
Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Artistic Chromolythographs on 23 Kt Gold Leaf from Friend Gerard Derks in Italy

While living in Cornuda, Italy, we invited our friends Gerard and Pauline Derks over for dinner at our apartment.
Gerard gifted us with a set of three Artistic Chromolythographs made by hand press on 23 Kt Gold Leaf.
Such precious work in miniature... all with artist signature as well.
Living in Italy, you know that you are in a world with medieval buildings all around you...
Such medieval arches you can find everywhere...
With each having a certificate on its back about the chromolythography made with hand press on 23kt gold leaf from Jewellery store Pasa
Gold Engraving in Italy by Gioielleria Pasa, Via Piave, 14 32026 Lentiai - Borgo Valbelluna (BL) click through to their FB Page as they still do exist! Look at their masterwork here...
LOVE the Italian skills!
We read in the 1995-5 English Mushroom Journal, courtesy of Gerard Derks about the passing of our long time friend Bruno Sartor and co-founder of Funghi del Montello, the company we worked for in Italy. Click the uploaded ISMS link.
Bruno and his brother Valentino Sartor used to be wood traders.
Through contacts in Canada, they got to see how they constructed mushroom houses from wooden planks. That's how they too started in the mushroom business.
Valentino Sartor established in 1977 ITALSPAWN ITALIA, for use on their own mushroom plants, also selling it all over Europe as well as to Korea and Israel.
The Mushroom Journal 1979-1 click link to ISMS pdf. Gerard Derks is shown to the left.
The International Society for Mushroom Science (ISMS) has now uploaded most of the issues.
In The Mushroom Journal 1984-2 the MGA conference lecture by Gerard Derks has been published.
Maybe his sons would love to read it... And another article about Mushrooms in Mexico by Gerard Derks I found in the 1993-8 just click. 
Gerard Derks also became te recipient of the prestigious Sinden Award from the English MGA (Mushroom Growers Association) in 1991. Well deserved!
The Funghi del Montello mushroom operation published in 1992-1 The Mushroom Journal click to ISMS Pdf.
The Sinden Lecture Part 1 by Gerard Derks
Published by ISMS in Pdf format 1992-5 The Mushroom Journal click link
The Sinden Lecture Part 2 by Gerard Derks
Published by ISMS in Pdf format 1992-6 The Mushroom Journal click link
Once again, courtesy of Gerard Derks, a TRUE GENTLEMAN!
Uploaded now by ISMS in 2001-4 The Mushroom Journal
Sadly in 2002, when we visited Italy with our best friends from Dublin, Georgia, we made a stop at the hospital in Feltre, in the Province Belluno on June 6, for seeing Gerard one last time... he died of pancreatic cancer.
2003-12 The Mushroom Journal published this ten months after his death; click for ISMS uploaded link.
Gerard was a very active man in the Mushroom Industry, son of the school principal of Overasselt, The Netherlands

We did rightfully mention him in this post and in our book on page 219, which you find an image of in link below:

Related link:
Visiting A.G. Linfield Mushroom Compost Facility in England | Showing Mr. Jan Thielen from the above obituary, courtesy of Gerard Derks


  1. Hello Mariette, It is difficult to locate souvenirs that are both representative of the area and high quality. For example, postcards of these views would have been acceptable for some purposes, but to really recall and honor an experience like being among all the old buildings and sites in Italy, precious materials and framing can echo the quality and value of our memories there.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      That is a very keen observation and yes, this is a perfect combination of all in one. It radiates history, culture and value at once.

  2. Sono molto belle.
    Ciao Mariette, buon mercoledi.

    1. Caro Giancarlo,
      Ha ragione, sono per sempre molto belle.
      Un abbraccio,

  3. You received the wonderful gifts. They will never lose their brilliance. Your good memories would always polish them up.

    1. Dearest RTC,
      You did sum it up very concise and wisely! Good memories indeed.

  4. Liebe Mariette,
    Alles Liebe

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Danke, es sind sehr liebe und schöne Gemälde.
      Lieber Gruß,

  5. What a beautiful set of chromolithographs from your friends! Process of making them must require quite a skill! Love the images, especially the one with buildings and arch.
    Sad to lose friends but I'm grateful you could see Gerard before his passing. Those artworks among others will always carry fond memories.

