
Saturday, June 8, 2019

Communist Hungary with Husband Pieter Part VI - Gorsium and Old Market Halls Budapest

From the Beethoven Museum at Martonvásár, we now arrived at this old Roman town...
A fascinating archaeological site is located in Gorsium.
Husband Pieter pondering about being back in time, into a Roman era...
Here lay the Roman settlement of Gorsium, which operated for three centuries and where a magnificent palace stood, an amphitheater and a cemetery.
Lung-Chi Wu, me and husband Pieter
It was quite a transformation for being way back in time!
Hungary has lots of thermal baths, so the Romans already used the warm water!
In Summer, events are now organized here
There also was a museum that we visited and we had lunch there.
At 15:15 we went back to Budapest with one bus, the other group did split off for an extended stay at Lake Balaton.
Hungary has a lot to offer and we must say that the Congress did include a lot of culture for getting to know this beautiful country.
We got off at the Gellért Hotel in Budapest by 16:20 and since it was very foggy, it would be already dark by 17:00.
At 13:17 in this video you will see the Great Market Hall, Budapest, just click through from my Pinterest.
With Pieter's Campbell Soup colleagues together we went to the Great Market Hall and got to see the information about edible and non-edible fungi.
That was quite interesting.
A perfect day's ending for all four of us!
On our way back we ate authentic Hungarian Goulash soup and with a taxi from the Gellért hotel we went all four back to the Congress Center.

We had to rise again at 6:00... stay tuned!
Thanks for your visit and comment.

Related link:
Communist Hungary with Husband Pieter Part V - Martonvásár Beethoven Museum | previous post
Communist Hungary with Husband Pieter Part IV -  Kiskunhalas | previous post by me
Communist Hungary with Husband Pieter Part III - Szentendre | previous post by me
My 1st Trip to Communist Hungary with Husband Pieter Part II - Budapest | previous post by me
Driving to Communist Hungary with Husband Pieter Part I - Mayerling | previous post by me


  1. Liebe Mariette,

    herzlichen Dank für deinen interessanten Post.

    Frohe Pfingsten

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Danke und dir auch noch ein froher 2. Pfingsten-Tag!
      Liebe Grüße,

  2. Replies
    1. Dearest Anne,
      It sure was an awesome, historical place!

  3. That site at old Roman town looks very fascinating indeed! Visit to the Great Market Hall must have been really interesting for you and your husband Pieter. I wonder if you found any fungi that you hadn't seen :-)

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Yes, Gorsium was quite a site to see and going back to the Roman era.
      The Great Market Hall was another highlight and no, no fungi that were not known to Pieter at least.

  4. Liebe Mariette,
    ihr habt die ganze Welt gesehen. Es ist immer wieder spannend, Deine Berichte zu lesen!
    Ich hoffe, Du und Dein Mann hattet schöne Pfingsten. Leider komme ich erst jetzt wieder hierher. Wir waren viel draußen, ein Sohn hatte seinen Umzug in die erste gemeinsame Wohnung mit Freundin und so war viel los.

    Viele liebe Grüße sendet Dir

    1. Liebe Sara,
      Wir haben zwar viel von diese Welt gesehen aber bei lange nah nicht die ganze Welt!
      Unser Pfingsten war mit Sorgen, mein Mann hat eine schere art von Bronchitis die sehr hart zu heilen ist...
      Ja, mit einen Umzug hat man sehr vieles zu tun, hoffentlich sind sie jetzt etwas eingebürgert.
      Liebe Grüße,

  5. Hello Mariette, What an impressive place Gorsium is. The Great Market Hall in Budapest shows the splendor of another era. Both today are probably thronged with tourists, so you were lucky to seem them when you did.

    Now that I am back in Ohio, I am going to follow your and Pieter's example, and tour some interesting sites that even growing up here I have not been to before.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Welcome back to Ohio! We both sure hope you find the time for touring some interesting sites.
      Life is too short and for each such trip, we always planned to do this and see that and visit friends, relatives... and there suddenly is the END of the dream period!

  6. We also visited the Great Market Hall in Budapest last year and it's an impressive building.

    1. Dearest Sami,
      Even during the Communist era it as an impressive building to visit.
      Glad you got a chance to explore it.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
