
Wednesday, August 3, 2016

{Dreaming of BIG Pomegranates from our own...}

Just checked our baby Pomegranate trees (2) but they still are without any fruits...
End of October we were in Jacksonville, Florida at Costco Wholesale and the sight of their Pomegranates made me dream of BIG ones from our own!

Oh my, that would be really a DREAM come true!

Looking forward to the next crop from Costco...

Thanks for your visit!

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  1. OH MARiette,
    I love those fruits! And you got two liitle trees?
    I keep all my fingers crossed, you will soon get fruits from your own trees!
    Have a happy week,
    sending Love and hugs and blessings,
    Claudia xo

  2. il melograno è un simbolo di fortuna e abbondanza oltre che un ottimo frutto! Un abbraccio grande Lory

  3. Gret fruit, you did well to plant 2 trees!
    We had them in our South African garden, they are also very pretty!
    Sorry I don't come more regularly, I am in and out all the time!!
    Keep well Mariette and enjoy your day :)

  4. Liebe Mariette,

    das ist kein Traum, sondern Wirklichkeit.

    Alles Liebe

  5. Ohh those are big, yummy looking pomegranates! I guess at Costco, you always have a bountiful harvest :-) I sure hope your trees will have lots of fruits, too!

  6. Dearest Mariette,
    Oh my! You have pomegranates. I think we are too far north for them to survive!
    We have off and on showers today. Toes crossed you get rain soon..........*s*

  7. We also have a tree, but I think it's a wild one, as the fruit is usually dry and falls a lot from the tree before maturing.

  8. Bestimmt wird auch dein Baum irgendwann Früchte tragen. Ich freue mich jetzt schon für dich.
    Gruß, Anette

  9. Mariette, I'm dreaming the same. Do you know in Italy it's considered a luky fruit?
    Keep in touch,

  10. Ein eigener Granatapfelbaum wäre natürlich genial, liebe Mariette. Aber ich glaube, bei uns gedeihen diese Bäume nicht. Im Winterhalbjahr kaufe ich mir immer Granatäpfel.

    Liebe Grüße

  11. that is one fruit i do not really enjoy. hope you can grow your own, though.

  12. lovely pomegranate tree in near your home the Florida!
    You had a lovely swim these day..
    Hags and love both of you!

  13. Our three pomegranate trees are full of fruits this year, but of course they are still green and will never get as big as the ones you show us from Costco, but we look forward to harvest them towards November!.
    I guess your trees will give you some crop next year! Be patient...!
    Many hugs to you, dearest Mariette!

  14. Dearest Mariette; To tell the truth, I've never enjoyed this fruit. I'll try someday when I find ;-) Yes, sure hope your dream of BIG harvests of Pomegranates will come true☆☆☆
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

  15. ICH liebe GRANATAPFEL,,,,
    bei uns gibt es die gar nicht so lange,,,,
    war früher eher schwer zu bekommen,,,

    wünsche noch einen schönen ABEND
    und DANKE für die lieben WORTE bei mir
    BIS bald die BIRGIT


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