
Friday, October 2, 2020

Immigrants that Move from Stamp-sized Yard to BIG size

Yes, that is so TRUE!
Having lived in The Netherlands, one of the world's most densely populated countries, with small property sizes in general, we moved from a Stamp-size Yard to a BIG size.
Our late friend Roy Chappell, also a Rotarian, dropped off this special tow behind spike aerator with lawn roller for behind our John Deere.
It was February 23, 1985 when spring soon would start.
You also see that husband Pieter is wearing his semi wooden clogs!
Pieter's clogs are in the center.
To the left were mine, when I was 3 years old I wore them and there used to be a leather strap for keeping them fit snug.
To the right are tourist clogs, a gift from Pieter's Mom, that we had hung on the wall on our patio.

 Those black ones were leather upper with wood bottom.
Pieter also loved to wear those when traveling to the different mushroom farms, for keeping his feet dry when walking on the compost yard.
Here you see such wooden clogs with leather (or man made) upper: Oase PU Klompen Dichte Hiel 232 just click link.
One early morning, after Pieter had left home for driving the good two hours to the airport, for such a farm review for Campbell Soup, I noticed his wooden clogs in their plastic tote.
I was in nightgown, so what I did, was put on my morning robe and grabbed his tote and RACED in my Ford Escort behind him...
That was SPEEDING, as I had to catch up with him!
Flashing my lights, when I saw his Buick in the distance, Pieter thinking, what idiot is coming behind me in the early morning?
Then, I drove on the left lane beside him, while holding up the plastic tote, and Pieter grinned.
Soon he pulled over into the roadside, and I quickly handed him his 'forgotten' tote with wooden clogs!
Pieter was happy; a quick kiss, and he only shook his head as I swiftly made a U-turn through the median, and went back home, now no need for speeding!

Lucky me for not encountering any Sheriff or State Patrol... 😉

Related links:
{Saint Nicholas | Sinterklaas} | previous post where you see my little wooden shoes
{SAINT NICHOLAS - SINTERKLAAS 2013} | previous post with my tiny wooden shoes


  1. Such a beautiful memory you shared. Actually I just thought, this scene needs to be in a movie. 💓💓 I really loved the tourist clogs.
    I never had one. I wish I could go back in time.

    1. Dearest Naqvee,
      Well, my chase on the Interstate was quite something and at present I would not be able to repeat that!
      Oh, they still sell those tourist clogs and people hang them also for using as a planter. The little ones were actually mine and Pieter did wear out his black ones... but never replaced them. They're now way too bulky for bringing home with all the luggage restrictions.

  2. Can you share a link that I can follow you?

    1. Dearest Naqvee,
      If you click here below on 'Home' you got the link and also at the top under my header photo, to the left, you can click on Home.

  3. What a beautiful loving story. You are a wonderful couple. God bless you always.

    1. Dearest Victor,
      Thank you and yes, we always have been very close and good at filling each other in; on all fronts!

  4. Replies
    1. Dearest Anne,
      Thank you and yes, I wore those on the left, when I was three...

  5. Hello Mariette, I wish there was a picture of when you were three, wearing those wooden shoes. I guess you needed lead-soled ones for your brief race-driving career.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Oh, wish that myself too but there only is one photo where sister Diny (19 months younger) wears hers...
      Haha, it was harder for my Ford Escort to obey my 'foot'...

  6. So Adventurous - You Two Kids Crack Me Up - Enjoy These Next Few Moon Rises - Be Well


    1. Dearest Travis,
      Well, at times we dove right into an adventure.

  7. Dearest Mariette,
    Ah, the things we do for love!
    So lovely to see your clogs. Remind me of the ones my Nanu and Gramp (grandfather Gravenhorst) gave all of us kids. We had them in many sizes. I only wish we had them now. Thanks for the memory.
    Enjoy your Sunday.

    1. Dearest Suzi,
      Yes, we went all the way!
      We don't have those big clogs anymore. You are right, you received them and they're somehow used for putting flowers in and that's it.
      The little ones, I wore, are in front of our fire place!

  8. Oh my gosh Mariette you were quick thinking.. and acting there, and yes lucky you weren't caught 😉
    P.s. we do have the paler pink bottle brushes here also, and a creamy colour.. I love my bright red 💛

    1. Dearest Grace.
      Yes, I had to think quick and act.
      Nowadays you cannot even cross through the median, there are everywhere guard rails.
      Yes, the bright red bottle brushes are stunning; as are your native birds!

  9. Those clogs are beautiful. Love the small one you wore as a little girl :-) The episode that you raced behind your husband Pieter shows your love and thoughtfulness! Glad you could catch him :-)

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Thank you, the little clogs are kind of cute and they are super light as well.
      Wish I had a photo of me wearing them...
      Yes, in the name of love; you literally go the extra mile and fast too, if needed!

  10. Oh, Mariette! What a sweet thing you did racing after Pieter to give him the clogs he had forgotten!!!
    I also have a pair of tourist clogs, which actually was the first 'business gift' I was offered when I started working with dutch publishers, and I still have them, after more than 40 years, on display in front of our shoe cabinet!
    Many hugs,

    1. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      Yes, I did not hesitate one second but literally raced behind him and caught up with him.
      No, we only have my tiny clogs that I wore at age 3... Good that you saved yours over the years!


Thanks for your visit and comment.
