
Saturday, September 24, 2016

{Back Home from a Wedding in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France}

Sorry for having been Missing In Action...
But we went to Europe on September 3 and back on September 20 at 1:00 AM.
The main reason for this trip was a Wedding in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France.
The daughter of our friends got married with a Frenchman, who studied and lives in the USA.
But it was a delight to be in the South East of France and getting to know his family.
Yes, I've driven this Renault Captur for 4,134 km
Good thing that at BB&L Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam, they have no limits for km driven!
Here we arrived at HOSTELLERIE DE L'ABBAYE in Thoronet for the Rehearsal Dinner.
For the romantic occasion, I did wear my silk Escada Rose dress for 'La Vie en Rose'... together with the Escada Pearls choker.
It was very warm, 34ºC so I did tie my silk shawl around my evening bag instead of draping it around my shoulders. 
Absolutely no need for that!
Here I was tying my shawl around the evening bag.
At L'ABBAYE Le Thoronet, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur in France
This is a Google view of where the ancient Abbaye from above is located.
Yes, in the very South East of France...
Driving back, I went via Switzerland and Germany...
Visiting friends and of course before we drove to France, I already visited my Dad and also the rest of the family.
CitizenM click it
Dropping off our BB and L rental car and staying for the night at the BEST hotel near Departure, just walking the covered walkway to and from CitizenM

Thanks for stopping by and I will visit you soon again!


  1. Dearest Mariette,
    wow, you did such a long drive ..and you went through Germany ... I wihs, I would have known this before ;O)
    You look wonderful in your red dress!
    Wishing you a happy and joyful weekend,
    sending Love and Hugs and blessings, Claudia xo

  2. Hello Mariette, You look great as always. Glad you had a wonderful trip.

  3. Liebe Mariette,

    das ist bezaubernd.

    Sonnige Grüße

  4. Cote d'azur via horst, wat een heerlijke tocht! 😁

  5. Dear Mariette - You look lovely against that soft golden September backdrop of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur. It sounds as if you had a wonderful time - I shall look forward to seeing more.

  6. Lindo a minha amiga Mariette em grande estilo e classe.
    Um abraço e bom fim-de-semana.

  7. Dat was een lange autotocht helemaal naar het zuiden! Maar wel leuk naar Zuid Frankrijk, geweldig. Het is daar zo mooi.

  8. Hello Mariette
    Superb trip !!!! PACA it's a very beautiful region.

  9. Oh dear! I wish I could be in that area again!!!!! I have been to Thoronet, as two of my cousins live very close by at Saint Maximin and Brignoles!!!! Lucky you!!! You must have had a wonderful time, both at the wedding (you look gorgeous!) and also visiting your dad and friends and driving through so many places!!!!
    Many hugs to you, dearest Mariette!!!!

  10. Dearest Mariette,
    A Back home from a wedding in provence-Alpes-Coto Beautiful silk escade Rose dress Lavie an Rose you had east in of saint Maximin and brignolen..Amsterdam.I could helping you in Japan....
    Hugs to both of Love always,

  11. Hello dear Mariette,
    Yes indeed what trip! I am happy you enjoyed it so much.
    Sorry I was quite far away at the time, it would have been lovely to meet you!
    You look stunning in that pink dress! :)
    It must have been quite a mmoment to reunite with your family.
    Warm hugs and enjoy your weekend!

  12. Hello Marietta,
    what a big tour through the Netherlands, France, Switzerland and Germany. You have visited great places, especially the south of France is amazing !
    Have a great weekend, Marietta.
    Best, Synnöve

  13. Dearest Mariette,
    How wonderful to have a joyful mini visit!
    And your dress is fantastic!
    Enjoy the week end...............*s*

  14. how very nice to be able to attend and help them celebrate!

  15. Liebe Mariette,
    eine tolle Reise habt Ihr durch Europa gemacht und Du siehst sehr schick aus in Deinem roten Kleid, einfach toll!
    Auch ich musste lächeln, als Du mir in Deinem Kommentar davon erzähltest, dass auch ich, genau wie Du, ägyptische Füße habe, wunderbar!! Ich freue mich, dass Du so viel Interessantes mit uns teilst!!

    Es ist Herbst bei uns in Ostfriesland, aber die Sonne scheint und es ist tagsüber immer noch warm,
    ich genieße diese Zeit im Garten.
    Viele liebe Grüße nach Georgia
    von Traudi

  16. I am envious! I love France, especially Provence. You two did a lot of driving! You sure did look pretty in that dress..

  17. Hej Mariette, wat zie je er prachtig uit en op een fantastische locatie in Frankrijk. Fijn dat je dit met familiebezoek kon combineren. Je had ook veel geluk met het mooie weer. Wij genieten er nog steeds van. Fijn weekend, lieve groet

  18. Oh, Ihr wart verreist, liebe Mariette? Wie schön, daß Ihr diese Möglichkeiten habt! Und die ganze Strecke mit dem Auto? Dafür braucht man Nerven! Der Verkehr ist ja nicht ganz ohne, besonders auf den Autobahnen. So weit fahren wir nicht einmal mehr mit dem Auto. Nur noch mit der Bahn.
    Dein Kleid steht Dir wunderbar! Und es ist doch erstaunlich, wie warm es noch ist! Auch heute tagsüber war es bei uns ziemlich warm.

    Liebe Grüße und noch einen schönen Sonntag!

  19. Congratulations to your friends' daughter on wedding! How nice you traveled to France for such a happy occasion, and also visited your family. You look stunning in your dress!

  20. Ciao Mariette, felice per te!Sei bellissima,bacioni,Rosetta

  21. I have so many beautiful memories of weddings in France (family and friends), and this brought back so many of them. Just beautiful, Mariette.

    Gros bisous,

  22. Dearest Mariette; Oh, Happy trip to France and Congratulations on your friends' daughter's wedding! You look stunning with the gorgeous dress♡♡♡ Must have been WONDERFUL memories♪
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

  23. So exciting to be invited to a wedding in the south of France, my dear Mariette! You look lovely in your pretty dress, too. Sounds like a wonderful dream......Best wishes to the happy couple! Hugs xo Karen


Thanks for your visit and comment.
