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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

{Happy 89th Birthday Dear Mom}

Wishing my dear Mom a Happy 89th Birthday on February 12! She is quite a hero for still going strong after almost 5 years of kidney dialysis. You can read more in my previous posts about her, below... 
  • Mom taught me how to love, love my human Parents and love my heavenly Parents. How sweet it always was when she came to my bedroom, to see if I got tucked in well, together with my sister Diny. She marked my forehead with a cross and said her sweet prayer: Danke Lieve Heerke, danke Lieve Vrouwke, danke engeltje zoet die ons Marietje bewaren moet. Thank you Dear Lord, thank you dear Lady Mary, thank you sweet Angel who must wake over our Marietje... With that prayer by Mom, I felt so loved and so fuzzy that in no time I was in dreamland! 
  • Mom taught me how to care for others, how to cook, how to love flowers, how to do fine needlework.
  • Mom taught me how to uphold myself and for wearing good, decent and supporting lingerie. She repeated what her Mom always taught her: Wie zijn eigen bewaart, die bewaart geen rotte appels. Those that keep their own do not keep bad apples. 
  • Mom taught me how to keep the sun from damaging the face, she covered up with an all cotton headscarf, while working the fields. Smart woman as till today her face is soft and a lot younger looking than her actual age. So glad I too always covered up with a wash cloth when at the pool or wearing a hat at the beach. Thank you Mom!
  • Mom taught me the love of ginger and I recall as a young teen, staying up late and baking her a surprise ginger cake on her birthday! Got reprimanded by Dad for not being in bed, I cried but it was worth it. Mom loved it!
  • Mom also taught me to LOVE those diamond shaped nougat blocks with chocolate covered. I always would bring her one home when I was dating and going to a fair where they got sold.
  • How Mom could put a spring in my step as I did smell her home cooked delicious tomato soup when we came walking home from school for lunch. No one could sautée onions better than Mom. She also used sautéed onions with her green beans and her ribs were so yummy with sautéed onions and tomatoes... Her apricot pie baking was something out of this world! 
  • Mom kept an exemplary MORAL COMPASS—passed down by generations of strong women.
  • With love I did bake and cook for you during your four stays with us here in the U.S.A. and also giving a High Tea in your honor for some ladies... Short video where at 1:23 you can see the tea/coffee table in her honor here in Georgia: Pieter J.C. Vedder squeezes lemon over Popovers for Mom & Dad & High Tea in Honor of Mom in Georgia ←click it.
Here in our living room we are together; framed forever in silver. Mom's is with roses...
I still can hear your voice when you exclaimed that those pictures were the most precious gift you ever received... 
We went together to the next city for this photo shoot, when you and Dad were staying with us in the USA.
That will forever remain a wonderful memory, as there are so many others!
Thanks Mom and Happy 89th Birthday from your American daughter.

Related links:
{The Little Black Dress & My MOM} | previous post by me
{Mom's 4th Dialysis Anniversary} | previous post by me
{Like to see my own Everlasting Silver ROSE?} | previous post by me
{MY VERY FIRST BLOG AWARD} | previous post by me, listing 10 points about me...


  1. Dearest Mariette,
    Happy birthday to your mother!
    Hope she will have more healthy years. You two look lovely♡♡♡
    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      Thanks for your birthday wishes for my Mom!
      Hugs and happy Valentine's week to you,

  2. Happy Birthday Mariette's mother, and many happy returns. She sounds like a kind and loving mother who knew the art of making a home and bringing up children. Mariette, you are lucky to be able to honor her on her 89th birthday. --Jim

    1. Thanks a lot Jim for the birthday wishes! Yes, I feel very lucky for being able to have her with us that long; regardless the distance between us... But a Skype call on the iPhone makes good for that!

  3. Os deseo mucha felicidad para las dos. Un fuerte abrazo Mariette y todo mi cariño. ¡Feliz día!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. ¡Querida Enma!
      Muchas gracias por sus felicitaciones. Es difícil vivir muy lejos de mis padres pero todavía en nuestros corazones estamos juntos; para siempre.

  4. beautiful pictures! sounds like you have a great mom!!

    1. Dearest Daniela,
      Indeed, I do have a great Mom!
      Hugs to you,

  5. Dear Mariette,
    Happy Birthday to your dear mother. She taught you much and your tribute to her is very special. I love the beautiful pics of you both. Two lovely ladies that look so much alike.
    May God Bless your mom with many more wonderful birthday years and blessings for good health to follow.

