
Friday, April 28, 2017

Our Bletilla Striata Alba Orchids After Winter Inside Greenhouse

Even plants can show their happiness!
Before they used to live for 20 years in our wood garden but the competition with huge trees was fierce.
So Pieter dug them up and planted them in pots, you can find the link below post.
They were very happy inside our Greenhouse extension that Pieter built.
Blooming rather early but I could not make photos as I couldn't get inside, past some citrus trees in pots.
On March 8, I could get to them as Pieter already had hauled the first half of pots outside.
Looking very healthy and happy!
Some already started to wilt, they were over their peak already.
But both of us were very happy with their performance!

Do you also enjoy plants that show happiness?

Related links:
{Our Bletilla Striata Alba Orchid native to Japan and China} | previous post by me
{Our Bletilla Striata Alba Orchids now Happily in Pots} | previous post by me
{SHATTERED Winter Dreams...} | previous post by me showing the greenhouse extension


  1. Dearest Mariette,
    your Orchids war wonderful! Good to have a greenhouse!
    Happy week to you,
    Love and hugs and blessings, Claudia xo

  2. Liebe Mariette,

    deine schöne Blütenpracht erfreut mich.

    Sonnige Grüße

  3. il tuo giardino è meraviglioso. Ti abbraccio e ti auguro un buon fine settimana Lory

  4. Liebe Mariette,
    diese Blütenpracht ist immer wieder schön anzusehen.
    Eine angenehmen Resttag wünscht Dir

  5. Good afternoon Mariette, How wonderful to have had the opportunity to grow orchids in your wondland. I adore orchids and grow them on my windowsill in the kitchen. Mine are the common Phalaenopsis, which can be bought in garden centres, but I love them all the same and when they are in flower they really make me happy and bring a smile to my face.
    You must be so happy to have a greenhouse to over winter your beautiful orchids. The flowers are beautiful.
    With Warmest wishes.

  6. Good Morning Mariette San!
    May be people will look at my blog and would be able to help these teams what your Pieter built green house. You had stared going through past citrus trees posts..I had on very same way 2006!
    When first on March 8 was very healthy with happy so much.
    We had rains most of every day.
    Hugs and Love from both of you.
    Mariette and Pieter.

  7. Like many people, I love flowers. Your orchids look healthy and beautiful, Mariette! Nothing beats the beauty of Mother Nature. You have such a great eye for taking pictures. Lots of pretties!

  8. What beautiful orchids! Surrounded in huge trees, it's hard to compete indeed. They look very happy in private pots :-)


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