
Thursday, March 25, 2021

Happy Reunion with Swiss Kuhn Family & United States Consulate for our Permanent Visa


On Sunday, January 22 of 1984, Hans Jörg Kuhn, the son of Jörg Kuhn whom Pieter knew for decades, was our guest.
I'd cooked a delicious dinner, according to Pieter's writing in our diary...
We surely enjoyed our time together!
Hans Jörg Jr. was visiting Dublin to see the new Campbell farm, that Pieter designed, in operation. 
On April 20, 1984 on Good Friday, we both flew with KLM Royal Dutch Airlines to Amsterdam, The Netherlands and friend Jan Thielen picked us up at the airport.
Both of us stayed with Pieter's eldest brother in Horst and walked to garage Timmermans for picking up our rental car.
It was Easter Weekend and on Tuesday, we did rise early for catching the 5:50 train to Rotterdam for going to the United States Consulate in their new building, across from the eye surgery hospital where Pieter was a few years earlier for his 1st implant lens...
We first went to the Dutch G.G.D. (Municipal Health Services) for having lung X-rays made. We had to wait for the results and got the images as documentation. 
By metro to another doctor for medical examination and blood tests. 
By 13:30 with these results back to the United States Consulate. By 16:30 we were done after lots of questions, finger prints and solemnly swearing that we had filled in the truth. 
Finally our long day got rewarded with a heavy, sealed parcel, for our Permanent Visa with a bill for 800 Dutch Guilders!
That was the start for both of us to become a United States Citizen but only after living here for five more years, and paying all our taxes and keeping a clean record as everything got checked.
This was during President Reagan's time, with still very strict rules for becoming a United States Citizen!
We never could vote all that time; now all rules are out of the window...
On April 25, 1984 we both flew from Düsseldorf, Germany to Zürich, Switzerland after first driving one hour...
Jörg Kuhn's daughter Barbara with her husband Max, came to pick us up. 
We had lunch at an old restaurant, high in the mountains with beautiful view.
My FIRST introduction to Switzerland was breathtaking.
Wearing my hand knitted and hand embroidered sweater...
Arriving at the home of Barbara & Max in Waldstatt, Switzerland.
A perfect sunny day... 
Don't you love the lush green meadows, right behind their home?!
I've always said, that IF I have to reincarnate as an animal, I want to be a cow for grazing in the Appenzell area of Switzerland – it almost made me want to stand on 'all fours' for grazing...
With some borrowed shoes we all went hiking...
Resting on a bench...
We climbed up to where snow was still on the ground...
Barbara & Max had somebody pick us up at the road, so we did not have to walk the entire stretch back home!
Doing the hike, poor Pieter got attacked by a German shepherd that tried to bite him!
He managed to kick him off his trouser legs; scary as those were Pieter's ONLY trouser that he'd taken as he'd left his suits hanging on the armoire at his brother's home. 
We got up a bit too late and had to rush, rush...

My 1st day in Switzerland; stay tuned for next post.
Barbara's brother Hans Jörg did stay with us in Dublin, Georgia on September 18 till 21, 1984.
In May of 1985, Hans Jörg Kuhn with their manager August Enzler were our guests in Dublin, Georgia
So we certainly did stay in touch!

Related posts:
Pieter Co-Speaker at ISMS in Amsterdam-Wageningen 1965 | Mentioning Jörg Kuhn Visiting A.G.
{My Hand Knitted & Hand Embroidered Sweater} | About the Hand Embroidered Sweater that I wore
Husband Pieter Doing it ALL | manager August Enzler and Hans Jörg Kuhn on new patio in May 1985


  1. You have wonderful photos to go along with your memories Mariette, the scenery in the background of the Switzerland photos is stunning ✨

    1. Dearest Grace,
      Yes, those photos are valuable since Max no longer is with us...
      Switzerland is such a beautiful country!

  2. Great photos, Mariette, and wonderful story about becoming American citizens - the legal way!

    1. Dearest Martha Jane,
      Thank you and yes, that was quite a memoral time in our life!
      Indeed, the legal way of becoming a United States citizen.

  3. Great memories Mariette - and photos always help stir them no matter how long ago.

    I lived here a long time before applying for citizenship - and am now a dual citizen with two passports - how about you? My difficulty was that I have no clear fingerprints so was sent all over NC trying to get acceptable ones! Such a pain, and went through it all again when applying for Global Entry. Now I can't even travel anywhere and we have to cancel our May trip to the UK, just too many negative issues to deal with. Perhaps come Autumn we can go - I'm so homesick for my family and we are aging so don't have numerous travel years ahead, if you know what I mean!

    1. Dearest Mary,
      Yes they sure are great memories!
      We both are United States Citizen with only one passport, as we took our oath of allegiance serious:
      'I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state of sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen.'

      Hoping you get a chance to travel soon!

  4. Lovely photos and interesting memories.

    1. Dearest Anne,
      Yes, for me my first Switzerland experience with dear friends!

  5. Hello Mariette, You and Pieter have always led such a peripatetic existence that it must always have been a special treat to meet up with family or friends like this. About the dog that attacked Pieter, I am all for pet dogs (provided they are not allowed to bark incessantly), but I do not think that dogs should ever be trained to be vicious--the chance of their really hurting someone is too great. Your dog Mauzie was a perfect example of the sweet, lovable type!

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Yes, this was pure bliss for both of us.
      It was very scary that dog encounter and you're right, that size can be rather vicious and dangerous. Pieter got bitten once while biking and ended up at the emergency due to heavy bleeding from his leg. Nasty...
      Mauzie was a sweet girl and bigger ones can be, if trained properly and on a leash.

  6. Replies
    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      True, and about very special events and people!

  7. You have such lovely memories of times gone by, Mariette. Times with friends and family making good memories for the future.

    God bless you all always.

    1. Dearest Victor,
      Thank you and it feels good for finally being able to reflect on them; just in time...

  8. Hello Mariette,such beautiful memories.
    It is always a joy to remember good times.
    Take care,

    Hugs, Ida

    1. Dearest Ida,
      Creating beautiful memories with dear friends is a treasure.
      Yes, the greatest joy one can have!

  9. Una reunión apacible y de mucha cordialidad. Recuerdos del pasado, donde erámos más jóvenes y con mucha energía para emprender cualquier tarea.


    1. Querida Antónia,
      Sí, mucho más joven y enérgico, pero todavía es como una vitamina para revisar esto... Tiempos cariñosos con queridos y queridos amigos.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