    Sending hugs your way. Love to you, Celestina Marie

    1. Dearest Celestina Marie,
      Thanks for the birthday wishes and indeed I have been blessed with a Mom as I have had and still have by the grace of God.
      Hugs to you,

  6. Dearest Mariette,
    Happy Birthday to your mother!
    She love to rose's very much just like you Mariette san.
    I remember a skype on your Mum is beautiful photos.
    Have a lovely time always!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      Thanks for the birthday wishes! Skype does bridge the continents.
      Hugs to you,

  7. My dear friend Mariette:
    I wish a happy birthday to your mother, I hope she has a wonderful day, and may God give her many more years. She is a wonderful lady, and you are blessed to have a mom like her.
    Send you both a huge hug.
    Con cariño,

    1. Dearest Laura,
      Thanks for the felicitations and yes, I feel very blessed. She is a dear Mom and I keep her always close to my heart!
      Hugs to you,

  8. Happy birthday to your beautiful mother! I can see you in her and what a lovely post in her honor you did and shared with us. She taught you so much and gave you immense love and affection, it's wonderful to have such great memories from our mothers. You are blessed to have your dearest with you and may you have her for many years to come, more! Big hugs my friend.

    1. Dearest Fabby,
      Thanks for your felicitations. Yes, I am blessed for having her on this earth, even if she is 7,000 kilometers away from us. Between hearts there is no distance!
      Hugs to you,

    2. LOL!! You cracked me up Mariette...yeah, I spelled the Virgins in many ways..in my old age I'm having disleccia, and it's not funny! Takes you to notice, ha!! I love your visits and I so appreciate them very much. Big hugs,
      PS: I don't have any antique cloches, my Mil had a couple of English ones, which I think my sis in laws have them.

  9. Dear Mariette, what a lovely tribute to your beautiful Mother. I can see where you get your loveliness, and also your lovely spirit. I know it must be difficult to be so far away from her, and I am sorry you cannot be with her, but you are right, hearts do not know distance! I know she must be proud of her beautiful daughter and this must be a comfort to her now. Thank you for sharing her with us and for giving us a little glimpse into what a loving Mother she is. Happy Birthday to your lovely Mother. Hugs xoxo

    1. Dearest Karen,
      Thanks for the sweet Birthday wishes; that means a lot to me!
      Wishing you a Happy Valentine's week.

  10. Dearest Mariette,
    Happy Birthday to your Mum!
    Hope, she stil will have many lovely years!
    Lovely post for her special day!!!
    Wonderful pictures of you both!
    Love and hugs to you,

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      Thanks for the Birthday wishes to my Mom! Let's indeed hope and pray she will be with all of us for some more time.
      Hugs to you,

  11. Liebe Mariette,

    ich wünsche deiner Mutter alles Gute zum Geburtstag und für ihr neues Lebensjahr. Sie sieht lieb und hübsch aus.

    Alles Liebe

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Recht vielen Dank für deine gute Wünschen!
      Lieber Gruss,

  12. Oh wat n geweldige leeftijd! Van harte gefeliciteerd voor je moeder! En hopelijk nog vele jaren in (tamelijk) goede gezondheid!
    Lieve groeten,

    1. Beste Nicole,
      Ja, het is zéker al een mijlpaaltje op zich. Maar we hopen natuurlijk op meer in 'tamelijk' goede gezondheid!

  13. Gefeliciteerd voor je moeder, wat een prachtige leeftijd. Mooie foto's van jullie beiden, met dezelfde vriendelijke lach!
    Lieve groet

    1. Beste Jeanny,
      Dank je wel voor de goede wensen en zeker is dit een prachtige leeftijd.

  14. Daqui do Brasil, desejo um FELIZ ANIVERSÁRIO pra tua mãe e muita SAÚDE para que possam estar mais e mais anos juntas, sempre com alegria! beijos às duas,chica

    1. Querida Chica, obrigado por seu bem deseja, e sim, a boa saúde é o mais importante na vida. Abraços,

  15. Hartelijk gefeliciteerd met je moeder Mariëtte,het is een rijk bezit dat je je moeder nog hebt. Je lijkt ook wel op je moeder zo te zien op de foto's.

    Liefs Janny

    1. Dank je wel lieve Janny! Het is een rijk bezit zeker om mijn Moeder nog te hebben, al is het op afstand. Maar via Skype hadden we vandaag als éérste van de familie toch contact met haar.

  16. Hai ricordato quante cose la tua mamma ti ha insegnato, tutte cose che ti hanno portato ad essere la bella persona che sei. Auguri, tanti tanti cari auguri ad una splendida donna e mamma! Paola

    1. Cara Paola,
      Hai ragione, ma quelle cose che ho scritto viven così profondo del mio cuore. Tutti noi abbiamo tantissimo grazie ai nostre Mamme per tanto hanno dovutanos in nostra vita!

