
Friday, December 9, 2016

{Vintage Religious Paper Lace from France and Immaculate Conception}

December 8, is officially the feast of Immaculate Conception and since this is also the name of our R.C. Church here in Dublin, Georgia, I would love to share this little treasure.
This beautiful Religious Paper Lace, I bought in the medieval town of Tours, France.
Strolling alongside Place Plumerau I found it!
Also I enjoyed lunch on my own at a 16th Century Restaurant, while husband Pieter was conducting business with his French mushroom colleagues.
We were staying on Tuesday October 28 and Wednesday, October 29 of 1986 at the LOGIS HÔTEL DES CHÂTEAUX DE LA LOIRE in FRANCE where we could walk right into the center of the old town VIEUX TOURS.
Immacolata Concezione
O! Maria giglio immacolato di purezza, tripudio di gioia, pensando che dai primi istanti della vostra solenne concezione, foste ricolma di grazie e preservata da ogni macchia di peccato. Rosa mistica d'innocenza e d'amore, gloriosa trionfatrice dell'infernale serpente, specchio di virtù, astro luminoso che foste causa della salvezza del genere umano; le Grazie che vi furono concesse nel momento della vostra immacolata concezione, sorpassano tutte quelle che ebbero i santi ed i beati del cielo. Voi siete o Maria, un arca d'alleanza, una fonte sempre limpida lo di cui acque non vennero mai intorbidate, un giardino sempre chiuso all'antico serpente al quale avete vittoriosamente schiacciato la testa, voi siete il flore il più bello, il più suave, che sorge e s'innalza in mezzo alle spine. Cosi sia.
Lamarche, 207 editore, Paris.

Translated from the Italian above:
Immaculate Conception
Oh! Mary Immaculate Lily of purity, riot of joy, thinking that from the earliest moments of your solemn conception, you were full of thanks and preserved from all stain of sin. Mystical rose of innocence and love, glorious triumphant of the infernal serpent, mirror of virtue, luminous star that you were because of the salvation of mankind; the graces that were granted at the time of your immaculate conception, you surpass all saints and blessed ones in heaven. You are oh Mary, an Ark of the Covenant, a source of always clear waters in which never can become muddy, a garden always closed to the old serpent which head you have successfully crushed, you are the most beautiful flower, the most soft, one that rises and is raised in the midst of the thorns. So be it.
Lamarche, 207 Publisher, Paris.
Such Vintage Religious Paper Lace is a treasure in itself!
It seems that this has been created from the 13th Century on, by French nuns at first, and cut out of parchment.
In French it is called Canivet, Christian iconography.
It became quite popular in the 17th Century.
Many old pieces are still available, for the collector.

Hope you enjoyed this piece of history.
Thanks for your visit!

Wishing you a meaningful Advent Season.


  1. Dearest Mariette,
    this paperlace really is a nice treasure!
    Wishing you a wonderful rest of the week, Christmas is coming closer, time is runnig so quick ...
    Sending Love and hugs and blessings,
    Claudia xo

  2. Liebe Mariette,

    von meinem Besuch bei dir,
    bleiben liebe Grüße hier.


  3. Liebe Mariette,
    da hast du einen besonderen Schatz, Gefällt auch mir sehr
    Einen guten Donnerstag wünscht dir

  4. Dearest Mariette,
    Pieter was conduction business with his France Mushroom colleagues. Mariette's paper lace from France and Immaculate,conception.
    Hugs and love from both of you!

  5. Our mementos become treasures.....A Very Merry Christmas to you and Pieter.

  6. Wow, it sounds very special! What a treasure you found :-)
    Also Tours looks like a lovely place to visit. It's been decades since I travelled France but I'd love to go back there some day!

  7. Hello, Mariette,
    You have so many lovely memories! The lace paper is beautiful.
    Merry Christmas to you!

  8. Beautiful paper lace. You mentioning Tours reminded me of my school days. We had to study Le Curé de Tours by Honore de Balzac.

    God bless.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
