
Friday, May 27, 2022

This section got last done when Mom was in her final days

 It is already over 7 years ago, since Mom's final days. 
Our very last FaceTime with Mom,
thanks to my youngest brother Jan's efforts to take his iPhone to Mom at the hospital.
Pieter was outside, working with Wood Protector, when I walked out from our veranda door with the iPad, so Mom could see and hear both of us...
See link below post with photos of this very Wood Trail.
This time, Pieter did raise the trail a bit more and also used side edges with 2 by 2 wood so it stays cleaner after rain.
It got freshly stained with Wood Protector.
This is at the beginning, under the Rose Arbor, taken on May 19!
On May 8, Pieter started out on this Mega Task...
Using wood protector before the 2 by 2 is being added on the side edges.
Taking up the old boards, getting the rusted screws all out and then putting it together again...
You see some of the damaged, rotten wood and that only since January 2015...
There are bird houses on that huge oak tree, at the end.
This is close to our Gazebo as you see part of it.
On May 14, action... sand for filling up under the Wood Trail and the cart with tools...
Back breaking job for Pieter and on his knees...
He constantly gets scratches on his legs as he uses blood thinners; scary!
Here is the bottleneck; this HUGE laurel oak tree Quercus hemisphaerica has grown so much that its 'toes' are everywhere, and they elevated the wood trail.
The 2 by 2 edges have been treated and are ready to come on.
Bit by bit it will come together; once more and hope for again some 7 years or more!
I have no idea if the bird house is in use... 
Maybe our birds are used to Pieter being around.
While Pieter took his nap, on May 19, I took these photos...
You see those thick 'toes' from the oak tree?
Now look at the top of that 2 x 6 inch...
So, this is what Pieter did...
Some tree pedicure and getting a piece out of one of its thick 'toes' for getting the 2 x 6 inch.
Wounded tree toes do not grow, so that will remain like that.
Shown more in detail here.
Nobody else would do such tedious work for you; so the 93-year old husband is doing it himself instead!
Figuring out a way how to, and then into action.
That 'toe' pedicure got done with the electric chain saw...
Long exterior wood screws are being used, that are also coated for rust protection...
Drilling in those screws...
Six days later on May 25, and after lots of rainy weather...
Pieter is already working behind the bottle–neck of the huge oak tree!
Our Gardenias Jasminoides Miami Supreme, were lovely but due to heavy rain the turn brown fast...
Yep, the corner has been tackled!
The 2 x 2 edges will hold the wood trail also better together as before, without any support.
But it's still a long way to go, all the way to the greenhouse...
One day, that too will be finished!
We have had lots of rain but one surprise this morning:
Pink Rain lilies or Zephyranthes grandiflora and one of about 70 species in the Amaryllidaceae (amaryllis family).
There is a hole in one of its petals...
Another bud to the left, soon to open up...

Related links:
{Gardenia Dream} | previous post by me


  1. At least you there are not bored! There is never a lack of work to do. :)
    Coisas de Feltro

    1. Dearest Christina,
      Exactly! It is the one word that both of us know how to say/write in many languages but thanks to God don't know its true feeling!

  2. Hai un marito sempre al lavoro.Buon fine settimana.

    1. Cara Olga,
      Indovina che a novantatré anni fa più di molti più giovani!

  3. Pieter and you are amazing. There's always something to do in the house and garden and you are an example to many people with the work you do. Best wishes always.

    God bless you both.

    1. Dearest Victor,
      Thank you and sure, having your own home and a large property, there is plenty to be done on the upkeep.

  4. Goodness me, your Pieter never ceases to surprise, he's awesome! That's such a lot of hard work.
    Bob's somewhat like that - and also on blood thinners too so must be careful - never wants to stop until a project is completed! We are lucky to have such great guys.
    My gardenia flowers turned brown very quickly too - guess from our rain. Half the bush was damaged in an ice storm - I'm hoping it will regenerate as it looks lop-sided - but it smells delicious!
    Mary x

    1. Dearest Mary,
      Yes, having a lovely garden takes a lot of hard work for keeping it up.
      Pieter never leaves anything unfinished; so Bob is the same character.
      Indeed we're lucky for having an active spouse.
      The regular gardenias brown a lot faster than these large, corsage type but heavy rain does the trick! You might be able to prune your gardenia into shape, they usually do continue growth.

  5. Hi Mariette! It required a lot of work. But it became wonderful.

    1. Dearest Anne,
      The trick is for having the vision for the end result and then doing it...
      Hard work and perseverance.

  6. Es muy habilidoso y ha hecho un cómodo camino àra poder andar sin ninguna dificultad.

    1. Querida Antónia,
      Gracias y sí, lo mismo más o menos que el anterior.

  7. Replies
    1. Dearest Kelleyn,
      Tomorrow my 2nd attempt for departure. Delta screwed up big time.
      Got a new confirmed itinerary for tomorrow so once again to Savannah Airport due to interrupted travel.
      Good luck to you and your family!!!

  8. My goodness -Pieter is hardworking. And he's good at it. That is a beautiful pathway. My husband has a strong work ethic - is always doing something. Although he is 65.Yep, Pieter is amazing.

    1. Dearest Debby,
      He sure is a hard worker, as were both his Parents! It is in his genes and whatever he does, he manages to see it through and very thorough.
      You're lucky too and when we all keep busy, we stay alive...

  9. Its always something to do when you have house and garden...sometimes too much to do!!
    Lovely pictures and have a happy Sunday!

    1. Dearest Titti,
      Oh you are so right about that!
      Having things looking good takes a LOT of work.
      Our property is rather big for managing it all.
      Happy Sunday afternoon to you.

  10. Oh man, I can't believe that! That sounds horrible! I can't believe they didn't have you in the system. That is crazy! Hope things go better on the rebooked flight.

    1. Dearest Kelleyn,
      Yep, I couldn't believe it either... after more than 1,500,000 miles in the air.
      But it happened.
      But this morning I arrived safely and smoothly in Amsterdam!

  11. The Wood Trail ~~~ how utterly delightful!!

    1. Dearest Helen,
      Thank you and it sure looks good in the end!

  12. His creativity seems to be based on love and science. Both of them have kept him young.

    1. Dearest RTC,
      Thank you and yes, he is living proof of that!


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