
Saturday, July 16, 2022

NS Train of 5:40 to Schiphol Airport and Flight HOME

 It is not easy when the final hours are slipping through your fingers...
Here we are, rising around 4:00 AM in order to be at the Train Station by 5:30 to catch the train from 5:40 to Schiphol Airport.
At 5:35 with friend Sissy next to my suitcases.
Bringing home some of Mom & Dad's treasures and sentimental things...
I'd come to The Netherlands with my Delsey suitcase inside the big pink one. 
My one way NS Horst–Sevenum to Schiphol Airport train ticket...
In one hour and 58 minutes we would be arriving by 07:41 at Schiphol Airport.
A Happy WeFie...
Ellie and I...
And one inside the train...
At Schiphol Airport there was NO COURTESY! wrote the above that Schiphol has been grappling with the problem since the May school holidays. Hundreds of flights have been scrapped... due to staff shortages! wrote the above...
Staff shortage and also strikes
It felt great for finally having made it to the accelerated check–in (they did not let me pass at first; very rude...).
Schiphol Airport was a FAR CRY from the courtesy received in Savannah and also in New York!
My seat turned out to be the FIRST row with added space
Once my suitcases got labeled, and I had my boarding pass, we all three went to have a FINAL cup of cappuccino or whatever...
At 8:11 AM, I paid this for some bread and croissant for Sissy as they had to once again travel the two hours by rail back home...
By 8:26 I got the message via my Delta App on KPN server in NL, that my bag was now onboard, of course also received the same message for my 2nd bag!
Now the FINAL GOODBYE arrived and it was very emotional.
I waved till I no longer could see them...
Security check went fine, no shoes needed to be removed and all went swift.
Then I had to get in line for Passport Check... that was the longest line I've ever seen!!!
Wish I'd used my Strava App, as I walked a lot!
At the gate, again I awaited very rude treatment; ZERO COURTESY!
Felt awful for two elderly couples, using a wheelchair and they had it already folded up.
Then we got ushered through the so–called pre–boarding...
NOPE—we ended up in a holding area with NO CHAIRS!
Okay, we all made it to the plane eventually, but what a far cry from the once great service and courtesy!
Bye–bye Netherlands...
My ADJUSTABLE FOOTREST was working this time!
Also received my TUMI AMENITY KIT not on my way over...
AMS – JFK total time 7 hours and 29 minutes
Past Ireland...
Now more than halfway...
As said, Premium Select seat 20D was right behind the wall, with extra space, easy to get up for using the restroom.
The blanket felt cozy and warm and I did wear my down puffer jacket, once in my seat, had stuffed it inside my Delsey back pack.
Wrapped up cozy...
The extended leg and foot rest was great and I never even used my plump pillow, it stayed in the front of my seat in its plastic cover.
Emotional goodbyes over the last few days but I was going HOME to my Pieter!
Arriving in New York and again lots of walking!
On my Delta App, I got the Gate Change, even farther walking...
The final stretch of this emotional journey now to Savannah...
Seated in 7C in Comfort
Bye–bye New York...
More steps for Savannah but the BIG SURPRISE was that we landed 35 minutes ahead of schedule.
So I used the restroom, then grabbed my two bags and went outside, on the Delta curb and called Pieter with his private driver Mike.
They were surprised, they'd just walked inside for using the bathroom and now learned that I already  was outside with my suitcases.
In no time we were in the car and heading HOME.

Feeling a lot of GRATITUDE for so many that made this an unforgettable time!
My final time going to my country of birth...
Dear friends and family will remain forever inside my heart and I treasure the many fond moments.
May God keep us all healthy!

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  1. Las vacaciones llegaron a su fín y ahora toca volver a casa. Ya volverás de nuevo a disfrutar de esas buenas compañías.

    1. Querida Antónia,
      ¡Sí, y fue mucho más que unas vacaciones en términos de contenido! Feliz de estar con Pieter y los gatos de nuevo.

  2. A long trip home, but wow, landing early was nice; how often does that happen? LOL. You had an amazing visit, Mariette, I'm so glad for you. :-)

    1. Dearest Kim,
      Yes, this was an amazing visit, thanks to some dear people!
      Both of us have landed early a few times, ahead of schedule and so did my Dad when he came alone to Atlanta, in 1993. Glad I saw him with his suitcase in hand out of the airport and all was well!
      Happy memories made indeed.

  3. It must have been wonderful to come home.

    1. Dearest Anne,
      Yes, however wonderful my time there was, coming home was wonderful!

  4. Glad to know you got safely home, and with an early arrival in Savannah. The earliest I ever arrived was on a short flight in the Philippines - around 20 minutes - from Cebu to Bacolod. We arrived in Bacolod before we were supposed to have left Cebu - and nobody was left behind. Good to know that you have so many good memories in your heart of your last visit to your homeland. God bless from Ireland.

    1. Dearest Father Seán,
      The early arrival was a big bonus and surprise to Pieter and his private driver.
      That was a very special early arrival for you at Bacolod!
      Yes, very good memories in my heart and those will stay with me till the end.

  5. Buona serata e buon fine settimana!

  6. Dearest Ilona,
    No, I was not in The Netherlands until yesterday but till June 17, as is also visible on the train ticket, boarding pass, luggage tag and the receipt from HMS for the cappuccino etc.
    Indeed, a small world with you living at the backdoor of Limburg. So you live only a good 50 km away from Horst aan de Maas where I am born and grew up.
    Thanks for your visit.

  7. So glad you got home safely; even though it took a long time and was tiring. Travelling can be fun, but oh ... so tiring.

    God bless.

    1. Dearest Victor,
      Yes, I got home safe and all the extra stress around the flight etc. was worth it.
      Traveling over great distances is always tiring but there is not other way for getting there... By car it is impossible!

  8. I have so enjoyed reading about your trip. Great picture of you and friends. Sorry you had hassles at Schipol. We also fly premium coach and especially like the foot rests. Welcome home! Janey

    1. Dearest Janey,
      Yes, I do recall you posting about the Delta Premium Select and it is so worth it!
      Thank you for reading about my solo trip; so glad I managed to do this.
      These pictures with my friends are now forever treasures!

  9. I am certain that it was a good time that u spent in Europe, but I believe that I was also very happy to return to Pieter's side. You are a beautiful couple.
    Coisas de Feltro

    1. Dearest Christina,
      Yes, the time spent in Europe could not have been any better and I went home happy and relaxed. Quite emotional and also emotional for going home to Pieter again.
      Thanks for your compliment!

  10. There's no place like home!
    Loved the photos of you and your friends.

    Hugs and blessings, Mariette.

    1. Dearest Veronica,
      So TRUE but it was such a warm and special time with dear friends and family!


Thanks for your visit and comment.
