
Sunday, September 4, 2022

Montréal Windsor Station and Mary Queen of the World Cathedral

Our final day at Fairmont Le Château Frontenac Québec City, was a Sunday on August 16, 1998.
We were already at the indoor pool on the 6th floor by 8:15 o'clock.
There also was a beautiful roof garden with seating areas!
We both enjoyed swimming together.
Then we went to shampoo our hair and enjoyed brunch by 10:30 o'clock.
We checked out from this jam–packed hotel with its 620 rooms!
All the costumed people from Maine (for the re–enactment) also appeared to be staying there.
We waited, as someone from valet parking retrieved our car.
As always, it was quite an art to get out of the old city with its one–way traffic and finding the Interstate.
In front of the beautiful Québec City Train Station (Gare du Palais) with its green roof.
By the way, many green roofs, including Le Château Frontenac, where we stayed; all made of copper!
This seems late medieval—quite beautiful.
And guess what we have on our roof since 2013?
Interlock Metal Roofing, Interlock® Aluminum Slate in Aged Copper—Made in Canada!
So NOW you know what influenced us for doing that; except ours does not turn green from old copper patina... 😉 Our Home Freshly Painted ←click link.
On August 16, 1998 we drove the 240 km or 149 mi by car from the capital of Québec City to Montréal, both within the Province of Québec, Canada.
Next day on the 17th, we started walking around, in Centre–Ville or Downtown Montréal.
The French language gave us a very 'close–to–home' feeling as we have so much French in our own language due to history under French rulers.
Especially my Province Limburg is very much French.
After first having visited the Saint George's, Anglican Church from 1870, we then walked upon Montréal Windsor Station, one of Montréal's most beautiful buildings.
Such a beautiful neo–Romanesque architectural style by New York architect Bruce Price who also did Le Château Frontenac, where we came from in Québec City and the most famous Banff Fairmont Hotel where we stayed during our Rocky Mountaineer Journey Exploring Banff with Brewster Sightseeing ←click link.
One only can admire such marvels of architecture!
We then entered Mary Queen of the World Cathedral.
There was noise from the lawn mower outside and the doors were wide open.
They also were doing some restoration work.
Bumped myself terribly on front of thigh... when I did slide into one of the old wooden pews.
Montreal's Spectacular Vatican Replica (1894) ←click for 2:54 minute informative video viewing outside from above and around as well as inside explained.
Indeed, successfully created for achieving a sense of sanctity!
It is balm for the soul to see that SO MUCH TALENT by the world's BEST ARCHITECTS AND CRAFTSMEN was put together in HONOR OF MARY, the MOTHER OF JESUS!
Feeling so grateful for having been there... 

Has any of my readers visited these places?

Related links:


  1. Another amazing Cathedral. I like the statues at the top. You are so fortunate to have visited so many places.

    God bless.

    1. Dearest Victor,
      Indeed an amazing Cathedral and those statues and the rest are identical to Rome's St. Peter's Basilica.

  2. A cualquier ciudad que visito, siempre tengo presente sus catedrales y no dejo de ntrar en ellas siempre que la tengan abierta.

    1. Querida Antónia,
      Hicimos lo mismo, solo que cuando con un autobús turístico, no tienes mucho tiempo... ¡En España y Portugal nos hubiera encantado quedarnos para una misa de boda inicial!

  3. Olá, queridos Mariette e Petter, que maravilhas vi aqui,
    e fui clicando nos links indicados e fui indo, Mariette!
    Essa Basílica de São Pedro em Montreal é um fantástica, maravilhosa!
    Eu adoro construções assim, nesse estilo.
    Tudo muito show, querida!
    Partilha sensacional, gratíssima!!
    Uma feliz semana para vocês!

    1. Querida Taís,
      Obrigado e, de fato, esta foi mais uma vez uma catedral muito especial. Tal réplica precisa da Basílica de São Pedro de Roma. Nos sentimos afortunados por ter visto essas maravilhas e, claro, adoramos compartilhá-las com outros como você.
      Pieter & Mariette

  4. That cathedral is really something else!

    You are so blessed to have visited so many places.

    How many countries have you visited or shall I say how many countries have you NOT visited!!

    Hugs and blessings, dearest friend.

    1. Dearest Veronica,
      After reading in Victoria Magazine about all the architectural treasures in the Province of Québec, we both wanted to go there. So, this trip got planned with our frequent flyer miles on Continental. Looking back, it has been one of the most beautiful trips we ever made.
      Don't know how many countries we visited... It sure have been a lot but no doubt more that we did not visit.

  5. Replies
    1. Dearest Anne,
      Yes, those two are incredible pieces of architecture.

  6. To see such magnificent architecture, the old and the new in such sintony is amazing, isn't it?Wow!
    Is that a real shell? It seems to be and I wonder how old it is and the people and stories it has witnessed.
    Oh, and I'm sorry to hear that you hurt yourself trying to slide into the pew. I bumped against furniture some times and the furniture always ends up wining the battle! ;)
    I',ve never been to Canada, but it is definitely in my to go list!

    1. Dearest Paula,
      Oh, the old and the new architecture was indeed a marvel to look at and admire!
      Guess it is a real shell, we have seen stone made shells at other Basilica but this looked real to us.
      If only those objects could tell the thousands of stories of people that came in for baptism, first communion, wedding, and out one final time after their requiem Mass...
      Those bumps are awful, I still have a dark spot on my thigh from running into the oak desk in our office... Going too fast and you at times pay a price for it!
      Canada, and especially the French speaking part of it has so much to offer.

  7. Replies
    1. Dearest Christina,
      One only can admire such architecture!


Thanks for your visit and comment.
