
Friday, February 11, 2022

More PEACOCK CURTAINS Designed and Hung

 It has been already quite some time since I did design these Peacock Hand Crocheted Curtains...
Here I'm sewing on the Brass Lift Rings (found in Roman Shade Artisans).
Sitting in our Veranda Fleur de Lys chair...
This is what I was doing above...
From this 1957 Lily Mills Peacock Buffet Scarf I designed the curtains to be hand crocheted by a lovely Dutch lady, Mia Keizers.
She only used the mercerized DMC threads. 
It was only the peacock that I would be using...
Left underside of peacock with instructions in Dutch for Mia
Remainder of the left peacock till center (midden in Dutch)
Remainder of the left peacock's head till center
Bottom right of right peacock with instructions for working it out into correct size.
The right sided peacock part
Right sided peacock's head...
Yes, it DID fit and I have hung them 'dry'.
They would have stretched to perfection when laundered and hung wet!
Shown are the brass nails that I did sew on and Pieter who hung them for a dear friend, used also brass nails.
Crochet set–up side is tighter and looked perfect.
Pieter working on the brass nails for this long wall with four sections...
Next will be the long wall with one–piece crocheted curtain worked over the 12 cm wide wood supports.
Side sections of four crocheted panels completed.
Long window also done...
Mia worked with a nice pattern on top of the 12 cm wood sections in–between the peacock patterns.
And once more for the side windows four separate peacock crocheted panels.
Wow, I felt so relieved when we had them hanging and it looked good!
That sure was a mega task completed by Mia Keizers.
And luckily, the shipping of such a heavy and bulky parcel was still affordable...

Related link:
Hand Crocheted Peacock Curtains DONE and Hung | previous post of curtains that I designed and crocheted myself


  1. Hello Mariette, I suppose that some people think that computer programming is difficult, but it is nothing compared to these crochet instructions. It doesn't seem possible that such a gridwork could produce a design that looks so detailed and intricate. Also interesting is these curtains' effect on the room. Regular curtains would have given a finished look, but would take up too much of the window space. Your top-curtains give interest and finish to the room, without diminishing the view of the outdoors or the effect of the large glass panels. I imagine they also filter the direct sun when it is at its strongest.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Once you're past the design, it is just a matter of perseverance and steady hand to produce the meters of handwork. The use of the top yarn DMC also adds to its final results. Mia has mastered a lot of projects over the year and I learned from my best friend that she is still alive.
      You are right in these type of curtains not diminishing the view of the outdoors and that's what we both love here at home.

  2. WOW! Your peacock curtains are BEAUTIFUL, Mariette!

    Mia Keizers did a stellar job!

    Happy Weekending!

    1. Dearest Veronica,
      Well, the friend we designed and hung them for was very pleased with them.

  3. Your skill and patience are amazing. How wonderful to have a set of identical pieces to hang with pride. Really beautiful.

    God bless, Mariette. And thanx.

    1. Dearest Victor,
      Knowing that for some people a peacock has special meaning and then measuring and designing it accordingly is just a work of love. Mia painstakingly managed to let it all come to live. Pieter skillfully hung them.

  4. Buen trabajo de artesanía. Te habrá llevado bastante tiempo hacerlo, por la gran cantidad de ventanas, que hay en la estancia y que deja una buena iluminación.


    1. Querida Antónia,
      Gracias y es un trabajo hermoso, hecho por Mia Keizers, solo he diseñado los pavos reales y uní los anillos y Pieter los colgó.

  5. Replies
    1. Dearest Anne,
      Yes, we all were pleased with the end results.

  6. Wow I am impressed. So pretty.

    1. Dearest Debby,
      Thank you and yes, the end result was looking great.

  7. Replies
    1. Dearest Christina,
      It sure was and Mia Keizers knew how to manage that!

  8. I LOVE this! Love it. ALL handwork done by anyone I know is a joy to see!

    1. Dearest Katie Isabella,
      Yes, Mia Keizers did a wonderful job!

  9. Liebe Mariette,
    wow!! Was für eine wunderschöne Handarbeit und so perfekt gehäkelt, Ihr habt meinen Respekt! Das Pfauenmuster ist ja wow! An den Fenstern sieht es so toll aus. Filethäkeln mag ich auch gerne und habe ein kleines Windlicht gehäkelt. An so eine große Aufgabe traue ich mich dann doch nicht heran. Meine Mutter konnte es auch sehr gut und sie häkelte Tischdecken...
    Hab Dank für Deine lieben Worte zu den genähten Handschuhe bzw. zum Shirt. Ja, das trage ich mit einem schwarzen Rollkragen darunter, sonst ist es mir zu kalt.
    Liebe Grüße aus dem Drosselgarten nach Georgia.
    Herzlich Traudi.♥

    1. Liebe Traudi,
      Ja, die Mia Keizers hat es wirklich perfekt gehäkelt!
      Die Pfauen haben eine besondere Bedeutung für unsere Freunde, darum habe ich es so ausgearbeitet und Mia hat weiter herum noch mehr entworfen.
      Tischdecken sind auch schon voluminös und meine Filetgehäkelte Gardinen in unsere Veranda waren an die lange Seite auch 100 Stunden...
      Liebe Grüße,

      Die Mega große in 100 Stunden:
      Und die andere in 'nur' 50 Stunden:

  10. Such a beautiful design - I do love peacocks - and what a huge crochet project done so well by Mia. Today not so many take up crocheting, even I don't do it whereas I sewed clothes and home decor items, and embroidered my entire life! Now my eyesight plays tricks so simple knitting has taken over!
    Love the fleur-de-lis upholstery fabric on your chair Mariette.
    Hugs - Mary

    1. Dearest Mary,
      Thank you and yes, peacocks are very regal!
      Mia did so well on this mega project.
      Well, I've done my last mega task in 2017 when I worked 100 hours on the long side for our veranda and 50 hours for the short side. After that I did for our kitchen bay window.
      Embroidery, at least cross stitch, I've done also lots of.
      Did mail all my knitting and cable needles to our foster daughter Anita in Indonesia. She loved receiving it as she is very handy with all that.
      Like you, my eyes did no longer enjoy doing this. Now, since the surgery on both eyes, it improved but IF I find some time, it will be some fine crocheting, like bridal handkerchiefs...
      You can see Our Veranda here:
      There is an updated version way below with the new curtains...

  11. Oh, Mariette, your handwork is AMAZING!! God has given you such a beautiful talent! As Jim (Parnassus) said, the computer work some of us do can be hard to understand (except to us lol), but this amazing intricacy of crochet is profound artistic detail to admire and enjoy all the time! They look so wonderful on the windows. I can just imagine the sun pouring in through them and seeing every bit of what you've accomplished in beautiful detail. LOVE THIS!

    1. Dearest Diana,
      Well certainly Mia Keizer's impeccable handwork is AMAZING!
      All I did was designing the peacock on paper for her to work around; all the rest she added and crocheted stitch by stitch.
      The final touch of sewing on those brass rings, was my contribution and Pieter got them hung.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
