
Friday, December 13, 2019

Video Capture - Mega Task DONE with Multi-System and Hi8 VCR

Yay, on November 29, I completed my video conversion from analog to digital for uploading it onto YouTube or else.
Great feeling and oh so happy!
Archiving is quite a mega task...
Action with the Elgato Video Capture...
Such an easy hardware to use!
Seen on the screen is our beloved Mamita, the mama cat that mysteriously disappeared on November 4, 2007

Other end is connected directly to the U.S. VCR...
Husband Pieter got already lots of viewing hours out of his new iPad Pro 12.9" that gives also excellent color display and clarity - pure JOY and Kudos to Apple!
Have to confess that I'd ordered the above from Amazon on January 31, 2017 so it sat on my desk unboxed for quite a while! But such is life, things get in-between and time is passing way too fast for doing it all.
Doing this is SO EASY!
You just go to their website for downloading the software for either Windows click and click through again.
Or, like I had to do, for my Mac and even for the Newest updated Mac! So very easy do do click and click through again.
Did most with our regular US VCR, moved it just into my office, close to my Mac on the 2nd adjacent desk.
Am thrilled for even having been able to capture the Dutch PAL system video from Mom & Dad's 50th wedding anniversary!
Also my youngest brother's wedding etc.
That RARE SHARP VC-VH990WH 6-HEAD HI-FI MULTI-SYSTEM VCR for PAL/MESECAM/NTSC in BOX I've used for doing so, is now available on eBay for others to use it likewise, just click and click through the link here.

Even works for MESECAM = Middle Eastern SECAM system and France has the SECAM system.
Easy task for doing this with the Sharp Multi-System VCR direct to your PC...
WHY is the world still so complicated and divided? Making it oh so hard for immigrants to hold on to their memories?!

Also for those that still have some 8 or Hi8 tapes from loved ones they want to digitalize, that too can be easily done with the Elgato Video Capture and I've also offered our Sony EV-C200 Video Hi8 VCR in ORIGINAL BOX to DIGITIZE your old VIDEOS! for sale on eBay, just click and click through again.
With the Elgato Video Capture hardware this is such an easy job...
So happy for having tackled this!
Fond family memories now safe and ready for reliving over and over.
Guess now is the perfect time for tackling such projects when daylight is short and evenings kind of long...

Good luck to anyone wanting to finish such a family archiving task!

Thanks for your visit and comment.


  1. Well, I am quite impressed with your computer skills! Brava.

    1. Dearest Helen,
      And you know the person that introduced me to the use of a PC and helping me set it up, went to heaven... Indeed, I'm forever grateful to him for having started me in November of 2000.
      Proud for having tackled this mega task!

  2. Hello Mariette, Congratulations on completing such a gargantuan task. I wanted to record some of my earlier 78rpm records, but the USB turntable I got is not sufficient to the task. Still, I have had fun listening to some of my old lp's, which have just been sitting there for a long time!

    You and Pieter can relax now and enjoy the fruits of your labors. So many great memories!

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Well, I've tackled more of those gargantuan tasks and I'm a pit bull and finish what I have started!
      Sad that your USB turntable is not sufficient for recording your 78rpm records! But it is balsam to the soul for being able to enjoy them still.
      There is one more mega task to be done early next year and than I can relax a bit more myself but so happy that my Pieter can enjoy the fruits of my labors.

  3. Liebe Mariette,
    herzlichen Dank und liebe Grüße

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Danke und solche Momente sind die schönste Erinnerungen!
      Liebe Grüße,

  4. Replies
    1. Dearest RTC.,
      Well, thank you and this coming from you means a lot!
      Just reading well and then doing it.

  5. I'm impressed too. This kind of things just makes my eyes glaze over. LOL. Great when someone else can do it (for anyone who doesn't want to). :-)

    1. Dearest Kim,
      Well, you certainly can have it all done for you but the risk that things get lost or messed up is always there...
      Proud for having handled it all in-house.

  6. Well I am impressed! I try to keep up with this rapidly changing technology and think I am ahead of the game until I read about someone tackling a job like this. You are amazing!

    1. Dearest Janey,
      Yep, trying to stay ahead of the technology game is all our goal and a MUST or your memories get lost.
      So glad I got them converted and DONE, can't tell you the feeling of doing the final one...

  7. That is a mega task indeed but glad the process was easy for you. It must feel very good to have everything archived. I have a LOT of old photos from pre-digital camera age which I would like to put in computer. I don't think that will happen very soon, though, haha.

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      It sure was but I've overcome it and now only the joy for reliving finest moments of our life together over the years!
      Oh, it can be quite daunting when you first start but with enough perseverance you reach your goal.

  8. IO non sono bravo come te, la tecnologia corre troppo veloce per me.
    Una serena serata a te.

    1. Caro Giancarlo,
      Oh, è una battaglia costante, ma di sicuro mantiene la nostra mente all'erta... haha, uno dei benefici frangia!

  9. Knap werk, deze megaklus. Ik doe het je niet na....

    1. Beste Marian,
      Oh, ik was zó blij op 29 november om dat gedaan te hebben!


Thanks for your visit and comment.
