
Tuesday, March 12, 2019

1980 MGA Conference Reception in Royal Albert Hall, London

As always, the British handled such MGA Conferences very formal.
Reception at the Royal Albert Hall in London with music by Academy of St Martin in the Fields.
Royal Albert Hall, London - England
Especially in London, formalities and protocol are being observed!
A formal welcome by the Mayor of London and husband Pieter recalls that he only had his summer business suit... no formal wear! But he engaged in a nice conversation with the mayor's wife.
Later I got him a Burberry Tuxedo...
The performance by Academy of St Martin in the Fields was quite an experience!
Above photo gives just an idea about Royal Albert Hall Venue and Seating Plan View.
Husband Pieter sure has been blessed for being at a performance led by Sir Neville Marriner who passed away a couple of years ago at the age of 92.
Interesting that from the MGA Conference (Mushroom Growers Association of the UK) being held at Royal Albert Hall, there remained some 'mushrooms' as part of the Acoustic Mushrooms and the  Royal Albert Hall Echo, 1996 click the hyperlink.
Husband Pieter did his Lecture Tour ahead of this event, with his long time friend Peter Stanley Evans Jr.
It was also in London where Peter Stanley-Evans Sr. together with his wife, presented Pieter the beautiful Tanner Krolle Attaché. They both came to Pieter's hotel, toting a large gift box and presented him with this royal gift from Harrods, London. With Pieter's initials in gold embossed under the handle.
Also with Peter Stanley-Evans Jr. Pieter did go to the Mason Chartreuse company store where he bought several cups and saucers.
Sadly they stayed behind in Horst, The Netherlands as Pieter left the house and all things in it, to his ex-wife when he went with me to the USA to start anew.
But we have them back, part as a gift from another English friend for hosting one of his people here at the Campbell Mushroom plant and we found Mandalay Chartreuse by Mason's at Replacements Ltd. 

A very memorable MGA Conference!

{May 2014 be a Happy and above all a Healthy Year for YOU!} | showing you Pieter's Burberry Tuxedo...


  1. Hello Mariette and Pieter, The pictures in this blog are unfortunately not showing up, but it sounds like Pieter got quite the royal welcome on this trip! I remember Neville Marriner and the Academy of St. Martin in the Fields--I have enjoyed so many of their records, and still have them all somewhere in Cleveland. I also visited St. Martin in the Fields Church when I was in London--a wonderful building.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Guess you ran into the very same Blogger glitch that I encounter last night after choir rehearsal for visiting and commenting on some blogs. No pictures showed so I went to bed.
      Today things look normal again!
      In England there always was a kind of very formal welcome, fond memories of that time.
      Glad to read about your fondness for the Academy of St. Martin in the Fields!

    2. You are right, Mariette, the pictures appear today. I am glad because now I can read the funny story of the "acoustic mushrooms." I guess the Dutch are the source of all kinds of mushroom expertise! --Jim

  2. Dearest Mariette,
    thank you for sharing more of your Memories!
    I like the Cups, they look wonderful so good, you got them back :O)
    HAve a lovely rest of the week,
    Love and hugs, Claudia xo

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      You are right, those Mason Chartreuse cups & saucers are something to fall in love with.
      We're happy that we got our own again.
      Enjoy the remainder of your week and sending you sunshine.

  3. Liebe Mariette,
    herzlichen Dank für deinen interessanten Post.
    Alles Liebe

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Ja, interessant war es schon und ganz besondere Erinnerungen!
      Liebe Grüße,

  4. That's such a beautiful building and I love those "mushrooms"!
    The cups and saucers are so beautiful, too!

    Have a wonderful day, Mariette xo

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Yes, the building is stunning and I did get to see it myself some years later...
      Funny that they invented these 'mushooms'...
      We both love these cups & saucers very much.

  5. Hi Mariette! Interesting memories. Have a nice new day;-)

    1. Dearest Anne,
      Yes they were!
      Hope you all are remaining healthy and that winter is slowly getting over with.

  6. I have walked by many times, but have never seen the inside..thanks.

    1. Dearest Janey,
      The very same for me, only walked by but never have been inside.

  7. Beautiful tea set Marianne.
    Have a lovely weekend.

    1. Dearest Sami,
      Thank you, we both love this Mason Chartreuse!
      Hugs and happy weekend,

  8. If I visited London, I love to attend a concert in the Royal Albert Hall, as well as, enjoy a high tea. What a beauty cup and saucer Peiter selected, Marietta! Now you can have your own high tea at home!

    1. Dearest Debbie,
      Yes, that no doubt would be a great experience!
      As for these Mason Chartreuse cup & saucers, yes they have been used here at home several times when we gave a High Tea for 12 as a fund raiser for our local Rotary Club. Everything done ourselves...

  9. Dear Mariette you had the most amazing and exciting life alongside your dear Pieter. This is fabulous, how exciting it must have been for the both of you. The Royal Albert Hall is such a regal place.
    A few years ago when we were in London to a concert, we too had tea, but we did everywhere we could as well.
    The teacup and saucer, Pieter's choice is gorgeous dear Mariette and I'm sure everytime you have tea there you remember that great trip of you both.
    Thank you for praying for my mom who is doing better each day.

    1. Dearest Fabby,
      Thank you for your kind words. Unfortunately at that time I was not there with Pieter... it was still B.M. = Before Mariette... But we were there several years later and did catch up on lots of things!
      We love these teacups and have used them several times for a High Tea we hosted as a fund raiser for the Rotary Club.
      So happy that your dear Mom is improving! Yes, prayers have a lot of strength.

  10. What a wonderful day. Great memories.

    God bless.

    1. Dearest Victor,
      Yes, those are very dear memories for Pieter about his special mushroom related friends!
      That concert was so special.


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