
Sunday, September 11, 2016

{Sweet Potato Spaghetti}

Once more I did use one of blogger friend Daphne's practical and delicious recipes.
On the blog, Ivy, Phyllis and Me! you find: SWEET POTATO SPAGHETTI ←click it.
Haha, I had almost eaten my salmon before I thought of making a photo...
A simple supper with cole slaw, sweet potato spaghetti and salmon.
Here husband Pieter is doing the hard work...
And yes, on Amazon I did find me the exact same Spiral Slicer that Daphne showed in her blog! LOVE it.
Just click the above hyperlink..
It looks really funny when you make this for the very first time!
Just drizzle with some olive oil and put it into the oven for 10 minutes on 180°C (356 °F) 
than toss a bit and put back in the oven for 5 more minutes.
I've left it in just for 15 minutes straight...

Hope you enjoyed this unusual dish and will give it a try as well!


  1. Hello Mariette, That looks like a fun gadget for the kitchen. My Kitchen-Aid mixer used to have attachments similar to these which were quite useful, but I'm not sure that they made strips so long.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      This indeed was a great tip from a UK blogger and I'm lucky for being able to find it in the USA!
      The length of these strips is quite long, compared to other gadgets we already had.

  2. Liebe Mariette,

    von meinem Besuch bei dir,
    bleiben Sonntagsgrüße hier.


  3. Dear Mariettte - I have never thought to do this with sweet potato so will give it a try. I usually cut them up into small chip shapes, which is a bit time consuming and the potatoes are quite hard to cut. I then do the same as you by drizzling some olive oil, but also sprinkle a little chilli and cummin on them too.

  4. Wow, what a fun and healthy spaghetti! I love sweet potato! That's a cool slicer. Must be nice to have one in kitchen :-)
    Yesterday, we had salmon, too, with steamed veggie and rice. Now I crave sweet potato :-)

  5. Funny diner Mariette
    Do you know the Spaghetti squash ?
    Hugs dear Mariette

    1. Dearest Nathalie,
      Yes, a dear friend of mine did make the Spaghetti Squash for us and I liked that very much.
      It makes for healthy meals.

  6. Quite a handy gadget, you have there, Mariette. Thank you for the recipe - it looks delicious! <3

  7. Deaerst Mariette,
    this is a wonderful helper in the kitchen! One day, I will get one too ;O)
    Looks so delicious!
    Happy nwe week to you,
    Love, hugs and blessings, Claudia xo

  8. Molto interessate questa ricetta. Per me che sono italiana, e gli spaghetti sono "religione", mi incuriosisce moltissimo questa variante di spaghetti.Un abbraccio. Paola

  9. Good Afternoon Mariette, I am so sorry that I missed this post. How brilliant that you enjoyed using the spiralizer. Shall I let you into a little secret, just like Pieter, George spiralizes as well. I find this such a quick meal to make for supper and it is such a wonderful way to use sweet potato.
    Thank you for letting people know, that you saw the recipe on my blog, that was very kind of you.
    Have a lovely day today.
    Best Wishes


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