
Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Sweet Audrey needs your HELP and PRAYERS

It was on March 11, 2016, that we heard a strange noise when having our 'late' afternoon tea in the living room after a busy day.
That turned out to be the gas burners from a HUGE Hot Air Balloon that landed in our back yard! 
Just beside the big pond and they barely managed to get over the huge oak tree that stands next to the pond.
The daughter of a dear friend was inside the basket, it was one of the things still on her bucket list.
 After having received two donor lungs, and recovering well enough, she finally was able to realize this!
Audrey aimed at 'drifting' a bit farther to reach her Parents' property but the wind was not enough...
Audrey looking at us, from inside the balloon's basket...
Since then, Audrey has reached another fabulous milestone; meeting the LOVE of HER LIFE and she got married to him on November 4, 2017.
Above photo shows Audrey as a gorgeous Bride, with her happy Mom Jo-Ann, whom I know for decades.
TRUE LOVE... photo taken at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts, the 2nd largest teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School.
Audrey wrote on September 6 at 9:49 AM: Today is my 5th lungaversary!!! I have had several moments lately that made it seem like I might not make it to this day!
When you start talking about getting a lung transplant with your doctor, you hear the scary statistics: 80% survive 1 year, 50% survive 5 years, and only 20% survive 10 years! Of course you think you are going to be one of those who will make it to ten years before you need another pair of lungs! And then you hear about people who are 18 or 26 years out with the same pair of lungs and you desperately hope to be in that group!! But the longer I walk this transplant life, the more I see that the stats don't lie. I have known people to pass away during each stage of this process. We all want to get new lungs and live as long as possible but getting new lungs is just a bandaid. It just prolongs the inevitable. What everyone waiting for organs most needs - what EVERYONE needs - is JESUS!!
We are all going to stand before our Creator one day and give an account of our lives. We are all going to be judged on what we did or didn't do. If we haven't surrendered our hearts and lives to Jesus, we will face eternal punishment.
Nobody wants that! Even though I still believe that God has promised me that I will live and not die, I am at peace if God does call me home! I accepted Christ as my savior when I was four years old, and I have followed Him ever since. I may have gone through periods of doubt or anger at Him about how my life was going at times, but ultimately I kept following Him because nothing and no one else was worthy enough to base my life on. So however God chooses to get me through all of this, I know I can trust Him because He has good plans for me! To prosper me and not to harm me... to give me a future and a hope!
Audrey is an Angelic young woman and even more beautiful on the inside than outside!
Her extremely strong Faith has carried her this far, together with the support of her True Love at her side and family, friends and legions of people praying for her, have kept her with us.
But things need to be taken care of...
Right now, Audrey and her husband Kevin need our PRAYERS and HELP!
She had been kept heavily sedated and on the ventilator, for letting her lungs heal after treatment for heavy bleeding...
Audrey's Aid click the link for going there... May God sustain her and let her be with her TRUE LOVE for some more time!

Thanks for your attention and feel free to share this!

Update: On Sunday, October 13, Audrey had her 38th Birthday
On Tuesday afternoon, October 15, she went to heaven...
She now is another Angel we know by name!

Related post:
{UPDATE...} | previous post by me when Hot Air Balloon landed in our back yard...


  1. Liebe Mariette,
    herzlichen Dank und liebe Grüße

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Kein Dank ich hoffe nur die liebe Audrey empfangt viel Stutz!
      Liebe Grüße,

  2. Non sono mai stato su una mongolfiera, chissa forse un giorno un giretto lo farò.
    Buon mercoledi.

    1. Caro Giancarlo,
      Questo era anche il desiderio di questa femmina dopo aver ricevuto i suoi due polmoni donatore...

  3. I hope Audrey gets the best medical help she can get.
    My thoughts are with her and her family.

    1. Dearest Sami,
      May the knowledge of the medical staff, love from family and lots of prayers sustain her!

  4. What a beautiful and brave young lady. I hope her lungs will heal and she will fell better soon. Sending warm thoughts to her and her family.

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      She is beautiful, inside even more than outside and very brave indeed as she's come a long way!
      May she be granted to stay with the Love of her Life and her family for a while longer.

  5. Audrey is a brave and beautiful young lady - there are not many people who still smile in the face of continual and difficult adversities.
    I really hope that she will be able to overcome her current health problems and resume her life again happily with her husband and family.

    1. Dearest Rosemary,
      She is beautiful and very brave, she strongly lives by her Faith and is a shining example!
      Thousands of people fervently pray for her comfort and may God heal her.

  6. What a BRAVE SOUL! When I read stories about young women I realize more and more how we need to be grateful for every good day we have. Praying for healing.

    Thank you for sharing, Mariette!


    1. Dearest Rebecca,
      She indeed is a BRAVE SOUL! She is shining in this time of the culture of entitlement and coddling!
      Indeed, showing gratitude for all we have and all we have behind us...

  7. I rejoice in her faith and her belief in the Lord. That which she said, that she was at peace if she was called home is as my feeling was when I had the invasive heart surgery. Either way, I was a winner. Home in Heaven or home with the family. God's blessings continue on her..thank you for telling us of her need for prayer. XX

    1. Dearest Katie Isabella,
      Yes, she is a young role model who has always relied on her strong faith and belief in the Lord.
      May she be guided the best way possible and also that the massive prayers lift her and her loved ones up.

  8. Hope she will get well soon

    Best Regards

    1. Dearest Bernhard,
      We hope at least she does not have to suffer!

    2. Liebe Mariette,

      halte uns bitte auf dem Laufenden. Und vielen Dank für den lieben Kommentar auf meinem Blog.

      Liebe Grüße


    3. Lieber Bernhard,
      Aber gerne, war auch verdient! Klasse Arbeit.
      Ich werde euch auf dem Laufenden halten und vielen Dank!
      Lieber Gruß,

  9. Zo erg, ze is zo'n mooie jonge vrouw. We kunnen niet veel meer doen dan bidden, dat ze het zal redden.
    Maar wat ik zo allemaal eens 'gehoord' heb van jou, en lees, dan zal ze het niet redden. Zo jammer, hopelijk wordt haar in ieder geval een vreselijke lijdensweg bespaart. Ook zo vreselijk voor de naaste familie. Je hoopt toch dat het 'gaat lukken' met zo'n transplantatie.

    1. Beste Marian,
      Ja, inderdaad kun je hier niet veel meer doen dan bidden voor dit mooie en lieve, gelovige vrouwtje.
      Ze is zo sterk en een vechter. Haar transplantlongen zijn nu ook zo beschadigd en vanwege de schimmelgroei in haar longen kan ze geen tweede transplantatie hebben; té riskant. Ze is overeind geweest op zondag, in een stoel rechtop gezeten en ze hebben een CT scan gedaan en maandag horen ze hoe het er uit ziet... Er moet al wel een heus wonder gebeuren als ze het gaat redden; we hopen van wel maar zoals Pieter altijd zegt: 'De wens is de Vader van de Gedachte...'


Thanks for your visit and comment.