    Have a wonderful day, Mariette xoxo

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Yes, it is a beautiful memory forever!
      Life is full of wonderful moments to treasure and for softening the loss of friends and family that we lose along the way...

  6. I may not comment on every post, please know I read them and love hearing about all the travel .. adventure .. people .. family. Stay well, dear one.

    1. Dearest Helen,
      Thank you and it is meaningful coming from you!
      Stay well too; hope we one day will meet...

  7. Esos trabajos artesanos , tienen mucho méritos y unas buenas horas de dedicación.


    1. Querida Antonia,
      Sí, seguro que sí y para nosotros un valor sentimental de un querido amigo que ya no está con nosotros...

  8. They are really lovely! Very similar to the three I had purchased in Sanremo in 1989, and of course yours are a precious souvenir of your friend Gerard!\
    Hugs, Marie-Anne

    1. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      Yours too are very precious and fine pieces for holding on to.
      Maybe not for sentimental value as much but still!
      Can't believe that we both posted about the same thing, from the same year of purchase at more or less the same time...

  9. Son unos cuadros magníficos y se ven delicados ya que son puro arte ,a mi em gustan mucho los cuadros seguro que los conservareis en algún bonito rincón de vuestro querido hogar con mucho cariño.
    Que paseis una buena semana.
    Un fuerte abrazo

    1. Querida Alicia,
      Gracias y sí son pequeñas gemas y sin duda permanecerán para siempre con nosotros como piezas sentimentales muy cariñosas.

  10. During this time of necessary isolation it's wonderful to think about our past travels. These images, made with such skill and care, must give you a lot of pleasure and comfort to think about the past, especially in Italy which is having such an ordeal.

    be well... mae at

    1. Dearest Mae,
      Yes, we all ought to cherish fond memories of the past for pushing the clouds aside that are temporarily hanging over us.
      We have a part of our heart in northern Italy, where we lived and worked and made friends.

  11. Oh Mariette, thank you so much for sharing this to all of us. These gifts are priceless treasures anyone can gratefully receive from strong friendships. I love the detailing of these arts. Thanks for sharing a piece of Italy, it makes me remember my time there last winter. I can only pray for the people there suffering so much, and all over our world. Stay Safe!

    1. Dear Stevenson,
      Those indeed are priceless treasures received from a long time friend!
      Both of us treasure the time we spent living in the Veneto region and have lots of fond memories, also from our work there.
      Glad you at least got to explore some of its beauty.
      May there soon be an end to this crazy pandemic!

  12. Replies
    1. Dearest Janey,
      Indeed, an almost regal hostess gift!

  13. I have hopped to you from Mae’s blog. These little miniatures are quite lovely and so precious to you. It is true that art enlivens our homes and our lives - and our memories.

    I noticed that your husband is a specialist on mushrooms. I have had numerous totally white mushrooms growing on my lawn and wonder if they are edible or poisonous. You can see their pictures, if you like, on my blog post of April 14th bottom of second collage. I have not been grocery shopping in a long time and would love to cook fresh mushrooms again.

    1. Dearest Vagabonde,
      Thank you for visiting and leaving a meaningful comment!
      Yes, our memories can greatly be underlined by keeping such treasures around.
      Did email you with a question as for the mushrooms that look like Agaricus campestris, which is edible. Just to make sure!
      Oh, I'm longing too for another mushroom risotto but we have not been back to Costco since March 20...
      Hoping that this crazy world will soon take a turn towards more freedom for all.

  14. Hello Mariette, I am gerard's youngest son, thanks for sharing this memory of my father. I've truly appreciated.

    1. Dearest Luca,
      That has been quite a while since I've seen you, when you still were little, visiting your Parents in Mel after Christmas 1989 when my Pieter was at the hospital in Valdobiadene. Pieter knew your Dad since the year 1950 or so, when he still lived in Overasselt, Netherlands. We never forget friends! Your Dad is even mentioned in our soon to be published new book. If you put Gerard Derks in the search box, top right of this blog (on PC visible) you find a total of 5 posts where he got mentioned. For you of course valuable information. Say hello to Paola, your Mom and to your older brother. Via FB Page or LinkedIn you also could send a message (under blog header picture at the very top you find the links).


Thanks for your visit and comment.