  17. Lijkt me moeilijk om niet naar haar toe te kunnen vandaag.....89....mooi hoor....ik zou dat niet kunnen hoor...wat jij hebt gedaan....daar gaan wonen....pffff.....ja nu wel nu mijn beide ouders er niet meer zijn ...nu zou ik het wel kunnen.....maar eerder echt niet...knap hoor!!...liefs enne gefeliciteerd !!...xxx...

    1. Lieve Ria,
      Houden van zit níet vast op kilometers... Mogelijk leer je dit pas ècht als je een zekere afstand neemt en veel meer objektief naar de dingen in het leven kunt kijken. Overigens ben ik de énigste niet in deze wereld en wat zijn de tijden veranderd. Vroeger waren ze inderdaad hélemaal weg en hadden geen contact meer, enkel per brief. Er is overigens méér eenzaamheid van ouderen die hun kinderen héél dichtbij hebben qua afstand maar die niet of nauwelijks op bezoek komen. Dat breekt hun later nog ooit op. Ouders zijn bijzonder en je eert ze ook daarom.

    2. Lieverd...het is geen verwijt of zo...maar ik bedoel het meer als compliment....ik zou het niet kunnen......en soms heb je ook geen andere keuze...en natuurlijk ben jij niet de enige......maar ik ben blij met de gedachte ...ik bij mijn ouders was....ik ben ik en jij bent jij...toch ??...nogmaals ik zou het niet kunnen.....knap dat jij het wel kunt !!...liefs van mij...xxx...

  18. Happy birthday to your mom, dear. Mums are props in our lives, for their whole life. Lovely tribute to your Mother.Bravo.Kisses from Greece.

    1. Dearest Georgia,
      Thanks for the birthday wishes for my Mom. Indeed Moms are props in our lives; forever and even after death.
      Hugs from Georgia to Greece,

  19. Vergat nog te zeggen dat vandaag 12 februari het de sterfdag van "mijn" moeder is, en zij in januarie jl 100 jaar geworden zou zijn. Maar voor jou vandaag een fijne dag met de verjaardag van je moeder,bel je ook met haar?

    groeten Janny

    1. Lieve Janny,
      Altijd een moeilijke dag zo'n sterfdag maar ze lééft toch in jouw hart en dicht bij je. Wat zal ze genieten van je práchtige rozen en trots zijn op je!
      Ja, we hebben met Skype als eerst van haar zeven kinderen haar gefeliciteerd voordat ze ontbijt had.'

  20. Liebe Mariette, auch von mir herzliche Glückwünsche.
    es ist schön, wenn man seine Mutter so lange haben
    darf.Ich wünsche Dir, dass Du sie noch eine Zeitlang haben
    Liebe Grüße

    1. Liebe Irmi,
      Danke für deine Glückwünsche und ich hoffe natürlich ihre Stimme noch lange hören zu können via Skype...
      Lieber Gruss,

  21. Lieve Mariette en Pieter,

    Hartelijk gefeliciteerd met Moeders 89e verjaardag!!!

    Wat een prachtige herinneringen schrijf jij hier neer Mariette over jou lieve Moeder,zó vol liefde over haar,maar in al die mooie posten die jij in het verleden schreef over haar proef ik ook telkens weer heel duidelijk de liefde die jij van haar mocht ontvangen in je leven,het heeft jou mede gevormd tot een lief en zorgzaam mens en altijd begaan met de ander,oog voor alles wat leeft,groeit en bloeit.
    Prachtige foto's van twee mooie vrouwen....en niet enkel mooi aan de buitenkant....
    maar in mijn optiek is die mooie binnenkant die jullie beiden hebben vele malen belangrijker!!!!

    Ook al heb ik heel wat jaren minder samen met mijn lieve Moeder op deze aarde kunnen zijn,de mooie herinneringen zijn er niet minder om,en ik heb veel goede eigenschappen van haar overgenomen,ze is dan al wel 38 jaar niet meer in ons midden.....maar geen dag uit mijn hart.

    Lieve groeten,Ger

    1. Lieve Ger,
      Jij bent een uitzonderlijke schrijfster en daarmee ook een erg goede lezer. Je neemt zo goed de dingen om je heen waar in je eigen leven en kunt die ook altijd prachtig weergeven. Een bijzondere gave! Dank je wel voor je lieve complimenten en je hebt zó'n gelijk over de mooie binnenkant van een mens. Toch zijn er nog veel mensen om ons heen die dit niet eens weten te ontdekken bij hun ouders of anderen...
      Je Moeder blijft àltijd in je hart, tot de dag dat we weer sámen kunnen zijn.

  22. Darling Mariette,

    How fortunate you are to have such a beautiful mother who is still going strong.

