
Saturday, April 11, 2020

Buying Property in Cornuda, Italy below Madonna di Rocca

One more solo flight for me, from Atlanta to Amsterdam in May of 1988.
With an Audi rental car from my hometown, I drove to the north of Germany.
Doing my two weeks of mushroom consulting.
Husband Pieter also flew from Atlanta to Amsterdam and joined me after that.
Together we went to the Dutch Mushroom Days and next we flew via Düsseldorf, Germany to Venice in Italy...
We arrived okay but only 1 of our 3 luggage pieces got there...
So after lunch, Pieter went with our friend Tommaso back to Venice and retrieved the luggage pieces!
Later in the afternoon, we looked at property for building a house.
At the top to the left you can see Madonna di Rocca, a Sanctuary in Cornuda, Treviso - Italy.
Below is the street going to the building site...
Not the best photo but a beautiful area!
Now Madonna di Rocca is not visible to the left...
This was the corner where our house would get build.
This is it!
To the right you see some kind of guard rail, that is where the romantic Runero was running, a little creek.
A different angle and Madonna di Rocca is to the left, again not in sight here...
Stepping back from that corner you see that also behind the lots there was another hill.
A rather natural setting and peaceful.
Back to the view towards the main road (where the taller houses are).
It was a rather steep climb, if you preferred to go on foot, as we've later done several times.
Santuario della Madonna della Rocca (Cornuda) TV, Italia just click through for viewing a short drone video.
On top of a military observation fortress stands the sanctuary of the Madonna della Rocca, a place of pilgrimage from the surrounding parishes and spiritual point for many people.
It dates back to 1245 and got damaged and destroyed several times during wars and battles.
Yes, due to this being in an earthquake region, the Church's bell tower is always built separate from the Sanctuary...
Husband Pieter was requested to give a lecture on June 8, 1988, at the beautiful Natural History and Archeology Museum of Montebelluna, Treviso Province in Italy.
An interesting conference is being organized for tonight.
The theme: "The advancing technology in mushroom cultivation and marketing"
Yes, Pieter was still working for Campbell International then!
But we both were preparing our move to Italy and starting to work there for the largest Italian Mushroom plant.
Sergio Venzo, chairman of the ecology and agriculture department whom we met upon arrival in April, a previous trip in 1988.
That was a trip to The Netherlands for Pieter's Mom's 93rd Birthday and we flew to Italy from Amsterdam to Venice. We talked with the deputy mayor Sergio Venzo for two hours in French! Yes, both of us did not speak nor understand Italian yet...
Sergio planned to offer something to Pieter in June, on behalf of the city of Montebelluna... so here we were.
Museo di Storia Naturale e Archologia di Montebelluna, TV Italia click through for more.
It was a great turnout of some 80 mushroom growers in attendance.
We later had dinner together with our friend Tommaso Sartor and his friend Sergio Venzo, where Pieter also got presented a couple of his Italian books.
King Spawn was the Sartor family's own mushroom spawn plant, they'd sponsored this edition of P.J.C. Vedder's publication in Italian.
LA MODERNA FUNGICOLTURA (Modern Mushroom Growing)
The mayor also visited us at our table in the restaurant...
The preparation for our new job and everything around that, was in the process!
On June 9, after some work at the mushroom plant, we went again to the location of the property and to see an architect. Pieter planned to use his design from our home in Georgia, adapted somewhat.
We did buy the property that day, around 18:00 and went out for dinner with Tommaso but that proved to be a disaster as our steak with green peppercorn sauce was 'green' inside!
Good grief - our only restaurant disaster ever, within Italy...
Friday, June 10, we did have a general meeting at the mushroom plant and in the afternoon we went shopping in Treviso with Rosella & Tommaso Sartor.
We found a beautiful gold-plated shaving set for Uncle Bo as a gift...
Saturday, June 11 we got up at 5:00 and Tommaso came to pick us up for the flight from Venice at 7:15 and via Milan we flew to Amsterdam and with a phone call home we left for Atlanta, USA...

We now also had our own property in Italy...

Preparing for the next chapter!

But on June 17 we both flew to Sydney, Australia with Quantas from San Francisco... My 1st trip to down under!
Hectic lifestyle!

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  1. Liebe Mariette,
    frohe Ostern wünscht dir

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Vielen Dank und gleichfalls!
      Alles Liebe,

  2. What a glorious spot to build a house, and home!

    I will ask a forward question: Whatever made you both decide to live in the States? If I've read that already, I don't remember. LOL.

    Anyway, a happy Easter to you both. Take care; keep well and stay safe.

