
Friday, August 5, 2016

{Do you know Quark?}

Of course most Dutch, German, Swiss, Austrian, French and Italian know about Quark.
But I wonder about people here in the USA or in Canada... Do you know Quark?
By the way, in Belgian it is called 'Platte Kaas'
In Austrian: 'Topfen'
In Hungarian: 'Tóró'
In French: 'Fromage Blanc' or 'Fromage blanc lissé'
In German: 'Quark'
In Italian: 'Quark'
In Dutch: 'Kwark'

When we had lunch at +Whole Foods Market in Savannah, in the end of October, we were thrilled to find they had our favorite dessert: QUARK!

I've used the plain Quark often for making dessert; Quark Torte.
At the time that we still traveled frequently to Europe, I came home with such Dr. Oetker Quark Torte... Makes one drool by the thought of it!

Often indeed a combination with Yoghurt and Quark
Just look for Google images: Dr. Oetker Quark Torte

It is quite different from the American Cheese Cake, a lot more like a Mousse I would say.

Wondering who knows this delicious dessert that pairs so well with fresh fruits!

Thanks for visiting.


  1. I know Quark from Germany too, but I've seen it here in Australia too.
    Ohhh Mariette, I do remember the Dr. Oetker Quark Torte from Germany, they were delicious!!! So much softer than cheesecake, like a mousse as you say.

  2. Oh, Mariette, I LOVE Quark, with herbs, with fruits, as Dessert and as Cake as well!
    Great post about a delicious and healthy food.
    Have a lovely weekend ahead, sending much Love and hugs and blessings,
    Claudia xo

  3. Liebe Mariette,

    das ist einladend und köstlich.

    Sonnige Grüße

  4. Wist niet dat het vooral in Nederand en Duistland etc. wordt gegeten en dacht dat het wel meer bekend zou zijn in andere landen .

    Ben bekend met de taarten . Groetjes,Joan

  5. Hallo liebe Mariette,
    bin nun wieder im Bloggerland und komme doch kurz bei dir vorbei.
    Ich liebe Quark vor allem mit Kräutern zu Kartoffeln. Aber mag gern auch mal ein Quarkdessert mit Früchten. Quark ist vielseitig zu gebrauchen...Aufläufe, Saucen, Dessert und sogar im Gesicht als Quarkmaske bei Nasennebenhöhlen-Schnupfen.

    Alles Liebe

  6. Heerlijk Mariette!
    Een fris dessert of taart.
    Lieve groet,

  7. Ja kwark is erg lekker, eet het vaak evenals yoghurt. De Dr.Oetker taarten heb ik vroeger ook veel gemaakt, maar je ziet ze niet zo vaak meer hier in de winkel. De cheese cake vind ik inderdaad ook niet zo lekker, krijg er altijd een beetje trekkerig gevoel van in mijn mond.

  8. Oh no I don't know ! But why ? lol
    Hugs dear Mariette

    1. Oh yes dear Nathalie, you do know it in France under 'Fromage blanc or Fromage blanc lissé'.
      Hugs to you,

  9. Heerlijk kwark! Tot voor kort hier in Griekenland niet te krijgen, ook niet bekend. Maar sinds kort breng LIDL kwark. Meteen gekocht!

  10. I've never heard of quark before so I had to google it! Sounds like it's not the same but similar to cottage cheese? How nice Whole Foods Market carries it. Quark Torte looks very yummy!

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      No it is not the same as cottage cheese as it is smooth and also a different taste.
      Most Americans will not know it I guess.

  11. I've like a fresh fruits eating very nice, but very small not eat that all ever!
    Today is a beautiful weather.
    hugs to you!

  12. I know 'fromage blanc' of course, and I have often heard about quark in the past, but did not know it was the same thing.
    Thanks for explaining, dear Mariette!
    And thanks for your comment about the Sacher Torte!!
    Many hugs and happy weekend!!!

  13. Dearest Mariette; I've never heard or seen quark, makes me wonder why not in Japan :-) I'm surprised to see you introduce us it's such world wide product♪

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

  14. I've not heard of this, but definitely think it would make a better cheesecake if it makes it more like mousse. Now, I like desserts, but cheesecake is one that has always felt too heavy and rich for me, so a lighter version would be nice.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
