
Monday, September 3, 2018

Brindavan Gardens Mysore with Luxury Heritage Hotel

Our final stop before going home (back to our hotel...) on that very long but oh so wonderful day!
Now on to Brindavan Gardens Mysore with its former Palace converted into a Luxury Heritage Hotel.
Brindavan Gardens are modeled after the design of the Shalimar Gardens of Kashmir (State in the North where husband Pieter visited in 1981) in the Mughal style. There are numerous terraces, parterres, fountains, running and cascading water channels, water chutes, lush green lawns, flower beds, shrubs and trees.
It sure is world famous for its ethereal beauty, grandeur and illumination/musical fountain.
See more from the short video that I placed below...

Here we are at yet another dreamlike Palace with a huge 60 acre (24.3 hectare) garden!
The Palace you see behind my husband Pieter, is now a Luxury Heritage Hotel...
Sudha, Sarath and Pieter enjoying the view of these majestic Brindavan Gardens.
It all looks like a dream...
There is a huge dam at the very end... with a big lake.
The Krishna Raja Sagara a gravity dam on the Kaveri river, just click pink hyperlink for more.
This is the view, straight ahead from the terrace.

So many heavenly impressions for that entire day...
Such a happy time together in paradise for one day...
Sudha told me that numerous movies have been made here!
Sudha and Sarath happy and for us they were the best guides we ever could wish for!
Sarath was also the one that traveled with Pieter to Madras (Chennai) on his ADVENTUROUS trip, see post below.
We are sitting here now below the terrace from where we overlooked part of Brindavan Gardens.
A happy husband Pieter!
For getting a far better idea about these spectacular Brindavan Gardens near Krishnaraja Sagar Dam, watch the short video below.

We start our long journey back by 18:30 = 12 hours on the road already!
Driving in the dark rather soon and we had to stop several times throughout the Mudamalai Wildlife Sanctuary, for giving yield to the Muntjac deer; we spotted some 20.
Full moon so that was a bonus.
We all 4 had dinner together, at our Savoy hotel, but we were more tired and sleepy than hungry, after such a long day that started very early.
But how very special, thanks to such warm and kind people that offered this to us!

On Monday, next day, back to work as usual.

On Friday, we left for Coimbatore again, by car and a flight to Madras via Bangalore.
We dined with the export manager and his wife and stayed at a very posh Sheraton hotel.
Saturday, we went shopping in Madras with the export manager's wife.
After a full lunch we were dropped off at the airport, via a ride along the beach.
Flight to Delhi and we again met with our contact person from Pond's India and he dropped us off at the beautiful Taj Palace hotel.
Too bad that we're only feeling like going to bed, we have to rise again at 4:30 and fly from Delhi to Singapore in some 6 hours and on to Jakarta in about 1.5 hour on KLM Royal Dutch Airlines for our job there for the coming years...

Thanks for your visit and comment!


  1. Dearest MAriette,
    WOW, what wonderful Gardens those are! Thank you for the greaet Video and all your so nice pictures!
    And thank you for sharing all those great memories with us!
    Have a wonderful and great week,
    Love and hugs, Claudia xoxo

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      Yes, those are precious memories for both of us and very much worth sharing their beauty!

  2. Liebe Mariette,

    herzlichen Dank für deinen interessanten Post.

    Sonnige Grüße

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Ja, danke das es dir Freude macht!
      Liebe Grüße,

  3. Dear Mariette - so many beautiful memories that you have shared here from your trip to the Brindavan Gardens Mysore.
    I have visited all of the Mughal gardens lying in the foothills of the Himalayas, Kashmir, including Shalimar - special visits that will be forever etched in my memory too.

    1. Dearest Rosemary,
      Yes, India has so much to offer with its exceptional gardens and also architecture, like the 17th century temple from 2 posts prior with its 12th century sanctuary. Also the splendid palaces from my previous post. We feel blessed for having toured all of that!

  4. Hello Mariette, Such beautiful formal gardens befit a palace. I'm sure that the elaborate Brindavan Gardens made a good contrast with the natural wildlife sanctuary.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Yes these beautiful formal gardens made indeed a good contrast with our journey back through the wildlife sanctuary. Both were great experiences!

  5. Wow, my world dear friend; this gardens are stunning, you have such amazing memories out of the common ordinary memories we all have. You had an awesome life along with your dear Peater.
    Thank you for always sharing them with us.

    1. Dearest Fabby,
      Yes, such unique trips under the guidance of a Pond's India staffer, were our highlights sandwiched in-between our 2 week consulting time. We will always treasure these memories and glad to share them now with others!

  6. Dearest Mariette, Thank you so much for sharing the Brindavan Gardens Pictures and video. Miss my country so much. We might visit India again, once my hsband is able to walk a little bit more because we do need to walk at the airport.
    I hope that all is well with you. Take care.

    1. Dearest Munir,
      You are quite welcome and no doubt it did stir your soul as indeed India is such a beautiful country and even we miss it!
      We both are fine, Pieter is stable with his heart condition and I'm doing better than ever since I've discovered what causes gout attacks and how to keep them at bay by altering the diet.

  7. That is a huge garden, and it's so beautiful! Not surprising many movies have been made there. Love the photo of you and your husband Pieter together in front of waterfall :-)

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Yes, it is indeed huge and one could easily hang around there for the entire day!
      It is a very favorite movie shooting location.
      We indeed have some fond photos of both of us together from this visit... Thank you for your comment and visit here!

  8. Wow, Mariette, that part of the world was certainly the trip of a lifetime, with such an old and fascinating history and culture. Plus it’s a massive country! Beautiful photos.

    1. Dearest Debbie,
      It sure was for us a wonderful day-trip and we treasure these fond memories forever.
      India is very diverse and indeed a massive country.
      Thank you for your visit and kind comment.

  9. Hello Dear Mariette
    What lovely and colourful photos of your travel here.
    Amazing garden whith lovely shapes.
    You look so chic and elegant too!
    Just got back from Spain again!!
    Warm hugs and enjoy your weekend

    1. Dearest Noushka,
      Thank you for your words and for taking the time to visit.
      This garden was incredible and about our clothes, we only had access to one suitcase, the others were still at the office of Pond's India in Delhi and we were on our way to work in Indonesia... Not much choice and I'd rather have worn my shorts with running shoes!
      You no doubt did bring back more fabulous nature photos from Spain.
      Hugs and happy weekend.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
