
Thursday, August 30, 2018

Lalitha Mahal and Maharaja Palace Mysore

After the visit to the temple we now go to the beautiful Lalitha Mahal in Mysore, India that is built on a hill with wonderful view of the valley.
Mysore or Mysuru as it is officially called, is truly the Southern Gem of India.
Did you know that Yoga originated from here?
And also the fragrant sandalwood comes from here.
This is the 2nd largest Palace in Mysore and built in 1921 for the Maharaja.
There hung an elephant head on the wall, that the Maharaja shot in 1955...
Lalitha Mahal is one of India's most beautiful palaces.
It is built on raising ground, the palace has been fashioned after the lines of the St. Paul's Cathedral in London and became one of the imposing structures in Mysore city.
Here we stand on top of Lalitha Mahal, overlooking the valley and to the right you even can see the Chamundeshwari Temple where we visited, as you could read in my previous post (link is below this post).
What an impressive view from this Palace's top!
Here you also can see Sudha's fresh jasmine flowers in her hair.
Indian ladies can dress so very gracefully and they have the most lovely hair-do!
On our way home, she also gifted me with such a jasmine adornment for my hair...
The view is really incredible!
Quite a place for the exclusive stay of the then Viceroy of India.
Since 1974 it is Lalitha Mahal Palace Hotel and has been converted into a luxury heritage grand hotel.
So if you want to live like a Viceroy or Vicerine; here you can and really feel on top of the world!

Now we went on to the Maharaja's Palace...
A quick shot through the window from the car, of the main approach... We did tour this most majestic Palace!
From a post card, main entrance Maharaja's Mysore Palace.
So here we entered for a tour...
We had to take our shoes off and they were put in lockers for which you paid to get them back. 
Pieter was lucky for still wearing socks!
Walking outside on the glowing hot red gravel makes you almost pee in your pants from pain!
Those small stones feel like they want to penetrate your skin!
BUT, sweet Sarath did give me his socks to walk on and he went barefoot instead. 
We westerners are not used to this...
Inside of the palace on the tiling it felt great but not outside in that hot and burning gravel!
Here you see the Maharaja's Palace being illuminated.
It is almost too much of pomp and beauty - considering that not far away in the mountain villages there still is so much poverty!
Taking photos inside was and still is forbidden...
But here below is a great video that shows you a lot from what is seen inside the Palace, like the unique head dress for the elephants with gold and all the pomp and beauty you can imagine.
Just to see a glimpse of the Palace and how the Maharaja is being transported and the dressed up elephants.
This is a Parade in Mysore that lets you get a wonderful view of the pomp and beauty of that era.
It is the actual Maharaja, riding in this parade and a great taste of south Indian culture, games and dance!

This is Jaganmohan Palace where the royal family lived during construction (due to fire burning the palace), just click the pink hyperlink.

This palace is a brilliant example of old-age architecture and interiors where you can witness everything from the furniture used by the royal family, to the work of art on their walls.

After so much eye candy and soul food (temple experience) we all four are ready to go to the Quality Inn for lunch.
Stay tuned as we will go to Brindavan Gardens next...

Thanks for your vist and comment!


  1. Dearest Mariette,
    you really have seen so many wonderful places in your life! Thank you for sharing those memories with us!
    Wishing you and Pieter a lovely weekend!
    Love and hugs, Claudia xo

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      Yes, that is true, we have seen so many places in-between our work, all over the world! We are grateful for that opportunity.

  2. Mariette, how beautiful the palaces of India are! Wow, you truly have been all over the world.

    I may never get to India, but one of the things I loved the minute I stepped foot in Manhattan was Indian food. We have many authentic Indian restaurants here and I never get tired of it.

    Your photos are lovely! Quite an education stopping here! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Dearest Debbie,
      Indian palaces are like a dream, so much to admire and you almost get over-saturated by all those images of beauty. So happy for you to have plenty of authentic Indian restaurants all around. One never tires of their enormous vast variety of dishes! We both LOVE it.
      Glad you enjoyed visiting here and we both are eager to share this beauty to the world.

  3. Hello Mariette, These Indian palaces are truly majestic. It is difficult to include so much detail while maintaining an air of majesty and serenity, but India has truly achieved this ideal.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      You summarize it so perfect and yes, one can only be in awe while traveling throughout India!

  4. Liebe Mariette,

    ich freue mich wieder über deinen interessanten Post.

    Alles Liebe

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Dazu schreibe ich auch um diese Schönheiten an Palästen zu teilen!
      Liebe Grüße,

  5. Estes palácios na Índia são de uma grande beleza minha amiga.
    Um abraço e bom fim-de-semana.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa

    1. Dearest Francisco Manuel,
      Yes, these Indian palaces are of incredible grandeur and beauty!
      Thanks for your visit and hugs,

  6. Dear Mariette,
    Temples are wonderful !
    Did I tell you that my mother work in India in the humanitarian field? I thikn.
    Big hugs to you and kiss to Pieter

    1. Dearest Nathalie,
      Yes, in one of the previous posts about our work in India you did mention that about your dear Mom!
      She is lucky for being in this very special country. We've worked there for many years and always enjoyed it! The food is heaven too.
      Thank you dear for the hugs and kiss and Pieter returns it straight back to you - as do I,

  7. Dear Mariette,

    I am enjoying seeing your photos of India and have always thought it would be an interesting place to visit.
    The palaces are grand and magnificent and thanks for showing us around.
    Have a happy weekend

    1. Dearest Carolyn,
      Glad you enjoyed these insights into the vast country of India!
      Yes it is a very interesting country to visit and it will be hard to cover in just one trip.
      Their palaces are unmatched in grandeur.

  8. Hi Mariette. Great Buildings. Have a nice weekend

    1. Dearest Anne,
      Yes, India is full with great architecture!

  9. I did not know yoga originated in India! The view from top of Lalitha Mahal is incredible. And a bit scary as it looks so high :-) As Japanese, I’m used to take off shoes while touring in Japan, but it’s usually inside the building and not outside. It’s very sweet of Sarath to give you his socks!
    Happy September, Mariette. Have a great day xo

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Yes it did and in this very city in the south of India!
      Oh, living in Indonesia we too got very much used to taking shoes off but for doing so outside is a bit rough for walking... But I was fortunate to have a gentleman with chivalry that lend me his socks!
      Can't believe we're in September now, time goes so scarily fast.

  10. I one day would like to visit India have been so many places!

    1. Dearest Janey,
      Oh, it is a dream destination... We have indeed been very fortunate!
      And even more intimate because we worked there and were with the people, not as a tourist tip-toeing through the area...


Thanks for your visit and comment.
