
Thursday, June 3, 2021

Dr. James W. Sinden was one of Pieter's mentors

Pieter received this book from one of his mentors, Dr. James W. Sinden, with a neat fountain pen written message inside...
Sinden on Mushrooms
Collected Papers by
Dr. J.W. Sinden and Associated Authors
Sorry for the 'odd' scan by me, using the iPad as the previous scanner did constantly interfere with my Mac, we recycled it!
It was Fred C. Atkins (see previous post below) who wrote the INTRODUCTION
This is just part of the collected papers as I don't want to bore you with that...
Just on the side, writing a book (original content!) or publishing a compilation and adding other authors is not the same!
Just as Roel Dreve from Mushroom Business here stated about writing a comprehensive mushroom cultivation manual. You had Bels (Pieter's boss) and Atkins (the one my previous post was about) and Kligman and later Van Griensven. But the latter and Vedder's book seem to have stood the test of time and are still being sought–after today.
Well, the late Fred C. Atkin's books are STILL BEING SOLD but for decades L.J.L.D. Van Griensven's book has not been available.
And, as Amazon UK, here above correctly states, he was not the writer but the EDITOR!
As written in the Dutch Champignoncultuur 1968-6 (click for ISMS uploaded Pdf) about a visitor at the Experimental Station in Horst where one of the youngest employees made the mistake to explain to a visitor how one lets spores germinate to make mushroom spawn... The visitor said that she knew 'something' about it as she was the famous Dr. E. Hauser
She was born in Schaffhausen, Switzerland and she married Ulrich Hauser
She later married Dr. James W. Sinden...
Husband Pieter has met Erica Hauser, while on vacation in the German Schwarzwald, he paid a visit to their laboratory in Gossau, Switzerland, and she graciously had arranged a very nice hotel room for all three, including little adopted daughter Lizzy.
For several decades Dr. James W. Sinden got married to Edith Sigel
Yes, I too have personally met Dr. James W. Sinden and Edith Sigel.
My previous writing about Harvesting, got dedicated to DR. JAMES W. SINDEN
the man who meant so much to us and everyone in the industry.
In our latest published book: modern mushroom growing 2020 - harvesting there are 9 mentions of Dr. Sinden and this one on page 411 is a very special one.
Pieter used this picture, received from Dr. Sinden, made through an electronic microscope, from the surface tissue of mushroom caps (enlargement 2,000x). On the left, clean hyphae without bacteria; on the right, tissue loaded with Pseudomonas bacteria, causing the brown blotch.
We received a letter note from Edith Sigel-Sinden from February 20, 1995
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Vedder,
Thank you for your thoughtful letter of condolence and the special Valentine greeting. I appreciate your kind sympathy. It is comforting to know so many care and are sharing their fondest memories of Dr. Sinden with me, I treasure them. They sustain me. I am happy the Sinden Award was an outstanding event for Pieter. 
Dr. Sinden touched so many lives in so many special ways.
All Best wishes for continued success and happiness.
Indeed, for Pieter receiving the prestigious Sinden Award, named after Dr. Sinden, was the highlight of his career!
October 7, 1982 when Pieter was the very first non British recipient of the prestigious Sinden Award.
Pieter is pictured here with Dr. Jim Sinden.
Published in 1983-1 The Mushroom Journal (click for ISMS uploaded Pdf)
Dr. Sinden was honored by mushroom-growing associations throughout the world, as well as by the International Society for Mushroom Science (ISMS) for 50 years of dedicated service to the industry in 1980. In addition, the Sinden Awards were established by the Mushroom Growers Association of Great Britain: One is presented for the most outstanding practical contribution to the mushroom industry in research, development, advisory work, communications, and leadership.
From a publication in The American Phytopathological Society (APS) James W. Sinden, 1902 to 1994

