
Sunday, December 10, 2017

Part VI - Interview at South African Broadcasting Corporation in Joburg

On November 21, 1985 our Congress had come to an end and now on the 22nd we got picked up by Geoff Martin who took us to the Waterford farm from Tongaat.
By 11:45 we went with the lady from Public Relations to the South African Broadcasting Corporation in Joburg.
South African Broadcasting Corporation HQ in Uitsaaisentrum, Johannesburg - Photo by Wikimedia
South African Broadcasting Corporation photo by Google
It was a beautiful, new and enormous high building with very tight security!
We went to the Radio & Televisie Studio (Afrikaans) where they did a radio interview with Pieter.
We had a very good discussion with the female journalist and we were told that in South Africa 16% of the population, mostly whites, had to pay 84% of ALL taxes! (see post below where I introduced these series with My South Africa Publication...).
Sure the entire world got indoctrinated mainly by the voice of the B.B.C.
After the interview, they brought us to a section of Joburg, to show us how hard it is to integrate those blacks into modern day society.
Indeed a beautiful brick housing subdivision from only half a year old, looked like war had destroyed it.
They took us inside, to show us what had happened to their tax payer's money.
Those blacks from the Shanty Town, not familiar with cooking on a stove, had demolished all inside doors and cabinets, then burned them in a corner - as fuel to cook on!
Faucets were broken off and sinks torn off the wall. I never ever will forget this horrible sight.
It got abandoned and they went back to their Shanty Town.
Sure, the B.B.C. never mentioned this very noble effort!
We had a late lunch at this Tongaat farm in the garden near the pool and Pieter continued his lecture for the supervisors and manager Deryk A. Champkins.
Tongaat Mushrooms is no longer found on the Internet but I got this very interesting article: Was there really a Mushroom Farm in Sandton Central? where Tongaat is mentioned and also that it incorporated Denny Mushrooms click on link.
In the evening we went with the owners from Highveld Mushrooms and their wives for a last dinner together.
Their choice was an Italian restaurant; Piazza, in Joburg.
We also met again with our travel companion from the USA, Donald (Buster) Needham from Pennsylvania.
Just learned that his son Artie Needham has been to the International Society for Mushroom Science Conference in Cape Town, South Africa in 2008...
L to r in back: Chris R. Richardson, Donald (Buster) Needham, Elizabeth & Colin Jacobson and Norgan Richardson with me in the front.
Husband Pieter took this photo, he himself is also in the top picture.
And here a happy Pieter to the right...
A delicious meal with great company till 23:00!

Thanks for your visit and stay tuned for part VII


  1. Was so happy when I saw you had dropped by place. I am always so pleased. I truly enjoy reading and learning about things from your world. Wishing you and hubby the best on this venture.

  2. Dearest Mariette,
    thank you for another great memorystory! It always is so intersting to read!
    HAve a wonderful week,
    sending much Love and hugs and blessings, Claudia xoxo

  3. Liebe Mariette,

    vielen Dank für deinen interessanten Post.

    Alles Liebe

  4. Hello Mariette, We really sense the time passing when large organizations we have worked with are no longer in existence, or have merged into a different form. I get some of that shock each year when I go back to Ohio and see not only individual stores and companies, but whole shopping centers and neighborhoods have disappeared!

  5. Dat je het allemaal ook nog zo precies weet datums etc van zolang terug - goed te volgen ... Mooie kop ook .Groetjes,Joan

  6. I do remember the names Tiger Oats and Denny mushrooms but not Tongaat mushrooms.
    Interesting views from the past Mariette.

  7. Lovely photos in the Italian restaurant! You took a camera in the last photo! Pieter has happy smile as always, and you are so charming.
    I like your festive header,Mariette. Have a good day!!

  8. Liebe Mariette,
    wieder ein weiterer Einblick in euer interessantes Leben.
    Gratulation zum neuen Header.
    Einen gemütlichen Abend wünscht dir

  9. Hi Mariette. I love the photos from the restaurant. Lovely decoration and everyone looks having fun :-)
    Have a wonderful day! xo

  10. I think it is such a great idea to have a history of your work and your travels, complete with pictures. A great way to document your life and re-live some of the great memories. I hope you are having a peaceful Advent season. xo Deborah

  11. Liebe Mariette,
    so schön ist Dein neues Headerbild, ich mag es sehr ;-)))
    Mit sehr viel Interesse lese ich Deine tollen Geschichten und danke Dir dafür, Ihr ward sehr glücklich dabei...

    Viele liebe Grüße zu Euch

  12. dear Mariette,

    Always interesting to read and see your photos of your travels with work. You must have met some interesting people and the restaurant photos are great.
    Hope you are enjoying the week

  13. Hello dear Mariette!
    What a delightful post!
    Great memories form your trip to Africa!
    Lovely photos!
    Wishing you a happy day!Hugs!

  14. South Africa's beauty Pieter was invited by the south African Mushroom growers Assciation to give a since of letures,
    You mentioned Pieter did series of ledtures for the fresh Market are every where and the eviriment is right they will yield fruit bodies, Enteresting including ravels detailed enjoy the good memories,
    Wish you a happy day!


Thanks for your visit and comment.
