
Tuesday, July 26, 2016

{Dahlia with Hibiscus and Clerodendrum Ugandese}

We all LOVE to have some fresh cut flowers from our own garden...
Even if it means only a few of them!
On our kitchen table... on June 12.
To the left you see a beautiful Dahlia, to the right a Hibiscus syriacus 'Blushing Bride' that came straight from Our Life in Italy!
In the center, top and bottom is our special Clerodendrum Ugandese or Blue Butterfly Bush.
Husband Pieter also captured them with his camera...
Yes, that Hibiscus syriacus 'Blushing Bride' has a very special story which you can read from link below blog, about our life in Italy.
We are thrilled that we still have it after all those years!
And again and you can see the sunshine that twinkles in the tiny vase.
The Clerodendrum Ugandese came from +Logee's Greenhouses in Connecticut
The Clerodendrum Ugandese or Blue Butterfly Bush flower a bit more in detail...

Together they just made a beautiful and very sweet vase!

Do you love to bring in some home grown flowers?

Our climate is very harsh so we never yield a lot...

Thanks for your visit!

Related links:


  1. They are beautiful! One I love to grow, but... well may be just me, I lost interest on all my old hobbies... gardening, reading, knitting, cooking! I don't understand myself now, how much I can do? And can I make this old dream come true? LOL... will write more when I make it! Thank you for all your kind words Mariette and encouragement! Best blog friends! :-)

  2. Deaerst Mariette,
    those flowers are so beautiful!
    Have a good and happy new week,
    sending Love and hugs and blessings,
    Claudia xo

  3. Liebe Mariette,

    deine Blütenpracht ist wunderschön.

    Sonnige Grüße

  4. Beautiful flower vase. I don't have many flowers in my garden, the summer is too harsh.
    We just have roses...

  5. Lindas flores e belo arranjo floral.
    Um abraço e boa semana.

  6. Very nice post dear Mariette, your table is always beautiful.

  7. Mooie bloemen en mooi gearrangeerd.

  8. Dearest Mariette,
    Your dahlia and hibiscus with the butterfly bush adding a splash of contrast are beautiful and elegant!
    I am regrowing my dahlias. They won't bloom unless we have a warm fall, but at least the toes will be healthy.
    Enjoy the day.......*s*

  9. Your flowers are beautiful, Mariette! What gentle colors on dahlia and hibiscus. The blue butterfly bush flowers do look like butterflies flying around the flowers :-) Love the twinkle in the vase! Have a wonderful new week, Mariette!

  10. Mariette - Yes, I do love to bring them indoors, and of course our Louisiana climate is harsh, too. My hydrangeas were not happy while I was on vacation (no rain) and are struggling. But my gardenias are thriving - and I love their sweet scent. <3

  11. Dear Mariette, your flowers are so pretty together in the arrangement - such delicate colors and form. I have never seen the blue butterfly flower, it is so pretty. It is wonderful to have the hibiscus as a remembrance of your special time in Italy, too. Gardening does have its challenges, especially with a harsh climate. We have had so little sunshine this summer, but this week is all sunshine and I am so happy! It was very gloomy :( Soon it will be favorite time of year! Hugs xo Karen

  12. These are beautiful flowers Mariette, I love bringing in self grown flowers.

  13. Dear Mariette,

    Such beautiful delicate coloured flowers and they all go so well together.
    Have a lovely week

  14. Dearest Mariette; Oh, I always admire your arrangement of the flowers on the table♡♡♡ Such beautiful and graceful dahlia and hibiscus and I LOVE the he sunshine that twinkles in the vase☆☆☆ 
    I came back from the trip and it means facing the muggy hot weather here again(^^;)

    Wishing you are having wonderful new week.
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

  15. Dearest Mariette.
    Always your hibiscus beautiful specially bride has look like in your special time in Italy!
    Have a wonderful week!

  16. Het hoeft geen bosbloemen te zijn om blij van te worden, zo kan het ook. Prachtige kleuren!
    Lieve groet,

  17. Prachtige bloemen.......pikken hou ervan.
    Liefs Bianca

  18. Der Hibiscus ist auch ein Traum, liebe Mariette! Und der bezeichnende Name! - Ich habe einen blauen und einen weißen. Der Blaue steht in Vollblüte, der Weiße beginnt gerade erst. Beide auch wundervoll. Und das Schöne, der Weiße hat ganz viele Ableger gebildet. Bin gespannt, wie diese blühen werden. Alle werde ich nicht behalten können.

    Und auch hier ist diese schöne Dahlie! :-)

    Alles Liebe nochmals

  19. As flores são belas e a cor do hibisco é magnífica!


Thanks for your visit and comment.
