
Monday, October 24, 2022

Our Previous Noisy Whirlpool Dishwasher

 On November 26, 1998 we did capture our noisy Whirlpool dishwasher...
It will soon have to come out and be replaced by the new Miele.
That was on Thanksgiving...
We had these appliances built in for 8 years and before we left for Indonesia, where we lived and worked, we hardly had the time for looking around for any better ones.


  1. It looks good. Did you install it yourselves?

    God bless.

    1. Dearest Victor,
      How COULD we while being halfway around the world—working and living in Indonesia?
      No, we had to select them in a hurry on our limited time off from work...

  2. Hi, Mariette and Pieter!
    Looking at your white vases in the window sill, they remind me of the ones I have in the office. Some smaller, some bigger... A cluster of white vases is always so cheerfull and crisp, isn't it?! :)
    I think it transmits a very european look!
    Our dishwasher is also noisy, but for now, because it's doing it's job, it will stay, but when we buy another one, we will go for the one with less noise and more energetic efficiency.
    Looooots of hugs to you both!

    1. Dearest Paula,
      You are a very keen observer for spotting our Delft White cachepots on the Corian window sills! Yes, always loved them and they are the best to look at.
      This one got installed at our friends who were renting a home for temporarily living while they built a new home. Theirs broke down and Pieter was so gracious for installing it for them.
      You of course hold on to it with your dreams about moving.
      Wishing you and Nuno good luck and sending you lots of hugs right back,
      Pieter and Mariette

    2. It was indeed very gracious of you to give them the dishwasher and for Pieter to instal it! That's what (real) friends are for. :)
      Sending lots and lots of hugs to you and Pieter, too!

    3. Paula, it was indeed for helping friends out. Turned out to be an almost dangerous but mostly hilarious event. The water pipe started spewing water and Pieter was laying on the floor and getting wet... Haha, it took some neighbors with a special tool for finally being able to shut the main valve off—outside. It got installed well and we all had a good laugh!
      Big hugs back to both of you from both of us.

    4. Poor Pieter! I'm glad the neighbours had that special tool!

  3. I have never had a dishwasher in any place that I've lived, noisy or otherwise! :-)

    1. Dearest Kim,
      That is okay, my Mom never had one and in The Netherlands there was none, neither in Italy nor in Indonesia where we lived. But with our yard and upkeep we wanted one in this home.

  4. I am the dishwasher. Regine

    1. Dearest Regine,
      Well, knowing that role all too well! Mom never had one for her family of NINE as we were her dishwashers at a very early age.

  5. Ik heb geen vaatwasser, we doen het hier vaak samen.
    Dan praten we bij:)

    Groetjes uit Nederland,

    1. Beste Hilly,
      Ja, zo hebben we het járen gedaan, ook in Italië en Indonesië waar we woonden en werkten.

  6. Vaatwasser is handig als je grote familie heb en feesten.Ik heb het al van1980. Mijn man heeft mij toen verrast met de vaatwasser .Toen ik mijn dochter Elvira kreeg.Hij was er zelf heel blij mee.😄👍

    1. Lieve Ellie,
      Jazeker, als wij die High Tea's en ook de etentjes voor de Monday Night Club voor zo'n 12 tot 15 personen allemaal met de hand hadden moeten doen...!
      Je moet er plaats voor hebben in de keuken—maar het is handig! Jij had de jouwe nog drie jaar eerder dan wij hier in augustus 1983.

  7. Dearest Mariette,

    Dishwashers can be so fickle. We have one in our apartment, but I've never used it. With only the two of us, I don't have but a couple or three things to wash after fixing meals.

    I either had not paid attention or never noticed before, but I love your accent!! I could listen to both you and Pieter talk for hours just to listen to your beautiful accent!

    Hugs and love, my friend!

    1. Dearest Diana,
      Thank you so much about your words here!
      Our accent is naturally as we both are very poor actors—we prefer to be ourselves.
      If you want to listen for hours—look under label: Mushroom Technology Seminar and there are videos of up to two hours (Pieter) and 1.5 hour with Pieter and also one with me and in English!
      Hugs back to you,

  8. Enjoy your new appliances. We need new ovens, but it going to have to wait until my husband get his cases for his book done. He like to research out everything. My husband turned 57 this past april. Must be his diet. He is eating very little sugar these days as he read it causes aging and other health problems.

    1. Dearest Kelleyn,
      Well, we both LOVE our all Miele appliances and would not want to trade it for anything else. Our energy bill is very low and we have only electric, no gas.
      Your husband is indeed very clever for timely cutting the sugar out of his diet. Guess for the USA it is the #1 health issue for consuming way too much sugar. My European recipe books always list a lot less sugar for desserts and for years now I'm using Trader Joe's Coconut Palm Sugar with only 35 GI versus 80 in refined sugar:
      But anyway—you both are still so young!

  9. So far, I've never met anyone in Malaysia who has a dishwasher!
    Like Regine said, I am the dishwasher!

    Hugs and blessings, dearest Mariette 💐

    1. Dearest Veronica,
      Well, when we lived and worked in Indonesia—we never had one, nor saw one elsewhere.
      Neither in Italy... It also depends on the power available. In both countries we would never have been able to use one!

  10. The dishwasher has to be good, if we don't end up washing some parts by hand.
    Coisas de Feltro


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