
Saturday, January 8, 2022

Hauling Home Vinyl Picket Fence Segment

 Well, instead of paying around US $ 80.00 for having this segment delivered,
I borrowed the pickup truck from a dear friend to drive the 50 miles to the Lowe's store on November 8.
Just had the ropes untied and unloading it...
Untying it...
Stepping with one long leg into the pickup truck's bed... did not know how to lower the tailgate.
It worked!
Wearing my Escada wool sweater on Escada jeans and my booties from London.
On November 5, Pieter had started to put the bird baths back, the bird feeders up etc.
You also see that barely any grass was growing anymore, due to the shade of that huge oak tree. 
We sure hope to see grass grow there once again!
The chain to the left of Pieter, in front of the green lantern post, is from our hummingbird feeder, hanging in front of the bay window.
It all had to be removed before the tree got cut down branch by branch.
One of the tiles (seen on the left) also needed to be replaced for placing the bird bath on.
Pieter is wearing his Pennstate University sweatshirt.
You can see that the left tire is flat on Pieter's hand wagon.
Birds did not come back right away, they all got confused but it is as busy now as it was before!
You can see that the picket fence to the right of Pieter got slightly bended...
Here a branch must have hit it...
On November 8, in the afternoon, it got already replaced by Pieter.
The old one got cut up and with a 2 x 4" wood inside, Pieter managed to repurpose it for the bridge closest to the road.
Guess that trunk needs to be cut even, it looks like they put the huge chain saw in it, on the left...
They will be back within weeks for cutting down a 'leaning' giant along the creek and close to the road.
Always something to do on a vast estate!

Related links:
Big Trees Down and others Trimmed  Continued | previous post of the taking down of huge oak tree
Our Bridges a Constant Battle with Mother Nature | previous post showing last photo with repurposed vinyl picket fence


  1. Hi Hope every thing is ok? Hugs Nina

    1. Dearest Nina,
      Oh yes, everything is okay just busy, busy.

  2. Definitely worth the drive to save $80 delivery. I always check delivery rates too, because we live out of town a little, and while some deliver free, others charge a lot! That must have been a huge tree: I am sure with the extra light the grass will grow in no time, and the birds will return too. We also love our birds and have learnt to love our tree loppers too :)

    1. Dearest Patricia,
      Yes, it was well worth the drive and we'd rather spend the money on actual gas and a dozen of fresh roses for a dear friend than paying even more for delivery.
      It was a huge tree and a big top branch fell after a storm and got so close to the neighbors home, we decided before this would happen again, either on our home or theirs, we had to take this huge oak down.
      We both hope to get our grass back and the Japanese magnolia will benefit from more food and light.
      The birds are back fully and we feed them like always.
      Oh yes, Pieter has been very active with the tree loppers on the adjacent wood garden lot, cutting back the underbrush. Always work.

  3. There is plenty to do in the house and yard ;-))

    1. Dearest Anne,
      Owning a home and yard means endless reparations, upkeep and yard work but it also gives us so much joy!

  4. Hello Mariette, That sounds like a hefty fee for one section of fence. I had some building materials delivered to my apartment last year, and the fee was only US $3. That trunk seems enormous--are you going to have the stump pulled or ground or otherwise processed? That also sounds like a big mess for your yard. You and Pieter are amazing to take on these big projects, but it will be worth it when that part of your garden regains its usual manicured look.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      It indeed was and it made our eyes pop!
      Next time when the tree cutters will do more work on the adjacent lot, we will ask him to 'even' this stump as it looks so odd.
      No we don't have this processed as it is too close to the concrete blocks on their foundation that hold the picket fence. They will eventually rot.
      Guess the light will do good, also for the planter boxes that we have along the bay window and veranda wall. Plants died due to lack of light in previous years...

  5. Dearest Mariette,
    That looks like it was a very large tree. The stumps are generally uneven when cut, due to the cuts made for felling in the proper direction. When your tree guys return they can easily even it up.
    I love the way you recycle and reuse stuff. The bridge probably looks very pretty with its new rail.
    We are still removing dead trees. It's a long process as there are so many of them.
    Toes crossed that 2022 is going well.

    1. Dearest Suzi,
      Yes it sure was, you can see its removel in link below post.
      Guess they can even it up without any problems.
      Indeed, the bridge looks great with the recycled part of the fence as rail.
      We too need many to have cut down, that is the price one pays for living in a wooded area...

  6. This is a heavy work. Your words have no complaints. I think you two know very well how to go on and finish this kind of work without fatigue.

    1. Dearest RTC,
      Guess both of us are brought up that way, to handle all that is coming your way and do it swift and move on!
      It is good for body and soul to have satisfaction.

  7. I like the white fence you bought. It looks as if it all segments join together to make a long fence. I'll check if we have these over here in the UK. That tree trunk could be levelled and left there as a table perhaps. There's always something to do in the garden; although it is too cold now over here.

    God bless you both.

    1. Dearest Victor,
      Thank you and yes, you can extend this fence up to your liking. Pieter had to create a foundation for each segment, that would be straight as it is hilly.
      Yeah, that tree trunk would look a lot better if leveled and makes a nice table for wildlife 😉

  8. Your picket fence is lovely, Mariette.
    One derives so much fulfilment and satisfaction from hard work.

    Happy Monday!

    1. Dearest Veronica,
      Thank you and now it is free from obstruction by the huge oak tree it looks even better.
      Satisfaction is sure great.

  9. Replies
    1. Dearest Christina,
      As much as we can, we indeed keep going!

  10. Your yard is getting put back together beautifully. Hopefully the grass will start growing better now!

    1. Dearest Heidi,
      Thank you!
      We sure hope that this spring things will start growing again.


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