
Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Do You Also LOVE Cherries?

SUMMER has so many bonuses for us to INDULGE in!
Do You Also LOVE Cherries as much as I do?
Yummy, freshly washed and one I had to trim back a bit due to a bird's bite maybe.
This is the season for using my Pillivuyt strawberry drainer with under-plate.
Tablecloth is from Le Jacquard Français with roses...

Oh, enjoying a magazine and reaching for refreshing cherries is pure bliss!
What is your favorite summer fruit?

Thanks for your visit and comment!

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  1. Hello Mariette, I do love cherries, but I also love most fruits, so it is hard to pick a favorite. Right now I am especially enjoying fruits such as apricots that are never available in Taiwan.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Oh we know how that is when living in the tropics, a whole lot of fruits are never available and you long for them!
      Enjoy while you can and have a nice stay!

  2. Another cherry lover here too Mariette, but unfortunately they are rather expensive here - love your strawberry drainer dish with underplate.

  3. Liebe Mariette,

    das sieht einladend und köstlich aus.

    Sonnige Sonntagsgrüße

  4. I love cherries, but don't eat many here in Australia as they are extremely expensive. I love figs too and as we have a fig tree I get to eat plenty!

  5. Oh they look so fresh and yummy! Yes, I love cherries! I don't like "cherry flavored" soda or sweets because they don't taste like cherries. I love the fresh ones. They are the best :-)

  6. Hmmm, delicious Cherries, I love them too, dearest Mariette!
    enjoy them!
    Have a lovely week,
    Love, hugs and blessings, Claudia xo

  7. Dearest Mariette,
    I can see your love Cherries ales you do that is beautiful one too.The season for your pillivuyt strawberry. In the Magazine for refreshing Cherries is pure bless! You has favorite fruits.
    We has raining never stopped still from all the years,
    Have a nice day!

  8. Mariette, as a matter of fact, I do love cherries. At $1.99 a pound I have some in my refrigerator right now. Better to leave them at room temperature, but I compromise so I don't have the eat 2 pounds overnight. They are cheaper to buy this year. Perhaps more orchards are growing them, increasing the supply. I love it!

  9. Cherries are one of my favorite fruits. Been eating quite a lot of them this season along with cantalope. Your bowl of cherries looks delicious and refreshing.

  10. My favorite fruit is cherries by far. Nothing compares. My next favorite are red grapes. I over-eat both...cherries and grapes. I have been known (I am sorry to say), to eat a pound of cherries at a sitting. I suffer for it for hours was so delicious going down. I must learn that though they are seasonal, I don;t have to eat so many all at once. There will be more...for a short time.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
