
Sunday, October 3, 2021

Shillington, Pennsylvania where we lived

 After our stop in Virginia for one night and next day lunch at General Lee's Headquarters in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania we continued to the Hampton Inn in Reading, PA.
That made our trip now around 800 miles or 1287 km.
Pieter did a seminar for Campbell Soup in Temple, PA.
Meanwhile, I was free to roam around and visit the apartment where we both lived for almost half a year.

Here we are at 402 Community Drive in Shillington, Pennsylvania where our Mercury Sable slept outside all winter, no garage nor carport.
Also I spent time at our favorite antique Weaver's Mall, a huge mall with several antique dealers.
Found some of our French Baccarat glasses and a decanter with silver spout and lid.
That was November 7, 1994

Next day I went with Pieter to the Campbell Soup Mushroom Division office, as Pieter did a farm tour, and I did crochet 16 Christmas ornaments for our City Hall: {16 Crocheted Christmas Ornaments I made for the City Hall's Tree} ←click link.

Pieter also did a farm tour for Georgi Foods and started his two days of seminar in Temple, PA.
 Final seminar day at Kenneth Square and it ended with a buffet.
Tough days for doing such a one-man-show! But my Pieter always managed to do so, very well.
Below this post you can read the 'Mushroom' Editorial Review from Campbell's CEO
Next we visited our widower friend and I cooked for him and his friends.
After 3 nights in Wilmington, Delaware we drove home in one stretch... that were 755 miles or 1215 km.

So now you know where we all lived; Dublin, Georgia; Shillington, Pennsylvania; Cornuda in the Venice area in Italy; Wonosobo, Indonesia and again in Dublin, Georgia...

Editiorial Review from CEO Campbell Soup: You Brought a World-Renowned Professionalism to our Operations when they Sorely Needed Expertise
Husband Pieter became SUPERMAN - When Push Came to Shove | previous post only a couple of weeks after returning from above Campbell Seminar...
The Three Most Important Items for Mushroom Production 'Compost, Compost, Compost!' | editorial written by Campbell colleague upon Pieter's resignation and departure to Italy...
1988 Juli 27 Farewell to our Beautiful Garden and Baby Devils (squirrels) | video with lots of info below about our move to Shillington, Pennsylvania


  1. Replies
    1. Cara Olga,
      Grazie e lo stesso anche per tutti voi!

  2. Hello Mariette, I just looked up Shillington--it's about halfway between Philadelphia and Harrisburg, and not too far from either. Seemingly not a bad base of operations to live in for a while and explore. It looks like your home was not perhaps in the garden district, but since you were there only a short time, a utilitarian home fit the bill. It's not as though your were creating a lifetime home as you have done in Dublin, Georgia.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      We both had no time to explore as Pieter was gone for the most time. This move absolutely didn't make sense as the Mushroom Division Office was not Pieter's base for doing his training. Somebody just dictated us to move... Now we both had to live the Pennsylvanian winter which yielded nothing but a bronchitis for me. Most of our belongings were in storage... Not our best time!

  3. Liebe Mariette,
    ihr habt in sehr vielen Orten gelebt. Das ist sehr interessant. Ein Freund von mir ist als Schiffskoch auch um die Welt gekommen und hat auch an sehr vielen Orten gelebt, da hat er immer sehr viel zu erzählen, und ich höre gerne zu.
    Ich wünsche Dir einen guten Start in die neue Woche.

    Viele liebe Grüße

    1. Lieber Wolfgang,
      Ja, Schiffskoch da kommt man wirklich auch in der Welt herum aber meistens ist man dann auf dem Mehr.
      Liebe Grüße,

  4. Every time we have Campbell soup I think of you two.

    God bless.

    1. Dearest Victor,
      That is very kind of you! We only helped in growing quality product for their Cream of Mushroom Soup... but mostly for the fresh market 😉

  5. You have certainly lived in a variety of places, Mariette. And I did love your crochet ornaments - simple and lovely.

    1. Dearest Martha Jane,
      Yes, we did live in a variety and have mostly fond memories. This was a 'forced' move however. Are you willing to move or else...
      It was so hard to amputate yourself from dear friends!

    2. Thanks for the compliment on the crocheted Christmas ornaments!

  6. Replies
    1. Dearest Anne,
      They sure are, fond ones to look back onto.

  7. Al viajar, se abre la mente a otras culturas y a otras formas de entender la vida.


    1. Querida Antónia,
      De hecho, viajar y vivir en otro lugar es otra ventana al mundo. Un proceso de aprendizaje continuo.

  8. WOW! You certainly have lived in many places! How cool!

    Happy Tuesday, Mariette!

    1. Dearest Veronica,
      Yes, that is true, it was the best life's lesson!

  9. This took me back to our days of apartment dwelling in New England for several years when first married. Fortunately they were new and quite nice with plenty of green space for the kids to play, playgrounds, trees etc., but I didn't like having neighbors quite that close!!!!! When we moved here we lived in two different townhouses at first, then bought this house. Now as you already know I'm ready for a one level, patio, no big garden to deal with, brand new condo!!!
    Bob doesn't see it yet, sigh!!!!!
    Hugs, Mary

    1. Dearest Mary,
      We did live in Italy in an apartment on the 5th floor with two balconies. This was a small apartment without garden. And yes, you're sandwiched in-between with neighbors.
      You live in a relative easy dwelling right now so it might work out for both of you!

  10. Replies
    1. Dearest Christina,
      Well, we both have always done things in a rigorous way.
      This Monday I did come back from a funeral trip to the Nashville, Tennessee area, total of 1,305.5 km for me solo. My Pieter no longer can drive on the fast speed Interstate. Monday I managed to do 575 km for driving home. No traffic jam so I got very lucky!


Thanks for your visit and comment.
