
Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Our Japanese Magnolias got Twice New Leaves

We all know how strong Mother Nature can be...
But this is the very first time that we see Our Japanese Magnolias,  Magnolia x soulangeana, getting TWICE New Leaves!
Such a dreary sight on March 31; ALL leaves turned brown...
That is after the frost on March 16.
They were blooming already on January 27, extremely early.
We both were hoping that the entire tree would not die...
No hope, all are brown and wilting away!
Strange enough, there are even some flower buds on this branch below.
On April 18, you can see all new leaves, still some of the frozen brown ones hanging on.
In a bit more than one month since the frost damage!
That looks like a miracle.
We are very happy with this sight; a gift from our Creator!

Happy Spring.

Thank you for your visit.
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  1. So nice to see that it survived and is coming back to life once again.

  2. Dearest MAriette,
    this is great, that new leaves are coming! Mother Nature is great :O)
    WE had frost too and our Japanes red Ahorn got brown leaves too ...but I hope, he will recover again! We have this tree for many years,so I think, he is strong enough!
    Happy week to you,
    sending Love and hugs and blessings, Claudia xo

  3. Liebe Mariette,


    Alles Liebe

  4. Tjee... 2 keer... wat een extreem weer kunnen jullie daar hebben. Maar dat is hier ook steeds vaker het geval...hier vorige week ook heel veel bevroren met een flinke nachtvorst... Je stelt me met deze post dus komen dus nieuwe bladeren aan. En dan hoop ik niet dat het hier ook een 2e keer zo hard gaat vriezen..

  5. Dearest Mariette,
    Trees are amazing plants. After the devastation of caterpillars last summer our trees all released. There is something encouraging and life affirming when trees an other plants rebound!
    Your yard looks lovely..........*s*

  6. The miracle of nature. It's wonderful that the magnolia survived the frost. Enjoy the new blooms Mariette.

  7. What a beautiful Japanese Magnolia tree, Mariette. I don't know they existed!

    When I was a child, we had a regular magnolia tree in our backyard. Although it is beautiful and stays green all year around, it is high maintanence all year around. My father did lots of racking to keep our backyard tidy: in the summer, fall, winter, and spring -- it was leaves. Late summer -- it was long, turning brown flower pedals. Winter -- it was cones and little red seeds. When a bank downtown in our city put a row of magnolias in front of their building front, my father turned to me and said, "They have no idea what they're getting into!"

    Sadly after more than 40 years (the tree came before us), it unexpectively died. Don't know why.

  8. Wow, look at the difference between March 31 and April 18. Amazing how nature can be so strong! Your Japanese Magnolia is gorgeous. I hope it will flourish and bring more new leaves :-) Trees around here are getting very lush, too. It's such a beautiful time of the year!

  9. What a surprise !!!! Nature is God.
    Hugs dear Mariette

  10. Liebe Mariette,
    es ist schon erstaunlich, dass die Mutter Natur sehr schnell wieder gutmacht
    was kaputt ist. Der Frost hat auch hier bei uns sehr viel verdorben. Vor allen
    Dingen die Weinbauern haben zu klagen.
    Einen angenehmen Wochenteiler wünscht dir

  11. ello Mariette, magnolia is a survivor of the changing weather! Regards! ROse M

  12. Dearest Mariette,
    You had nice of celebration the Japanes red Magonoleas had brown leaves too, it was time of beautiful years. Your Mum's has the Magnolia!
    You had lovely time.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
