
Saturday, December 2, 2017

Part IV - INDABA Hotel, Spa & Conference Centre in Bryanston, South Africa

On Tuesday, November 19, we left from Highveld Mushrooms, and we got dropped off at the Congresscentrum INDABA in Bryanston.
INDABA is Meeting Place in Zulu language.
These were the lovely chalets where we stayed at: INDABA 
Indaba Hotel en Konferensie Sentrum
Harbeespoortdamweg, Witkoppen in Bryanston, north of Johannesburg.
This is the presently used address, Johannesburg.
Pieter Wenning Road... You clearly see the Dutch influence in the names.
As is for my Dutch born husband Pieter, the use of 'ie' instead of just 'e' -  the English version would be Peter.
NEVER had we seen such enormous LIGHTNING POLES...
Pieter did change into his shorts after they dropped us here at INDABA, at the end of the day.
A little time to relax before dinner, under the heavenly Jacaranda trees.
And so did I, just being in the moment for soaking up our beautiful surroundings.
Pieter admiring the surroundings of Bryanston, South Africa in the morning of November 20.
We both felt so privileged for having been invited to this Conference!
Areal view of INDABA HOTEL and its location, north of Johannesburg, South Africa.
On Wednesday, November 20, Pieter gave one of his lectures at 9:45 and then there was a coffee break.
Pieter engaged in a conversation with other Mushroom Industry people after he also participated in the afternoon workshop.
Yes, South Africa adheres very well to the Dutch coffee break tradition + cookie...
In the evening we had a lovely Banquette with dinner dance.
Here Pieter (l) is engaged in a discussion with SMFA Chairman, Colin Jacobson.
Pieter also was presented a special tie.
SASBV Suid-Afrikaanse Sampioenboerevereniging or SAMFA for South African Mushroom Farmers Association, established in 1984, click on link.
A Century of South African Short Stories by JEAN MARQUARD
And I received the above book with short stories about South Africa.
There was lots of laughter because the photographer had problems and Colin Jacobson had to repeat kissing me...
 We danced and after a walk together, for unwinding, we went to bed by 2:00 and up again by 7:30...
The SAMFA Congress would go on for one more day, but it was heart warming to receive such a letter back in the U.S.A.

Dear Pieter,
I am so pleased that you were able to make the trip to our country and to participate in our Congress.
I think everyone who met you was impressed with your tremendous knowledge of mushroom growing and as a result of your visit, I am sure that changes will be made on many farms, which will result in improved crops.
It was delightful having met yourself and Mariette and I hope that you had a pleasant return flight.
Kind regards,
Yours sincerely,
C. Jacobson

Thanks for your visit and stay tuned for Part V


  1. Hello Mariette, It seems funny going to such an exotic place as South Africa, then finding all those familiar Dutch and English place names such as Pieter Wenning Road, Bryanston and Sandton.

    They do have a Roosevelt Road in Taipei, but by the time they use Chinese characters and transliterate it into Luo-Si-Fu Road, it doesn't seem very Dutch or American any more!

  2. Liebe Mariette,

    dein schöner Post ist ausdrucksvoll und eindrucksvoll.

    Frohe Grüße zum 1. Advent

  3. HOLA mariettas querida,, que entretenido viajar por South Africa, a mi me encantaría conocer , pero esta muy lejos ,, lindas fotografías. Espero que tengas un lindo día

  4. Hello dear Mariette!
    What an interesting post about your trip to Africa!
    Lovely pictures !
    Have a lovely new week!Hugs!

  5. Dearest Mariette; I DO admire you two to see how internationally you have worked through Mushroom Industry your husband engaged in. It must have been wonderful experience to visit Sough Africa☆☆☆ The book you were gifted has really lovely cover and I'm sure the history of the country deepens our insight.
    Have a wonderful year end season♪
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend, xoxo Miyako*

  6. Hello,Mariette,
    Such a charming chalet you stayed! Everything you have shown here is new to me.
    Precious memories for both of you. I like to eat mushrooms and I think of you when I cook mushrooms at home!Have a good day!

  7. Those are very pretty chalets. And I love the address! Very interesting they have such tall lighting poles.
    Love the black & white photos. Funny memory with the photo of you and Mr. Jacobson :-) And it's a very nice letter from him!

    Thank you again for sharing your story. Have a great day, Mariette!

  8. You have lead such and interesting life. I so enjoyed seeing the pictures.

  9. I remember the Indaba Hotel, nice cottages.
    You were gifted a lovely book too Mariette.

  10. Liebe Mariette,
    es ist schon enorm, welche Arbeit du dir machst
    und alles noch einmal aufarbeitest. Es it sehr
    interessant zu lesen.
    Einen geruhsamen Abend wünscht dir

  11. Mariette zwiedziłas piękne miejsca.Dzieki Tobie mogę zobaczyć ciekawe miejsca.Pozdrawiam serdecznie.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
