, dat lijkt me ook erg dat je geen echt goede gecertificeerde pedicure hebt daar, ben je daar eenmaal geweest, dan kun je bijna niet meer zonder, zo fijn altijd als je er vandaan komt.
    Dus ja, ik ga elke 2 maanden naar mijn pedicure, ze is ' goed geleerd' heeft wel 15 diploma's aan de muur hangen en schoolt zich ook nog steeds bij...dat merk je trouwens ook in de prijs die je moet betalen ;)
    Is misschien wel ' een gat in de markt' daar bij jullie....

  6. Tudo o que é preciso para bem cuidar dos pés.
    Um abraço e continuação de uma boa semana.

  7. I'm laughing because I' ve just finished my pedi, Ivisit you and see this post! Jajajaaaaa. Your nails are ready for summer, my dear and mine too.
    Sending blessings.

  8. Dear Mariette - it is a very important but often neglected fact that we should look after our feet especially as we age. How often we see old people hobbling around and often it is due to not looking after their feet.
    I always recall the wise words of a young French girl I knew who had her feet done regularly - she told me that her mother had instilled in her the necessity of looking after them - I understand that it is something that most French women are meticulous about.

  9. Dearest Mariette...You have come up with a good way to take care of your feet in lieu of a professional.
    When I worked with my developmentally delayed adults I saw too many cases of careless foot care by so-called professionals. This is why I simply don't trust anyone but myself to care for my feet. They may not be beautiful but they are healthy!

  10. Greatly done Mariette. I also don't believe in doing pedicures and manicures at the mall. Just the smell of all those chemicals make me sick, so I have to do them at home.

  11. Liebe Mariette,
    gepflegte Füße sind immer ein schöner Anblick und der pinkfarbene Nagellack gefällt mir sehr!

    Liebe Grüße schickt Dir Traudi

  12. Three hour drive away! It sounds really hard to find a real certified podologist. Good thing you've got enough tools and skills to keep your feet happy :-) Love your gold plated scissor.
    Have a great day, Mariette!

  13. Das ist auch bei uns ein Unterschied, liebe Mariette. Podologen sind medizinische Fußpfleger, die anderen lediglich kosmetische. Diabeteskranke z.B. müssen hier zwingend zum Podologen, wie Du es auch schreibst.
    Ich mache meine Fußpflege am liebsten selber, denn zu den Zeiten,wo ich mal auf eine solche angewiesen war, wurde es doch nie so gemacht, wie ich es selbst machen würde. Darin bin ich sehr genau. Bei mir dauert das relativ lange, so viel Zeit nimmt sich keine Fußpflegerin. Würde wohl auch zu teuer werden. ;-)
    Meine Mutti ist allerdings gezwungen, zu einer Podologin zu gehen, am liebsten würde sie es aber auch noch selber können.

    Liebe Grüße

  14. Os pés requer muitos cuidados. O cavalo de nossa família, também pisou no meu pé. Destruiu minha unha. Minha filha cuida das minhas unhas. Adorei a cor do esmalte.
    Tenha uma ótima semana.

  15. Hope you will find a podologist a bit closer by Mariette. Your shade of Chanel party pink colour is lovely.

    Have a good day!

    Madelief x

  16. Liebe Mariette,
    bei uns gibt es einige Podologen in der Nähe. Ich selbst gehe schon seit
    vielen Jahren regelmäßig zur Fußpflege - auch bedingt durch meinen Diabetis.
    Einen gemütlichen Mittwochabend wünscht dir


Thanks for your visit and comment.
