
Sunday, April 22, 2018

With Hawkesbury Valley Heritage Tours to the BLUE MOUNTAINS Australia

On Sunday, July 3 of 1988, we got to ride with our mushroom friends John & Beryl Miller from Hawkesbury Heritage Discovery Tours into the Blue Mountains!
What a breathtaking view of the BLUE MOUNTAINS, Australia!
Breathtaking valleys with ancient rock formations, also described as Australia's Grand Canyon!
Was so happy to find the exact same company on line, under a slightly different name: Hawkesbury Valley Heritage Tours and Advancing History
First we had lunch at the Fairmont Resort & Spa Blue Mountains - MGallery by Sofitel (in the back window from the car you can still read the sign...).
Walking to the lookout area...
What a VIEW!
Winter weather with lots of clouds...
A photo taken from the two of us...
Great to be here!
It is getting colder though...
Blue Mountains view...
Regardless the dark and cloudy weather we captured some of the breathtaking views!
Next we walked to see the Three Sisters...
There we stand; taking it all in...
Both of us are wearing our Campbell Soup jackets!
We did see The Three Sisters 
It is already getting foggy on the other side...
The Three Sisters Fountain, Katoomba in the snow (from a post card!) but this has been removed in 2004, I read. Click on the pink link for the Legend of the Three Sisters.
John Miller our tour guide...
Norah and John Miller trying to capture the moment as best as they could with this weather...
Not easy with this light...
We all did bundle up some more as it is getting cool!
Next day we would meet with the surrounding mushroom growers over dinner; courtesy of John Miller...

Stay tuned for more about Blue Mountains!

Related links:
Sydney Centre Point Tower, Captain Cook Luncheon Cruise & Opera House | previous post
Surroundings of Melbourne Mushrooms in Mernda, VIC, Australia | previous post by me
Visiting Uncle Louis in the Australian Outback of Broken Hill, NSW | previous post by me
Trips to Australia | previous post by me
{My Own Design of Brass Mushrooms} | previous post by me


  1. Dearest Mariette,
    another wonderful story full of memories of you both!
    Lovely , you share all this with us!
    HAve a good and lovely new week,
    sending much Love and hugs, Claudia xo

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      Thank you and yes, those memories with our dear friends, in-between work, are the BEST!

  2. Liebe Mariette,

    herzlichen Dank für deinen interessanten Post.

    Sonnig Grüße


  3. Dear Mariette - even thought the weather was not at its best for viewing Australia's Blue Mountains, the images from your photos still reveal just what a spectacular spot it must be.

    1. Dearest Rosemary,
      No, it sure was not the best season for being there but we indulged ourselves in the spectacular views!
      Being with friends on such a work trip was the BEST.

  4. Wow, what a view! Breathtaking indeed. And it does have a Grand Canyon look. So vast and gorgeous! I can see you were feeling cold, Mariette. Love the photo of you and your husband Pieter in matching jackets :-)
    Have a wonderful new week! xo

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Yes, it is breathtaking and meanwhile they have improved he viewing ways for tourists but maybe we even had a better view at it all when it still was pure!
      Yes, it was getting cold quickly... but we had our Campbell Soup jackets and they kept us warm.

  5. Hello Mariette, The Blue Mountains are truly majestic. If I ever get a chance to go there, however, I'll try for the warm season, as your photos look a little chilly!

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Yes, you are absolutely right about that but keep in mind that we are not tourists but just enjoying some time off from work, being there. It was still great and for being with friends made up for a little chilly in the air.

  6. I visited the Blue Mountains about 5 years ago, it's a beautiful area.
    Thanks for the memories Mariette.

    1. Dearest Sami,
      Sure, for you being in Australia it is only a matter of planning it and going!
      We loved it.

  7. Mooie plaatjes met bergen op de achtergrond ondanks grijze lucht erg mooi . Ik hou van verschillende luchten -de veranderingen..

    1. Beste Joan,
      Ja, dit was voor ons ook een erg leuke verrassing die met liefde georganiseerd werd door onze champignon vrienden. We waren er nu eenmaal niet als tourist maar voor ons werk! De luchten kunnen inderdaad een foto iets dramatisch geven.

  8. Dearest Mariette,
    your dear friend from your solid silver Diyas, That both recived precious gift corsulting in India I made some photos! Photos against the light from a window on the south side,
    The garzebo through window from your living room,elso without dilet sunlight,
    The closed indoor shutters from in living room window, You had so many of Love both there!
    Have Anzac Day, We had raining today,

    1. Dearest Michiko san,
      Happy belated Anzac Day; sorry it rained...
      Yes, you do read my posts very thoroughly dear friend; good exercise for your brain!
      Sending you hugs,

  9. What beautiful sights; nature is so vast and varied! And you look like a babe. Some lucky people look young thughtout the decades of their lives. You and (Godie Hawn) two such people. You do not age!

    1. Dearest Debra,
      Well, we certainly have aged and we all are lucky for starting off with some good health and strength for doing the things meant to be doing while you can!
      Australia sure has a vast and beautiful nature. Only wish we had the luxury and time of a tourist for soaking it in even more... This was just a trip to work and enjoying a Sunday in-between!

  10. Dearest Mariette; What a grand tour with magnificent scenery of Blue Mountain and Three Sisters♫♫♫ It sure is pity that I couldn't have a chance to these places while our city had a sister-city reflection ship.
    Beautiful and Wonderful Memories with your husband; I hope you two are having great spring days,Dear friend.
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      Oh, we always lack the time for seeing what ought to be seen... For us it also was a very brief visit, in winter but this was in-between our work and we're very grateful for the opportunity!
      Spring is starting to show its true colors and warmth; it took a long time this year.

  11. Dear Mariette,
    I did not even know about the Australian Blue Mountains and how much they look like the Grand Canyon!!! Even under such bad weather, your photos show the grandeur of the scenery!
    Many hugs from warm Athens! Nicos went swimming this morning for the first time this year, but I felt the sea was still very cold and did not go in myself!!

    1. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      Oh the Australian Blue Mountains are spectacular and yes, they look like a very lush and green version of the US Grand Canyon. It is called the rain forest so I guess there often will be clouds but we were there in winter.
      Oh my Lord, swimming in cool water is nothing for us anymore. We've been so spoiled with warm waters here in Georgia. After living here, I remember one summer visit I went to New Jersey on the beach in Atlantic City, together with some Russian ladies. We all walked off the beach into the Ocean but I was the one that almost catapulted right back to the beach. Way too cold for this Georgia gal! Never again I will endure anything less than warm.

  12. Isn't it fun to look back at wonderful trips..makes you thankful. You two look so young and healthy in these shots.

    1. Dearest Janey,
      Yes, it sure makes one very thankful! We have worked hard but also played hard and along the road we accumulated great friends and fond memories!
      Those were our best years I guess; no ailments yet...


Thanks for your visit and comment.