Lots of fond memories and Dr. Jim Sinden's name will live on forever!
modern mushroom growing 2020 - harvesting - published in Mushroom Business | previous post where Roel Dreve mentioned writing a book by Van Griensven but he ONLY Edited a book!
1982 Sinden Award for Pieter at The Hotel Majestic, Harrogate, England | Pieter receiving his prestigious Sinden Award
1978 - P.J.C. Vedder's Modern Mushroom Growing Book Published in English | previous post with Pieter's publication that also got sponsored by Sinden - Hauser
{What YOU should LOOK for when Buying Fresh Mushrooms} | with mention of my previous writing about Harvesting, which got dedicated to DR. JAMES W. SINDEN
Techniques for Harvesting Quality Mushrooms  & Gratitude to Mushrooms Canada | where we refer to a publication by Dr. Jim Sinden in my video at 1:19:55 about big transplants being put between small mushrooms, causing them to stay dormant.


  1. Bei ricordi.Buona giornata Mariette.

    1. Cara Olga,
      Sabato 20 maggio 1989 ho incontrato Jim Sinden a Verona alla 2° Tecno Mico. Uno degli eventi in cui ha tenuto conferenze. Tanti ricordi, anche da altre conferenze e congressi.

  2. What a wonderful record of history and dedication to your life's work. You should be really proud.

    God bless always.

    1. Dearest Victor,
      Yes, a wonderful record and those that have been a mentor deserve to be recognized and mentioned!

  3. I am so impressed by the inroads Pieter and you made in the mushroom industry, Mariette. Indeed, that is something to be proud of and treasured.

    1. Dearest Martha Jane,
      Thank you and it sure is appropriate for mentioning those that had such an impact on Pieter's and my life and work.

  4. Hello Mariette, You and Pieter have so many colleagues in the mushroom industry that are friends as well. This creates an atmosphere of mutual support, which also improves the research aspects. I can imagine it is not hard to be interested in people who are at the forefront of their fields and making improvements in this world. These real friendships (on both sides) are constantly proved by gifts, visits, awards, and dedications.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Yes, it sure was a very tight woven network of real friends and scientists.
      Pieter has always been someone, that everyone could go to, and he also learned internationally from exchanging knowledge. There are also those who float on their 'title' and not even manage the growers' language for really being able to spread their often theoretical knowledge. They just want to see themselves published or heard at conferences. They don't realize that it's going to make them go down a dead end.
      Both of us never forgot, that our Parents were Market Gardeners, and therefore we fully understood the many challenges for making a living by growing something.
      We both cherish those true friendships!

  5. There Is Something Magical About The Old Typewriter Print - Always Learning Here - Keep Them Post Coming And Enjoy Your Weekend


    1. Dearest Travis,
      It is far more magic about the wording by the author behind that publication than the typewriter... Those people left a mark.

  6. Replies
    1. Dearest Anne,
      Yes, Dr. James W. Sinden deserves to be remembered!

  7. Bonito recuerdo. Ahora debe de estar en el estante más privilegiado de su estantería.


    1. Querida Antónia,
      Sí, un recuerdo muy grato de un mentor amable y su dulce esposa!
      Lo creas o no, tenemos libros como una biblioteca y son pesados para moverse varias veces!

  8. Que bela lembrança. É muito bom relembrarmos bons momentos. A vida de vocês é muito rica em histórias.
    Fiquem com Deus! Tenham um ótimo fim de semana.

    1. Querida Anajá,
      Sim, essas memórias são preciosas e tal pessoa merece ser mencionada!
      Sem dúvida, ficamos com Deus e confiamos que ele nos guiará neste mundo louco.

  9. It's nice to have these memories. They are recurdations that stay forever.
    Coisas de Feltro

    1. Dearest Christina,
      Yes, those are precious and it makes for true riches in the very end!

  10. Replies
    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      They sure are and also an ode to a scientist in mushroom cultivation.

  11. It is amazing to me the quantity of memorabilia you have saved. Good for you.

    1. Dearest Janey,
      To us as well as we never had time to look back and only now have begun...

  12. He must be remembered forever. I respect people having achieved their goals with vigor and dedication.

    1. Dearest RTC,
      Yes, he deserves for being remembered!
      Sure, dedication always pays off in the end.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
