
Thursday, July 28, 2016

{Pattern of Our Hand Crocheted Kitchen Curtain with Roses}

In a previous post {More of Our Kitchen} I also did show you our Hand Crocheted Kitchen Curtain with Roses. So here I want to share the Pattern.
You can click the hyperlink above...
This is the curtain...
From the Special Burda M 2018 D 32/88 (1988)
At the time that I did crochet this curtain, we were living and working in Indonesia...
Hind sight, I do regret that I did not crochet the double edging and making it a bit longer!
You start off with 30 (40) squares 91 (121) chain stitches + 3 for the first double crochet.
This is it, rather simple for following this. 
One x is 4 double crochet each and the open squares are each with 1 double crochet and 2 chain stitches.

Hope somebody will be able to make use out of this.
I myself might have to crochet it again and also use the double edging!

Thanks for your visit.


  1. Dearest Mariette,
    thank you for sharing this beautiful Pattern for this wonderful Kitchen Curtain!
    For my first own flat I had, I made such curtains too for my tiny windows :O)
    The Rosepattern is beautiful!
    Wishing you a lovely week, my Dear,
    sending Love and hugs and blessings,
    Claudia xo

  2. Dat is lang geleden dat ik dit haakwerk heb gemaakt. Op een gegeven moment zat iedereen hier te haken en te breien. Ik heb eindeloze gordijnen gehaakt en truien gebreid. Ik doe het nu nooit meer, de hype is over.

  3. Lindo estes trabalhos, gosto bastante.
    Um abraço e continuação de uma boa semana.

  4. Lovely crochet work Mariette. I think you have to have a lot of patience to do this type of work.

  5. This is a lovely pattern, indeed! I only regret that I don't have the patience to crochet one for my kitchen!!
    Many hugs to you, dearest Mariette!!

  6. So very pretty, Dear Mariette! Thank you for sharing this! Hugs xo Karen

  7. Dearest Mariette!
    Your special Hibiscus has very special Blue Butter fry Bush.Hibiscus Blushing Bride has a very special in yours life in Italy.
    Hugs and Lots of Love both!

  8. Such beautiful pattern, Mariette! Some day, I should learn how to crochet :-)
    It's going to be another muggy day. Stay cool and happy Thursday!

  9. Dear Mariette,

    The lace curtain is so beautiful and lovely you have made this yourself.
    Thanks for sharing the pattern.
    Happy weekend

  10. Hach, diese Art der Gardinen kenne ich auch noch. Ich hätte auch immer gern solche gehäkelt, aber dafür hatte ich nie Zeit und Geduld. So blieb es bei dem frommen Wunsch bzw. kaufte ich früher einmal solche. Irgendwann paßten sie an den Fenstern unserer anderen Häuser nicht mehr und da gab ich sie wieder weg.
    Die Häkeleien, die man heute kaufen kann, sind nur noch aus dünnem Billig-Garn - gar kein Vergleich!
    Wunderschön, diese Rosen-Bordüre! Ja, mit der Doppel-Kante hätte es auch sehr schön ausgesehen, aber auch so ist Dein Vorhang wunderschön!

    Liebe Grüße auch hier

  11. São trabalhos manuais belos, com um resultado muito delicado. Gosto!


Thanks for your visit and comment.
