
Wednesday, December 7, 2016

{Adding Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and YouTube Tabbs to FB Page}

Okay, in my previous post: {How do I add a SHOP Section to my FB Page?}, I did promise you the tutorial about how to Add FB Page Apps for Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and YouTube.
As seen above, on my own FB Page Mariettes' Back to Basics
It is EASY + FREE!

Click here: Make it work together Facebook Page Tabs then click on: Features at the top 
 Next you scroll down to:

Isn't that easy? 
You just follow the demands and you're all set! 
Hope you enjoyed this Tutorial.

Thanks for your visit and wishing my Dutch readers a Happy Sinterklaas or Saint Nicholas for visitors from The Netherlands living in the USA or elsewhere!


  1. Dearest Mariette,
    thanks for those infos! I just will start with pinterest, so I collect all news I can get ;O)
    Have a Happy Sinterklaas too!
    love and hugs, Claudia xo

  2. Hello Mariette, Congratulations for figuring it all out. With Blogger, adding new features can be cumbersome, as there is little instruction out there. Also, they have a disconcerting way of introducing an interesting new feature, then retracting it a couple of years later, leaving a nice hole in your blog. So once it seems working, I usually leave it alone.

  3. Liebe Mariette,

    vielen Dank für deine guten Informationen.

    Sonnige Grüße

  4. Thank you for sharing another info.
    I've been thinking about starting Twitter some time now, but haven't done yet. Maybe in a few years...haha.

  5. Olá,
    adorei, ainda tenho muito que aprender para usar a internet. obrigada pelas dicas.
    Bjos tenha uma ótima semana.

  6. Dear Mariette,

    Thank you for sharing the tutorial - can be a little confusing trying to work out how things work.
    Happy Sinterklass

  7. Dear Mariette,
    Fb page and face book education and everything they have in the spoil rotten westan world appreciate more anthers states what a difference your making education and everything Face page Apps easy.
    We had hot weather time not raining too much.
    Have a nice day!


Thanks for your visit and comment.
