
Friday, April 16, 2021

Mom got called MOVIE STAR for once she was the CENTER of ATTENTION!


Now 25 years ago but this is such a dear memory of my Mom!
She NEVER was the CENTER of ATTENTION before...
Always a hardworking Mom and without any complaining, she helped Dad in the fields and greenhouses and ran the entire household for nine!
Sure, I've helped her a lot but she never had time off, for visiting with a friend or seeing her own Mother. 
Mom never had a driver's license, so she was pretty much stuck in her kitchen and home.
Dad on the contrary, being a member of two choirs, had to perform regularly, and he sang solos and got lots of attention. 
Mom was proud of him! 
She was an ANGEL and one that never complained...
On March 20, 1996 Mom & Dad flew together with our friend Marianne, who'd visited her son in The Netherlands, from Amsterdam to Atlanta.
So I found it was time for giving her a special gift! On Friday of March 22nd, Pieter went with Dad to his Rotary Club meeting. Just Mom and me, we drove to the next city, about one hour away and we both had Glamour Shots made as it is called.
Mom had NO makeup on, only some powder for reducing shine and LIPSTICK!
Her hair got done with big rollers and then all the garments came out.
The photographer had asked me ahead of time, some Dutch words so he could give her his commands in HER language. 
Mom was so charmed by him and he even spoke Dutch she later in the car said!
Dad was quite impressed when we both got home, she still was radiating, so happy and relaxed and she felt pampered by so much attention.
When we went on Friday March 29, to pick up the photos that I'd selected off the computer screen, Mom & I went out for lunch and some shopping. Returning home, Dad could not believe with what she came home with. One selected photo and all the small ones; he got very 'quiet'...
When on that Friday evening, all friends complimented her, including Uncle Bo, as how young she looked compared to her very 1st visit in 1987, eight years earlier, Mom was in heaven and Dad was very, VERY quiet! 
Mom even reprimanded him one time, where she said he had to look nice...
She called it her BEST GIFT EVER so that made both our hearts sing.
A gift well chosen...
Next day she had a hard time saying goodbye at the airport, after I'd checked both of them in First Class on my Royal Wing card from KLM Royal Dutch Airlines. They even let all four of us use the Lufthansa lounge which both airlines did share for their first class and business class passengers.
We'd purchased Mom & Dad a regular economy ticket but it was a gift, in return for being able to use their car at times when visiting in The Netherlands...

Related links:
{Mom Did Wear Many Hats} | Showing some of Mom's glamour shots
{Mom Lived 16 Days Short of Her 91st Birthday} | Mom's writing in our guest book after the 1996 visit
{Challenge Accepted + Easter Photos} | previous post writing about Mom's visit when we had photo shoot
{Happy 89th Birthday Dear Mom} | previous post summing up things my Mom taught me


  1. Hello Mariette, I loved seeing those beautiful photos of your mother. If you recall, from the first pictures I saw of her, that is exactly what I called her--a movie star! In fact, she always reminded me of the super-lovable movie star Spring Byington. When I first came to Taiwan, I lived with roommates, and one of them had a portfolio of those glamour shots made as a gift to his parents in Canada, who reportedly were enchanted with it.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Thank you and yes, I do recall you mentioning that.
      So, I'm not the only one gifting a parent with those glamour shots.
      For your roommate it was also helpful as he moved that far away.

  2. What a great gift for your Mom. But then ... you are the best gift she could have.

    God bless.

    1. Dearest Victor,
      Thank you, all those memories I do treasure, above all her many letters!

  3. A beautiful lady who certainly deserved to be the center of attention. Thanks for sharing these memories, Mariette!

    1. Dearest Martha Jane,
      Thank you and she sure did; that was long overdue for honoring her for once.

  4. Replies
    1. Dearest Anne,
      Those are special memories forever! Mom being relaxed and indulging in some care and attention...

  5. Such glamour shots indeed! How wonderful that your mom got to be the centre of attention for once in her life. (Really, it wasn't a "woman's place" to command attention, the woman's place was in the home and "behind" her husband. Alas, it's still too common an expectation in so many cultures, including ours, even today!)

    1. Dearest Kim,
      Yes, they were fabulous and with such little effort, enough rest, being relaxed and feeling pampered + powder and lipstick!
      You are right, a woman's place was always behind her husband and we see that still a lot nowadays; in all cultures.

  6. I love the sweetness of your story .... your mother was so deserving of the praise and pampering from her beloved daughter. I am thrilled you shared this .....

    1. Dearest Helen,
      Oh, it was just the perfect plan, timing and setting and on that final evening amidst friends, receiving all the compliments it was HER DAY!
      Glad to share this, there are special moments for each of us and we hold onto them forever. You pampered your Mom in a very loving and special way.

  7. Se sintió reina por un día y en sus posados parece una estrella del celuloide.

    Le tocó una vida en que la mujer solamente se dedicaba a las tareas de casa y preocuparse por su familia.


    1. Querida Antónia,
      Exactamente, realmente se sentía como una reina, un día sin preocupaciones ni tareas que hacer, sólo con su hija... Volver a casa con un recuerdo eterno de ese día especial y fue de vuelta a la cocina y otras tareas para el marido y la familia. Pero los atesoro para siempre.

  8. I enjoyed every second of this video and movie star indeed! Was a joy to see and how lovely! Her expressions in the small shots with the differing costumes were adorable! She looked as though she would be so much fun to talk to when she had time to relax. This was just the best Of course, I recognized you and Pieter.

    1. Dearest Katie Isabella,
      Thank you and yes, Mom had a ball while having those photos made.
      She was so at ease and loved it!
      Whenever she had a chance to be her true self, she was a lot of fun to talk to and could laugh out loud. Back with Dad, she always played the 2nd fiddle and just kept quiet...
      It is precious for having this captured!

  9. Dear Mariette - that was a really special and thoughtful occasion that you arranged for your mother. The beautiful memories of her have been captured and left with you with forever.

    1. Dearest Rosemary,
      Thank you and yes, it was oh so rewarding for having proceeded in doing this. Selecting a Friday and Pieter took Dad to his Rotary Club lunch meeting, so Mom and I took off on our own.
      This is the fondest memory captured so well, it will last forever indeed!

  10. Your mother was very beautiful and will certainly be smiling and looking out for all of you.
    Beautiful family

    Coisas de Feltro

    1. Dearest Christina,
      Thank you and she no doubt is smiling down from heaven!
      Ever since her death, I've felt her presence... she's with us and now our special Angel we know by name.

  11. Replies
    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      Thank you and yes, it was great for seeing Mom that happy!

    2. Good Sunday to you Mariette, If you get two comments, it's because the page kind of froze and I hit something wrong. I want to say I watched your video twice and a joy it was to see your Mother. She is such a pretty woman. Everyone enjoying coffee and cake with her and laughing. I like that. Such beautiful memories. Hugs, Betsy

    3. Dearest Betsy,
      Thank you and yes, those were happy 'Full House' memories. Several of the people in the video are no longer with us... But this is a wonderful memory forever and even more valuable now.

  12. Un bel video, una bella mamma la tua.
    Una buona serata e un sereno mercoledi a te.

    1. Caro Giancarlo,
      Grazie, c'è una bella memoria per noi!
      Un abbraccio,


Thanks for your visit and comment.