    May she continue to dance around the sun...........*S*

    1. Dearest Suzi, yes I am fortunate for having a tremendous strong Mother on this earth.

  23. Dearest Mariette ..Your mother is beautiful inside and out ! You are so blessed to have her as your earthly mother ~ she has definitely instilled some wonderful traits in you and passed down some precious insight to living a beautiful and simple life. Happy Birthday to your mother, many blessings and thanks to her for bringing you into the world. Hugs and blessings, C. (HHL)

    1. Dearest Celia,
      Yes, I feel very blessed for having still my earthly Mother who instilled in me things that I keep with me forever. She was sweet and caring with little luxury in her life; yet content and happy.
      Thanks for your touching words dear friend!

  24. Happy Birthday to your beautiful mom Mariette! Those pictures are gorgeous. Here's to more birthdays to come!

    1. Dearest Victoria,
      Thanks for your well wishes on Mom's Birthday.

  25. Beautiful words and I hope she have a great birthday.


    1. Dearest Elna,
      Thanks for your compliments and wishes. She is together with her loved ones once more and let's hope and pray this can be repeated again. We spoke with her via Skype early, before Mom & Dad had breakfast. She was happy!

  26. Bella madre,bella Figlia!Se sei così altruista oggi è merito suo!Auguri mamma di Mariette!Auguri anche a te !Baci,Rosetta

    1. Cara Rosetta,
      Sì, oggi è tutto su mia Madre, lei merita di essere il centro di tutto ciò che amoranla e sono vicino a lei. Abbiamo parlato con la Mamma via Skype prima di lei aveva colazione con il mio Papà. Mamma sembrava molto felice e mi ha fattolo andare a dormire pacificamente una volta di più...

  27. Dear Mariette, Happy birthday to your mother. Lovely pictures of the two of you :)
    Enjoy your day there in the American Dublin.


    1. Dearest Eva Marie,
      Thanks for your birthday wishes from the Irish Dublin!

  28. Liebe Mariette,
    das war ein zauberhafter Geburtstagspost für deine Mama. Ich wünsche ihr auch Alles Gute und Liebe, vor allem Gesundheit. Sie muss sehr stolz sein auf dich, denn alles, was sie dich lehrte, kannst du perfekt.
    Liebe Grüße, Johanna

    1. Liebe Johanna,
      Vielen Dank für die Glückwünsche und Komplimente! Ja ich denke ich habe alles gelernt was ich konnte von meiner Mutter. Es ist gut so.
      Lieber Gruss,

  29. Ooohh leuk, van mij ook gefeliciteerd met je moeder...wat een respectabele leeftijd al...
    Mooie foto zo van jullie 2, je lijkt wel wat op haar...de manier van kijken vind ik..

    1. Lieve Marian,
      Dank je voor de felicitatie en het is zeer zeker een respectabele leeftijd. Dat willen we allemaal wel zo kunnen bereiken!

  30. Dear Mariette,

    What a special post to your beautiful Mother and I know how much she must have moulded your life into the beautiful Lady you are. I love the photos of you both.
    Wishing your dear Mother a very happy birthday
    Enjoy the week

    1. Dearest Carolyn,
      Thank you so much for your sweet comment and birthday wishes!
      Hugs to you,

  31. Dear Mariette,lovely post!My best wishes for your mothers birthday!What a beautiful lady she is!Hope, she stil will have many lovely years!I lost my mum nine months ago,and every day i miss her.Wishing you a lovely day!Hugs!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      So sorry to read that you lost your dear Mom; that is quite a loss because there is nothing like a Mother's love on this earth... Thanks for the birthday wishes.

  32. Great post hope you mum has a great day, my mum taught me so many things and she is still the one I turn to when I am upset of need advice.

    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      The day in The Netherlands long ended... We are six hours behind but I guess it was a special Birthday for Mom. We will find out more about it when we Skype with them again via iPhone. Thanks for your comment and you are lucky for still being able to turn to your Mum. Hold her dear and if she lives near you; even the better!

  33. Hej Mariëtte, van harte gefeliciteerd met je moeder. Prachtige dame, je hebt het dus niet van een vreemde. Mooi beschreven. Lieve groet,

    1. Lieve Willy,
      Hetzelfde zal ook wel voor jou van toepassing zijn! Handwerken en bakken en koken met liefde is iets wat je jong geleerd hebt en gráág doet.

  34. Dearest Mariette,

    Selamat Ulang Tahun buat Mamma tercinta di Mariette.
    So much beautiful valued natural education from your Mom. I adore so much they way She teach the children.
    Very good example.
    I am wishing her long life and healthy.
    wishing you both San Valentino.
    love for both of you Ladies

    1. Dearest Ayu,
      Thank you very much for your well wishes! Yes, valuable early education that has been passed down for generations, that builds the foundation for a person's life. It is up to us to live it...
      Hugs and happy San Valentino!


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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