    1. Dearest Kim,
      Yes, that spot appealed very much to both of us for it natural surroundings.
      What made us decide to live in the United States... My husband had thousands of students over the years that came to his practical training college, also for English speaking courses. He not only wrote a book that got published in eight languages, he lectured at most international Congresses and got lots of publications by him in international magazines in the U.K., North America and Australia. So Campbell Soup hired him for one Easter weekend to fly to Philadelphia for solving some severe problems at one of their mushroom farms. They did not tell Pieter that by crossing the Atlantic to arrive at the Philadelphia airport, being picked up by someone from the General Head Quarters of Campbell in nearby New Jersey, they then flew him on their company jet across the USA to Washington State... Pieter said he was exhausted!
      He did however solve their problems and they were determined as they said: 'We have to hire that guy!' So Pieter became the Vice President for Training and Development for Campbell International in August of 1983. At that time they still had 3 plants in Canada where Pieter often went to and also in Australia where we both did some work as well.
      That's the story... but we thought we'd move back to Europe for living in Italy and working for the largest mushroom farm there. They too had been begging him for many years...
      Stay tuned...

  3. Hello Mariette, The Madonna di Rocca area certainly does have its charms, but I am glad you eventually landed in America. I will be looking forward to hearing the rest of the Italian story, as I am sure that must have been quite a temptation if you went to the extent of buying property.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Yes, it sure was having a lot of charm and it was an ongoing temptation... Still, each time I write about it, my heart is tugging. But we all cannot exist in two spots simultaneously. But it is a privilege for having had such rare opportunities and great experiences throughout our life. We always dared to make decisions...

  4. It was a beautiful place to build a house.
    Happy Easter.

    1. Dearest Sami,
      Yes, it was quite a dream location and also for biking to work from Cornuda, past this place and through the mountain valley as it was all close to the River Piave. With of course some hills...
      Happy Easter to you and yours.

  5. Oh, how interesting it is to read about your life!

    1. Dearest Anne,
      Thank you and even for us it is good to look back on all those adventures...
      We both are grateful for what we have lived through and the many great friends we encountered!

  6. It looks like such a beautiful and peaceful place, perfect to build your new home! It must have been an exciting time to get ready for living a new life and working for the largest mushroom plant in Italy.
    I find it interesting the bell tower is built separately as it is in an earthquake region. Good thinking by people who built the sanctuary but it’s sad that wars damaged it many times.
    Oh I’m sorry the dinner on the day you bought the property was so “memorable”!

    Happy Easter, Mariette. I wish you and your husband Pieter a wonderful holiday weekend!

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Thank you for your always warm and meaningful comments!
      Yes, we were so excited about this next chapter in our life. So many unknowns and we above all had absolutely zero experience with living or building in an earthquake region. When on vacation or visiting you don't have to deal with all that... You just notice the sunshine!
      Yeah, that was the worst dinner experience ever... was not meant that way.
      Happy Easter to you both and to your sweet boys!

  7. Replies
    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      A peaceful Easter at home and we enjoyed viewing Andrea Bocelli sing live from the beautiful Duomo in Milan.
      Such a powerful message for praying together all over the world!
      Busy also with the Manuscript for Pieter's scientific book in which I'm co-author as well.
      A Mega Task but we hope to get it published in June!

  8. Such a great place. Actually I love visiting historical places, learning about culture and so many things.
    Stay safe and healthy

    1. Dearest Endah,
      Yes a wonderful place and as you might have picked up already, we both LOVE the mountains as that is mainly where our work brought us, like in Indonesia.
      You and yours stay safe and healthy as well.

  9. What a lush green spot you had chosen. You must have been so delighted, that is until you went to dinner!
    I hope the storms last night do not go near you? A belated Happy Easter...Janey

    1. Dearest Janey,
      Thank you and yes, it was all a delightful experience until that dinner...
      We woke up to the most wild and long-lightening thunderstorm with strong winds and LOTS of rain around 4:00 AM.
      Only pot plants knocked over and the balcony had turned into a swimming pool as all the catkins had blocked the drainage. So sad for those that lost their lives and other personal damage...

  10. Magnífico viaje. Es una gran experiencia viajar a distintos lugares y apreciar la diversidad de cultura que hay en ellos.


    1. Querida Antonia,
      Bueno, esto no fue sólo un viaje, pero volvimos allí para comprar una propiedad para la construcción de nuestra casa después de que nos mudamos de nuevo a Europa... ¡A los dos nos encanta la cultura!

  11. Dearest Agnes,
    The very same to you and yours!
    Yes, those pictures are indeed special memories for both of us.

  12. Era un bel posto ma probabilmente ora la tua casa sarebbe all'incrocio di due strade trafficate...
    Un abbraccio, Lorena

    1. Carissima Lorena,
      Sì, hai ragione e ancora di più non era più un luogo tranquillo circondato dalla natura.


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