
Friday, May 1, 2020

Our Precious Silver Engraving from Church in Cornuda, TV - Italy

From 1989 we still have a lovely 800‰ silver etching from our then Roman Catholic Church in Cornuda, Treviso - Italy.
As pointed out in a previous post about Cornuda, the bell tower is always being constructed separate from the Church building due to the earthquake region.
Such lovely artwork done on a800‰ silver slab.
With a certificate inside a protective pouch in the back of the frame.
Guerrini is proud to present on the precious metals market a new exclusive technique: "THE GUERRINIENGRAVER" on the 800‰ silver slab. This precious work is handcrafted by valuable silver masters, and you will find it in the best jewellery stores, our dealerships. The work is mounted on a frame expressly designed for this collection. 
Well, we both lived across from said jewellery store, called Becevel...
This is a screenshot, taken from our only video from Italy and this was the view from our balcony down.
See link to video below post 
From 1946
Goldsmithing - Watchmaking
Via 30 Aprile, 19 - CORNUDA (TV)
Becevel Jewelry store in Cornuda TV - Italy where we lived across the street... click through for going to their FB Page
Their goldsmithing service created a beautiful 18kt gold frame for my free-stone black opal that I'd being gifted in Australia for my training at the mushroom plant.
Sadly the 18kt chain, with said black opal set in 18kt gold, got brutally ripped off my neck in Santiago City, Chile...
From Becevel I only have their 18kt goldsmithing work of the white opal stones set into earrings.
This is their version with City Hall (Municipio di Cornuda) TV, Italy engraved in silver... click through
Happy to learn that they still exist and are selling their lovely Italian Gold and Silver Jewellery- the BEST design in the entire world!

Related link:
Christmas Eve in Italy our Apartment View and Madonna di Rocca | showing you the video taken from apartment 


  1. Hello Mariette, It is wonderful to have souvenirs of our travels and adventures made of many materials, but those made of precious metals and gemstones are extra-special, since the use of those materials shows the importance of the object, both to the maker and the recipient.

    It is too bad about your gold and opal necklace--what a shock it must have been to be violently attacked that way.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Yes, the precious metals used make this very special for both of us.
      The experience in Santiago was a very painful one in every way! How violent some people can become indeed...

  2. Liebe Mariette,
    sehr schön!
    Alles Liebe

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Danke sehr und es ist eine wunderschöne Erinnerung an unsere vormalige Kirche dort.
      Liebe Grüße,

  3. Prachtige herinneringen aan jullie verblijf in Italië. Wat jammer en schrik dat je ketting gestolen is. Fijn weekend, lieve groet

    1. Beste Willy,
      Ja, het leven kent hele mooie en ook minder mooie herinneringen. Mensen zijn helaas niet allemaal hetzelfde.
      Liefs en ook een fijn weekend. Wij genoten van een heerlijk etentje gisteravond in restaurant wat hier per 1 mei weer 'soft' geopend is. Ingedeeld op afstand en bedienend personeel met monddoekjes voor...

  4. Beautiful paintings. Have a nice weekend.

    1. Dearest Anne,
      Yes, those are skillful silver etchings that look like a painting...

  5. Debe lucir muy bien, ese grabado en tu casa. Comprendo que le tengas tanto aprecio.


    1. Querida Antonia,
      ¿Quién no apreciaría tan bien el trabajo de grabado de plata? Es tan especial para nosotros como la obra de oro de Toledo...

  6. That is a beautiful etching, Mariette! It must take special skill to create such delicate art. Must be a real master! Oh isn’t it wonderful that the jewelry store is still there? :-)
    I’m sorry about the ripped chain incident, especially when the black opal set attached to it was a gift.

    I hope you, your husband Pieter, and your kitties are all doing well :-) Happy May, Mariette!

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Yes, it is a beautiful piece and one can only admire such silver etching done with skill.
      The jewelry store has been there now for over half a century, that is quite a time.
      Pure horror to feel something ripped off your neck and hurting you physically and otherwise, with the loss of a precious gift.
      Yes, all eight of us are fine!

  7. Interessant, das mit dem Glockenturm, liebe Mariette. Wußte ich auch noch nicht. Die Opale sind wunderschön! Wie gemein! Viele tragen deshalb heute nur Fake, auch die Promis. Das teure Stück liegt zuhause im Safe. Eigentlich traurig ... denn echte Steine sind unvergleichlich schön!

    Viele liebe Grüße

    1. Liebe Sara,
      Ja, so lernen wir alle bis wir sterben und so soll es auch sein.
      Opale sind sehr schön und so war auch die welche mir abgerückt wurde. Peinlich auch noch...
      Wir waren dort für die kirchliche Hochzeit und sonst hätte ich überhaupt nichts getragen und bei den Vätern im Kloster war grad eingebrochen worden also trug ich es... Schade!
      Liebe Grüße zurück,

  8. What a lovely etching on silver of the church in Cornuda you have dearest Mariette! A really little treasure! This reminded me that it was also in 1989 when I bought three small frames with views of Sanremo. They also have a Certificato de Garanzia on the back and they state that the three different views of the city are etched "su foglia oro 23kt"!!! I do not really believe this as I bought them in a souvenir shop, although I do not remember the price I paid for them!!! Still, they are very cute and I have them hanging in our office/library room.
    Many hugs, dear friend, and I wish you a lovely month of May for you and your dear Pieter!

    1. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      Wow, you strike once again a kindred spirit sign here with your three small frames. On May 5th my next post will be: Artistic Chromolythographs on 23 Kt Gold Leaf...
      Ours are still up in the living room all of them; fond memories.
      Thank you and you also a lovely May month with the entire family - enjoy the moments!

  9. I was sorry to read that your necklace got ripped off your neck!!!!!
    Your earrings are very beautiful!!!!

    1. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      That indeed was a rough experience but those criminals will meet their final Judge in the end.
      The earrings are darlings indeed!

  10. Dear Mariette - The little etching that you have of the church in Cornuda is a very special reminder of the time you both spent living in Italy, and especially so, as it was made jewellers who were neighbours.
    It is a shame that you had your lovely necklace ripped away from your neck in Chile - whenever we travelled in South America any precious jewellery was always left at home, and my husband always wore a very cheap plastic wrist watch which he was unconcerned about should it be stolen.

    1. Dearest Rosemary,
      Yes, it always will remain a very fond memory of our special time in Italy.
      But sure enough you would have worn one fond piece of jewelry on your Church wedding day...?!
      Both of us are very careful for not flashing any gold while traveling but this was a different event and at least having one piece that is close to one's heart should be possible - but it was NOT.

  11. Mariette piękne pamiątki, szkodź stracić taki naszyjnik. Życzę dużo zdrowia.

    1. Najdroższa Małgorzata,
      Dziękuję i jest to szczególne wspomnienie z naszego życia we Włoszech i pójścia do tego Kościoła.
      Tak, o naszyjnik oszukany szyi jest bolesne na dwa sposoby ...
      Życzę tobie i Twojemu również dobrze.

  12. Oh how precious these treasured reminders of your home in Italy. I do believe that we make connections in every place that we travel in whether we stay there for years or months or even days, there's a spirit of home in some of the places that leaves out lasting imprints in our hearts. The silver plate is so beautiful, and means very much to me as well as a Roman Catholic :)

    1. Dearest Stevenson,
      Yes, those are very special memories for both of us about a town we lived and worshiped.
      A small piece of our hearts indeed remains with the people and places we've been...


Thanks for your visit and comment.
