
Saturday, September 10, 2016

{Toadstools Recycling Dead Trees}

If you have a huge garden like we have, than there are dead trees, fallen limbs and what not.
Mother Nature does take care of all of it by recycling those dead trees!
Yes, toadstools can break down the lignine from trees!
Walking through our wood garden, we find lots of toadstools or mushrooms.
Husband Pieter made all these photos while making such a walk.
It is quite amazing to see how the toadstools are the last in Mother Nature's cycle for doing its work. No creature can actually 'eat' trees.
Those toadstools do decompose tree trunks and you can often observe different varieties of mushroom attacking it simultaneously.
These look even beautiful!

Thanks for your visit!

Related link:
{Pleurotus Ostreatus in Wood Garden Provided Meal} | previous post by me


  1. Hello dear friend Mariette:
    This post is very interesting, have never seen so many mushrooms in a tree like that, these pictures are really great, and it seems autumn is just around the corner.

    I have a question....I noticed you use a lot the bracket symbol, on your title posts, is this helpful to attract more audience to your blog? And as you have seen already, I deleted my previous blogs, for some reason I got hacked again; so, anyways, I open a new one, but this time I want to keep it simple, everything in just one place, and it will be easier to manage it instead to have 3 blogs.

    Send both of you a big hug, from me and Don. <3

  2. Liebe Mariette,

    besten Dank für deinen interessanten Post.

    Sonnige Grüße

  3. Hello Mariette, Yes, the fungi do an important job in breaking down dead trees. Looking closely, we can see what a beautiful process they make of this. You and Pieter are luckier than most, because you can identify and understand in great detail what is taking place.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      You are right about that, fungi play a very important role in recycling the products of mother nature.
      Some of those mushrooms are edible and even very tasteful.
      It is not so much a question of being lucky, it just was our profession.
      Kind regards,
      Mariette & Pieter

  4. Lovely pictures Mariette, I don't think I had ever seen such a thing.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  5. Estas formações de fungos são espectaculares.
    Um abraço e bom fim-de-semana.

  6. Dearest Mariette,
    wonderful pictures! Those trees and the toadstools remind me of a presentation, I had to do in school .... my uncle was a forester in this time, and he brought my lots of examples from school. This was a great day for me and I got a really good grading ;O)
    Makes me happy to think about those days, when I was a joung girl ... thank you :O)
    Happy weekend to you and Pieter,
    Love and hugs and blessings, Claudia xo

  7. Those are beautiful pictues! Toadstools are totally making fine art on dead trees :-)
    Happy Friday and have a lovely weekend!

  8. Hello dear Mariette,
    Lovely photos of nature recycling!
    I thnk mushromms are extraordinary and do a great job, they are too often overlooked!
    Great post, it will soon be time to collect some nice edible ones!
    Keep well and enjoy your weekend :)


Thanks for your visit and comment.
