
Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Pieter's Outfit from Khazana at Taj Palace New Delhi Hotel

 On February 29 of 1991 we were at the Taj Palace New Delhi hotel after our two–week consulting work for Pond's India. This before flying to Indonesia where we worked and lived at the time.
With a guide from Pond's we did go to the State Emporia where we found a whale for Uncle Bo Whaley, and for us a sandalwood carving with balls inside. 
Also a bird painting on rice paper. 
Back at our hotel we found for Pieter a very nice fitting greenish cotton pair of trousers and a striped shirt.
This was on our patio in Wonosobo, Indonesia where Pieter put on the entire set.
Perfect fit!
Admiring our orchids that just hang on wood wool planks against the wall.
Happy times during our life in Indonesia!
The climate was so perfect for our hair...
We also found a perfect pure silk black tie at the Taj Palace New Delhi Khazana Shop.
India has so much!
It is real black, the shine of the silk made it look a bit different... 😉
Pieter wearing his Khazana trousers on his 69th Birthday in our front porch.
The same guy, same trousers only 31 years later... 
And yes, those comfy eco friendly Loints sandals are still alive as well!
Notice the Moonflower vine, to the left of Pieter's knee?
Home grown by Pieter from seeds and it is opening its very first flower!
They too are HUGE and bloom at night mainly; hence its name Moonflower — Ipomoea alba.
Photos taken around 9:00 so it was closing.
Pieter on the back step of our gazebo. The white gingerbread from Vintage Woodworks looks so nice after it got painted again.
From inside of gazebo facing the pond area.

Related link:
COME Cross the Tengger Sand Sea to Volcano Mount Bromo, Indonesia | previous post by me both wearing our Loints sandals
True Indigo Indigofera Tinctoria in Pieter's Favorite Color | previous post by me with Loints sandals
Blissful Relationship in the Tropics of Indonesia | previous post by me with Loints sandals
P.J.C. Vedder on Mushroom Cultivation during Technology Transfer Seminar part 2 | previous post where Pieter is wearing his Khazana trousers...


  1. Such wonderful souvenirs you have of times gone by. I'd never heard of Moonflowers. I really like your gazeboo nicely painted.

    Best wishes always. God bless.

    1. Dearest Victor,
      Thank you and yes, such garments bring back very fond memories of our work in India and life in Indonesia.
      Those painters did an excellent job, that's why we asked them back a 2nd time.

  2. Conserva la misma figura de cuando erán bien jovén. También me atrevería a decir, que también conserván el mismo espíritu de su juventud.

    1. Querida Antónia,
      ¡Muchas gracias por sus cumplidos!

  3. Replies
    1. Cara Olga,
      Grazie e hai ragione, sono bellissimi ricordi per noi!

  4. Wunderschöne Erinnerungen an eine schöne Zeit! Danke für die Fotos und den Einblick in Euer Leben, Liebe Mariette und Pieter 😍
    Herzliche Grüße von Traudi.♥

    1. Liebe Traudi,
      Ja, es sind wirklich Einblicke in unser Leben.
      Wir genießen es und gutes bleibt lange... sowie auch die Hose die immer noch schön ist.
      Liebe Grüße,

  5. It's good to remember. A curiosity: in Portugal the moonflower is called lady of the night.
    Coisas de Feltro

    1. Dearest Christina,
      It certainly remains a very special memory.
      Well, the Portuguese name is far better chosen in my humble opinion!


Thanks for your visit and comment.
