
Monday, August 14, 2017

Tiggy Dreaming of and ALMOST Tasting a Birdie...

It is such a WET Monsoon here in the Heart of Georgia... Oh my!
Need to build an ARK soon.
On May 21, it was so pleasant on the balcony, together with my tiny Tiggy-Tiger girl.
She is 10 years but looks like a kitten, also her weight is like that of a kitten.
SUPER smart and FAST!
While I was reading magazines, she was watching a BIRDIE...
Birdie sat in one of our Italian Cypress trees.
Oh, how Tiggy would love to CATCH that Birdie!
Following it everywhere...
If only Tiggy could fly too!
Mom, Birdies TASTE so good...
Far better than my next cat-supper...
Oh and Birdie is CALLING me too...
Mom, your magazines are not as much fun as my Birdie!
Mom, Birdie tastes DELICIOUS!!!
Yeah, Mom will bribe me with a treat instead...

Being a Feline is so TOUGH...

Do you enjoy your feline fur babies?

Thanks for visiting and commenting!


  1. Dearest MAriette,
    thank you for those so sweet pictrues from Tiggy! She is such a Beauty!
    It really is hard, to resist their gaze ;O)
    And, yes, I enjoy our cat every moment, every day!
    Have a lovely rest of the week,
    sending Love and hugs and blessings, Claudia xo

  2. Liebe Mariette,

    das ist beeinruckend.

    Alles Liebe

  3. Dearest Mariette; Oh, your sweet Tiggy-Tiger girl looks so GORGEOUS♪ I enjoyed reading what she must have thought (or caption)♡♡♡ Love her adorable eyes following bird. I've never had a cat but they sure will be the good companion.
    Thank you SO much for your sweet comments, Dear friend. We had a really refreshing rain yesterday while having record high temperature.
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend, xoxo Miyako*

  4. Cats can keep their own world even though they live with two-leg animals. Thanks for sharing some phases of the world.

  5. Your Tiggy is so cute Mariette. She's quite similar to a cat we had in Portugal and then my daughter took to Amsterdam who was also quite a small cat. She died 2 years ago and she was about 16 or 17 years old. My 3 cats will be 10 in September, but even though they've lost a lot of weight on their diet food they are still not as elegant as your Tiggy :)

  6. Tiggy is such a pretty girl! She does look like a kitten. Looks like she had tons of fun watching the birdies and could almost taste them :-) My boys love watching the birds, too. Goro tries to catch them, even though he is inside the house :-)
    It's been very rainy here, too. Have a great day, Mariette!

  7. Liebe Mariette,
    was für eine schön gezeichnete und aufmerksam guckende Tiggy habt Ihr. Ich musste schmunzeln beim Lesen Deiner schönen Geschichte, wie gut, dass sie kein Birdie bekommen hat. Ich finde Katzen wunderschön, kann aber leider keine halten wegen meiner Katzenallergie.

    Liebe Grüße von Traudi.♥

  8. Dear Mariette - Tiggy is such a lovely cat, and you have caught her story beautifully - we don't have a cat as we travel so much, but we do have a lovely cat 'by proxy' who is always visiting us for a scratch and a cuddle.

  9. Beautiful pictures you made to your tiger. For the birds, let's just look better and not hunt for them. * Thank you for thinking well about my surgery. Regards.

  10. Enjoyed watching T iffy lust after that delicious bird. Great shots. Have a nice weekend.

  11. Dearest Mariette,
    She was lovely choice of catch that Birdies sat in one of your Italian cypress trees and catch the birdie,Mum Bride tastes Delicious.
    I think you love Cat's so much but not in Dogs? Have a nice weekend The both of Mariette San,
    We had most of rains day. Michiko

  12. Vermakelijke fotoserie van Tiggy!
    Fijn weekend, lieve groet

  13. Hi Mariette,

    Tiggy has plenty of personality and the photos of her are gorgeous! I hope the birds don't fly too low. They wouldn't stand a chance. I see determination in those big green eyes! She seems like an excellent reading companion.

  14. She is gorgeous! Such beautiful pictures. Really captures all her thoughts on the presence of that birdie. :)

  15. Our kitty is indoor only, but she enjoys sitting at the back door and watching the bird feeders. Great pictures of your beautiful cat! xo

  16. This was beyond adorable, Mariette. Tiggy knows tasty when she sees it. Birds are the perfect cat food containing all the nutrients they need. It's the way nature has arranged things. Don't argue with Mother Nature. She can be very cranky.

    Gros bisous, ma chère amie,


  17. Dearest Mariette,
    My daughter loves the whole picture episode of Tiggy and how she got distracted with the treat you gave her. This makes a great picture book. Thanks.

  18. Dear Mariette,

    How wonderful to see the sweet photos of Tiggy ( gorgeous cat) Our cats used to love sitting watching the birds in the trees too and thankfully they were not able to get to them.
    Do hope you have a lovely new week

  19. Good Morning Mariette, You have captured some wonderful photographs of Tiggy, she is really beautiful. I was so surprised to read that she is 10 years old, because as you say, she looks like a kitten.
    She was so engrossed watching the bird that she didn't take any notice of you taking all these lovely photographs.
    A nice beginning to my Monday morning.
    Best Wishes to you.

  20. Hello, Dear Mariette. Your sweet Tiggy is a beauty and you have taken some wonderful photos of her as she dreams of a birdy dinner! Her eyes are mesmerizing as she watches that little birdy's every move! I have my own little tiger kitty, too. She is 18 years now, so I am cherishing every day. Sending hugs to you and Tiggy. xo Karen

  21. I love seeing Tiggy! I love the pictures too. They are well taken and those alone with only the title Birdie would have told the story. :-) Such enjoyment I had seeing and reading.

    By the way, I have always noticed your gazebo. I have some nice European cherry tea. Shall I bring that, and a tea pot and we have a hot cuppa? The cats can join us.

  22. I see I already left a comment on this post that you shared recently. I've been trying to think of names for some of the kitties that I regularly see so that I can at least build a relationship with them. I hadn't remembered that you have a sweet Tiggy. :)


Thanks for your visit and comment.
