
Monday, December 18, 2017

Part VIII - Stellenbosch, S.A. with its Cape Dutch Architecture

Though it was late afternoon upon arrival on Saturday, November 23, we took a taxi from our Lanzerac Hotel and went to the beautiful town of Stellenbosch with its Cape Town Architecture.
Come along with us...
This is the Rhenish Mission Church, The Braak, Stellenbosch.
Date built 1823, Front Wing 1840, just click on link for more info about this Cape Dutch style building.
This is the top photo that I used in the news paper: My South Africa Publication... see below post.
St. Mary's Anglican Church, The Braak, Stellenbosch (click hyperlink for more info).
Again a Jacaranda tree is seen in front of this Church.
Oak trees line the streets in Stellenbosch.
St. Mary's Anglican Church from a different angle.
Stellenbosch, Burgher House 1797 in Cape Dutch style (click the hyperlink for more info).
We did walk back to our hotel Lanzerac, in a bit over half an hour time.
We thoroughly enjoyed the view of Vineyards against the Helderberg Mountain.
Walking the famous Stellenbosch Wine Route...
What a perfect ending of a day... Going back to our hotel for dinner and calling it a day.

Thanks for your visit and stay tuned for Part IX



  1. Dearest Mariette,
    Stellenbosch looks like a wonderful place! Lovely Buildings and I love the wineyards!
    Thank yo0u for sharing!
    Have a wonderful week, hope, you both are fine!
    Love and hugs and blessings, Claudia xo

  2. Those Cape Dutch houses are so pretty and of course having the mountain as a backdrop makes it all even more beautiful.

  3. Hello Mariette, The mountains in South Africa have such an interest shape. They make such a grand backdrop for that architecture and those vineyards.

  4. Liebe Mariette,

    ich habe dich - wie immer - gern begleitet.

    Frohe Grüße in der Vorweihnachtszeit

  5. Very interesting buildings are there, and great vineyards. * I am pleased that you are happy that your picture is probably in our magazine "WERANDA". I am sending you a link to him, maybe you will find a photo of Greetings and joyful Christmas, I wish you.

  6. Hello dear Mariette !
    Great post and beautiful pictures!
    Love the Dutch architecture on the buildings!
    Thank you for sharing this beauty!
    Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you and Pieter!
    Happy holidays my friend!Hugs!
    Dimi... 🎅🏻🎄🎁🎉

  7. Olá, tudo bem? Estou vendo que vocês estão muito bem.
    Amei viajar com vocês. Que lugar lindo. Um dia quero conhecer esse país. Minha filha estudou em Cape Town. Um dia ela quer voltar a morar aí. Viajar é a melhor coisa da vida.
    Meu marido Alfredo ama vinho, ele ficaria só nestes vinhedos. haha
    Quero desejar um Feliz Natal e um novo ano cheio de coisas boas e felicidades para você e sua família.

  8. Beautiful buildings! Burgher House particularly looks lovely with fountain there.
    Love the view of vinyards, too!

  9. Great post, dear Mariette!
    I only went once to Stellenbosch and the vineyards around before they were all walled up... :(
    All the best to you both, merry Xmas and I hope you get to spend time with your family.
    Warm hugs :)))

  10. un grande abbraccio e tantissimi auguri per le prossime feste Lory

  11. Amazing that you have such great pictures from that time. One of my Instagram friends is in Cape Town so I get to see what the area looks like now and it's still just as beautiful. I hope you and Pieter are well.

  12. Cara Mariette,ci hai portato in viaggio con te:-)..bellissime queste immagini!
    Tanti cari auguri per un felice Natale a tutti voi♥

  13. Dear Mariette
    What beautiful scenes! Those buildings are very interesting to see and the wine route going on long is beautiful. Hope 2018 brings you and your husband happiness!

  14. Cara Mariette, quanti bellissimi viaggi avete fatto. Una delle cose più belle al mondo poter visitare tanti paesi e poi fermarsi dove più piace...
    Ora che sono qui, auguro a te e al tuo amore di marito di trascorrere in felicità queste feste natalizie e di avere un 2018 sereno.
    Tanti tanti abbracci da me. Lorena

  15. You do have amazing and thorough pictures that assist telling the story.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
