
Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Our Fabulous Vienna Stay with Strauss Concert by Vienna Hofburg Orchestra

On Saturday, September 28 of 1996, upon arrival from Budapest at our Wienerwald hotel, we opted for the optional Strauss Concert by the Vienna Hofburg Orchestra.
A photographer took this photo with us in the center with my black La Perla body under Escada suit...
This was the program but it is all in German...
On Sunday morning right after breakfast we were being transported to the center of Vienna, by bus.
Each of us (those that signed up for this optional tour...) received a lunch bag.
It was me, peaking insight of my bag and I started laughing hilarious at the discovery of a banana with blobs of white gooey stuff on it and a STILL HOT BOILED EGG (the culprit of the molten piece of white chocolate...!).
So our tour guide handled very quick after seeing my drawn-out attributes.
Ladies and gentlemen would you please remove the egg out of your bag, because it is still HOT...
What a hilarious morning with lots of laughter.
Turned out they had a new boy in the kitchen; actually his FIRST day and this happened...
With the sun out, Vienna is lovely with all its terraces.
We teamed up that day with four people from the province of Zeeland, The Netherlands.
We laughed a lot!
The individually wrapped sandwich in our lunch bag proved to be very good!
We enjoyed the many terraces and also a tour of the Opera House.
Such fun statues with empty seat so husband Pieter joined them!
An umbrella can be turned into a weapon – IF needed but this statue did not react to my hand...
Traveling with my favorite The Bridge saddlebag purse.
Pause to give our laugh wrinkles a break!
Pausing with a coffee on one of many terraces...
An American from Limburg and a Dutch woman from Zeeland; two Southern Provinces of The Netherlands...
Such a lovely sunny day!
My Burberry umbrella took care of good weather and my Burberry blazer was only partly being used.
Pieter stepped back to give an overview.
Such a lovely Sunny Sunday!
Still got my Escada jeans skirt...
On Monday we went by bus into the city again. 
Me, touching home on a large globe in Prater, Vienna's large Public Park.
On our way home on October 1, lunch with view on the River Danube
From afar...
That's where we had lunch... I'm standing in the center with back towards you.
We stayed for our final night at the Queens hotel in Nürnberg, Germany.
Our final day, October 2nd.
Lunch in Drolshagen, Germany
Lunch, and so ended a wonderful 12–day bus tour from the South of The Netherlands through Germany to Prague  – Budapest – Vienna and back via Germany to Limburg...
Passing through The Netherlands; Germany; Czech Republic; Slovakia; Hungary; Austria; Germany and back into The Netherlands. Of course we flew transatlantic for doing this!

Related links:


  1. What a lovely tour. Is that Laurel and Hardy sitting next to you?

    God bless.

    1. Dearest Victor,
      Yes it was a lovely tour in all!
      No Laurel and Hardy but some Austrian political figures that we did not know.

  2. How funny some of your lunch melted! It looks like you had a wonderful time though, you have so many lovely photos to look back on! :)

    Hope that you are having a good week :)

    Away From Blue

    1. Dearest Mica,
      The melting of that white chocolate was hilarious indeed.
      That Sunday could not have been any better and we so enjoyed being there, with fun fellow travellers too.

  3. Hello Mariette, How lucky to catch a Strauss concert while in Vienna. Often we know about fixed attractions--museums, parks, etc., but it is nice to encounter live performances when traveling. It makes the visit that much more exciting and personal.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Yes, we were very lucky and our tour operators had the best information and organized the optional things perfectly. It was heavenly being there!

  4. What a marvelous trip, Mariette! I really enjoyed your photos here.

    1. Dearest Martha Jane,
      It was absolutely marvelous that entire trip. Even with the start of bad weather in Prague. Photos go a long way from remembering certain things with fondness.

  5. You have so many fab photos to remember your travels by Mariette, the hot egg/white chocolate incident started the trip off on a happy and hilarious note! Love the panoramic view of the River Danube 💙

    1. Dearest Grace,
      Yes, this was a great Sunday with indeed a hilarious start.
      The River Danube is beautiful everywhere it flows.

  6. It has been an absolutely wonderful journey. Fortunately, you have photos as memories of the trip.

    1. Dearest Anne,
      Yes, it was indeed a wonderful journey and Pieter enjoyed his hobby of photography still very much!

  7. Yo también hubiera disfrutado mucho en un concierto así. me gusta mucho la música de ese gran compositor.


    1. Querida Antónia,
      Sí, seguro que habrías disfrutado de la música celestial de Strauss.

  8. Dearest Mariette, I enjoyed the details and photos of your trip very much indeed, as they reminded me of our family trip to Vienna, Prague and Budapest some 20 years ago!!! I have to get out my photo albums and start scanning as I am afraid the photos will start to fade and that would be such a pitty!!!!
    Your experience with the hot egg and the melting chocolate is so fun!!!!
    Thank you for your kind words in your comment to my blog. I already feel a lot better and I hope you also are, both of you!!! For the moment, no vaccines for us...we have to wait for the older persons to get it first.
    I wish you a happy February!!!
    Many hugs!

    1. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      Glad that it also did bring back fond memories for you!
      Oh, I'm certainly glad for having tackled that mega task of scanning all we got; slides, photos and scrap books. Also filed by subject and date.
      It indeed was a hilarious start of the day and we felt sorry for the boy that made a mistake on his very first day at work!
      It always is a pleasure visiting you on your blog and glad you are on the mend; so are we.

  9. It is always a big surprise to see you have sooo many photos and lovely memories!!!
    Pieter and you are a long beautiful couple.😊😊!!
    Wonderful day to you.

    1. Dearest Tomoko,
      Thank you for your meaningful comment.
      Yes, both of us share a long period of mutual memories and I'm so happy for having digitalized everything. Now is the time to relive those fondest moments together!
      Wishing you and your loved ones the very best!!!

  10. Hallo Mariette, wat een prachtige stad om te verblijven. Leuke foto's en grappig die beeldengroep waar jullie tussen zijn gaan zitten.
    Bij mij is het gelukt om weer een miniatuurfoto in de bloglijst te laten verschijnen. De wijziging die je in dit blog hebt gedaan heeft even tijd nodig om aangepast te worden in de bloglijst. Het kan zelfs enkele uren duren. Ik zie het straks wel met je nieuwe bericht.
    Fijn weekend en lieve groet!

    1. Beste Willy,
      Ja het was een geweldige ervaring om in Wenen rond te kunnen lopen!
      Die beeldengroep was heel ècht en mooi, ook omdat ze een zitplaats boden aan diegene die het wilde of nódig had.
      Ben benieuwd naar mijn nieuwe post vanavond!

  11. Replies
    1. Dearest Regine,
      Strauss' music is balsam for the soul...

  12. Bellissime foto dei tuoi viaggi.Buona serata.

    1. Cara Olga,
      Grazie en anche tutti voi un buon weekend.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
