
Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Fragrant Hosta Guacamole

We have had quite some rain this summer and one of the shade plants that just LOVE plenty of rain is the Hosta. We got a variety of fragrant ones.
This is our Fragrant Hosta Guacamole
We obtained this one from but they no longer have this to offer.
Color changes with the light from the sun.
So many new buds at the top...
Here you see the entire Hosta Guacamole plant.
Love its seersucker-like leaves with the dark edging.
This is a clipping that we saved from Wayside Gardens catalog when we ordered it.
At present, our other favorite garden plants supplier White Flower Gardens is listing it.

Are you enjoying some fragrant Hostas in your garden?

Thanks for your visit and comment.

Related link:
{Our Fragrant Hosta Flowers} | previous post by me

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Verbena Lanai Blush White

On May 13, our trailing Verbena Lanai Blush White were looking their best!
Our little silver rose vase filled with them. 
And on June 1, we had this in our Fiberglass Window Boxes alongside the driveway.
They are not quite as happy in the extreme heat.
As of today, they almost are getting drowned with severe thunderstorms and torrential rains.
That's the outlook for the coming days...
We got ours from
Hope you have a lovely new week coming your way.

Thanks for your visit and comment!

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Southern Summer & Gardenia Delight

Southern Summer & Gardenia Delight go hand in hand!
Nothing is more lovely when we see our Gardenias blooming again.
Here in the South, it is already quite hot in May!
Husband Pieter did bring me this romantic vase with Gardenias in Mid May...
Just placed it on the shelf in my office, in front of a brass plate.
Wish I could share the perfume!

Thanks for your visit and comment.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Variegated Yucca Lily Blooming

Already on May 11, our two Variegated Yucca Lilies showed their long stem with buds!
Anxious we were awaiting for those gorgeous Yucca Lilies to open up.
 Those Yucca Lily Blooms were very rewarding to see on May 23, even in the rain...
Exciting view on May 11...
Both, pots and plants are from Home Depot.
A dreary, rainy day on May 23 but they still looked majestic!
They lovely flank our walkway to the front door.
Those rain drops even look pretty.
All photos are made by husband Pieter!
Waiting another day till May 24 but still rain...
In the background you see our Magnolia Grandiflora 'Namnetensis Flore Pleno' in full bloom also.
Still full with rain drops!
As backdrop you now see the other Magnolia Grandiflora and the road.
We sure hope they will bloom again and maybe the sun will shine!

Thanks for your visit and comment.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Magnolia Blossom Time

A bit late for posting these photos but our special French Magnolia Grandiflora 'Namnetensis Flore Pleno' still is blooming right now!
Husband Pieter took these photos in June.
You have to be lucky for finding blossoms low enough to photograph!
This variety is also fragrant!

Thanks for your visits and comments.

Related post:

Monday, July 3, 2017

Would LOVE to Reincarnate as Fur Baby...

Well, especially for our spoiled Fur Babies.
That's why I would LOVE to Reincarnate as Fur Baby...
Our tiny Tiggy-Tiger is a hyper girl and she loves to find some sun puddles after breakfast.
On top of her SOFT blankies...
Love that NOSE of her!
Looking almost edible to me...
Closing her eyes and dreaming of mousies...
Isn't she adorable?!

Oh, such a spoiled stinker!
Kneading her blanky...
Her brother Bandido (Dido) all curled up on THEIR special cushion, on top of a chair with some sun puddles of course!
Mom, how dare you wake me up!
Dido is giving me that 'LOOK'...
Their sister by adoption 'Speckie' is more content with eating a FULL meal and than napping on her special padded pillow.
She too is giving me that look of WHY disturbing my nap time?!
She does always do the dishes; that means licking out every crumb or morsel of all six cat bowls and that twice a day!
Hence her FAT body but she's happy just doing that! 
Letting one of her legs just hang...
Mom, put that camera away!

And such is the life of our Fur Babies so I really would love to reincarnate as one.
Don't you want that too some times?!

Thanks for your visits and comments.