
Monday, August 15, 2016

{For Mom & Dad's Visit in 1996 We Tamed a Mockingbird}

Yes, for Mom & Dad's visit in 1996 we indeed did tame a Mockingbird!
Feeding it walnuts from a ramekin and luring it inside our veranda.
Step by step, literally up the steps, past the threshold (that was the scariest moment!) and into the veranda onto the tiles.
This was the sight from our bay window area in the kitchen on Thursday morning, March 21 in 1996!
Poor quality photo, but it still shows enough about the special bond.
Not only did a Mockingbird come inside, but also a Brown thrasher, a Carolina wren and a Squirrel!

Dad told us the first morning that he did not believe his eyes, he wanted to pinch himself for making sure he was not dreaming...

We were quite successful pulling this off with only a bit of practice for a couple of weeks.

Once we sat the door open and called them, they would come in.

Pieces of nut flying in all directions.

Since we have cats, of course we no longer could continue doing this!

For those in Europe that don't know a Mockingbird.
It is often also called the American Nightingale, as it has quite a repertoire, singing and mocking other song birds!
We love them, they're such happy singers.
Also love the Brown Thrashers, they're like gardeners and you can see specks of soil etc. literally flying when they search for worms and insects.

Hope you enjoyed this photo about one of our tamed Garden Critters!

Related link:
Carolina Wren on Pieter's Arm | to show you how tame they were!


  1. Liebe Mariette,

    das ist ein sehr interessanter Post.

    Sonnige Sonntagssgrüße

  2. Dat is leuk dat ze binnenkomen, maar met katten inderdaad niet zo handig.Ik had eens een jong vogeltje gered van de kat hier, toen kwam hij wankelend op de drempel staan, terwijl ik net de kat naar binnen had gebracht.Kon nog net een moordpartij voorkomen....

  3. Muito lindo e bem domado este belo pássaro.
    Um abraço e bom Domingo.

  4. So cute Mariette! I imagine your parents were thrilled with the birds.
    The other day I was at a coffee shop with some friends and there were little birds inside - "willy wagtails" - eating crumbs from the floor. It's so special when the birds aren't scared of people.

  5. My dearest Mariette, I think it's a memory you will always treasure, specially remembering your dad's sweet reaction and hey! I would have felt just like him too, as I think this is an amazing story... and yes, you did tamed the cute mockingbird.
    When we went to Galapagos Islands a few years ago, all kind of little friendly and adorable little birds would just step into our lunch table and eat the bread crumbs or even into the finished plates.
    Thank you for sharing this lovely story.

  6. Dear Mariette, this is such a sweet story and happy memory of a time with your beloved Mother and Father. I'm sure those little birds felt your kind hearts and knew they were safe. Love that you snapped a photo! Hugs xo K

  7. That was a very cute picture! I love mockingbirds, they are so feisty. There was one that came to the top of our spruce tree to sing sometimes for several years in a row. He did all kinds of other birds' songs, plus his own little interpretation of what sounded like a car alarm. Many times when the mockingbird and his mate had a nest, they would not even allow our old cat to walk across the yard. They always attacked him from behind, swooping down and sometimes making hard contact, because Max the cat would jump when that happened. The cat was always ready to come back in really soon when the mockingbirds were on the warpath.

  8. Dearest Mariette; Wow, you sure must have made your father and mother happy and what a sweet memory to treasure(♡^.^♡) I wish I could have a chance to see mockingbirds and even tame them :-)
    As we had "Obon season" to think our late families, this topic made me think about fond memories with them♪♪♪
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

  9. How wonderful that is! I'm sure you surprised your parents. I love it!

  10. Oh very funny and superb memory !!!
    Hugs dear Mariette

  11. When I saw the title, I thought it was a metaphor. How cool you got to tame the mockingbird! And brown thrasher and squirrel. That's great picture. I would want to pinch myself if I saw that, too :-)

  12. Que lindo. Com carinho e alimento se conquista esses belos pássaros. Boas recordaçoes.
    Tenha uma ótima semana.

  13. Dearest Mariette,
    Your Father and Mum indeed of sweet of tama mocking bird that special Brown thresher squirrel!
    Also called the American mockingbirds.
    We has cold morning and ONLY nice weather one's..more raining.

  14. Cute! Mocking birds are our state birds. They are most interesting birds and can be pretty bossy.

  15. Almost incredible! How lucky you were to be able to tame this bird and the squirrel!!!
    That is a very sweet memory with your parents, you are sharing here, dear Mariette!!!
    Sorry I haven't visited for a while but days around August 15th were very busy with family and friends visits. The Assumption of the Virgin Mary, the name day for most if not all girls and women named Mary or Marie, is a very big celebration in Greece, it is even called the "Summer Easter".
    Many hugs to you!!!!


Thanks for your visit and comment.
