
Saturday, October 22, 2022

Installing Hot Water Machine and Showing Protruding Old Oven and Dishwasher

 Almost for 24 years we now use a Hot Water Machine in our kitchen for instant boiling water.
Meanwhile our 2nd got installed and we love to have that in our home!
This is exactly the faucet that we have on our kitchen counter.
Together with our Little Gourmet® Premium Hot Water Tank / Dispenser – Mountain Plumbing Products
On my Pinterest board you can see these 2.5 quart examples:
On November 23, 1998 Pieter managed to build this in, under the counter.
A very tight spot for working there... 
Glad all that is done as it is not getting easier as we age 😏
Pieter had to change a pipe that lay at the top along—for now going underneath and secure it there again.
Because it was precisely in the spot where the Hot Water Machine will be hung!
Never easy but so far, Pieter has managed to do it all by himself—a hard working and very clever man.
Pieter jokes how conveniently it is working when being under the counter...
But, also this mega task got cleared!
That first faucet was in white with a safety lock for children; pulling it upwards.
Pieter had to drill a hole in the Corian counter top.
Further I wanted to capture how ugly that previous oven was protruding into the kitchen and also the dishwasher. That will become flush with the new Mieles.
Also showing the Whirlpool hood.
Pieter is mentioning that the entire box has to come out...
Projects are never easy and neither quick!

Stay tuned — will be continued.


  1. A casa tua ci sono sempre lavori in corso.Buona domenica!

    1. Cara Olga,
      La maggior parte sono stati completati, ma in realtà - infiniti lavori e la maggior parte svolti da Pieter stesso.

  2. Pieter is indeed very clever and hard-working. I only manage to make things worse when I do work at home. You are lucky.

    God bless.

    1. Dearest Victor,
      Thank you and yes, Pieter has a tremendous will power and he is clever!
      Both of us are lucky and it is often far better than having someone do it for you.

  3. We have a Close-in 10-litre electric kitchen boiler in the kitchen.

    I am very happy with it, we have hot water immediately, no more wasted water and gas.

    Energy will be expensive here next year for everyone :(

    I hope google translated it all right :)

    All the best to you,

    1. Dearest Hilly,
      Your solution sounds like a very clever one as well.
      We certainly would not want to miss ours.
      It is more energy efficient as the water does not have to travel a long distance!
      Oh, for the entire world things have changed for the worse.
      Let's hope that with our elections on November 8, there will be a change and that might affect the entire world politics.
      You are welcome to write in Dutch here as well!

  4. Hi, Mariette and Pieter!
    When I read this post, I had to smile, because like I told you before (I think...), I've been reading your blog from head to toe and I read your post about changing your oven, dishwasher and hood just a few weeks ago!
    We have Miele appliances here in Portugal, too, althought we ourselves don'y have any. One brand we have and love is Teka. Our oven, hood and 4 "burners" electric ceramic cooker are from Teka and have never failed us, too.
    Have a wonderful week!

    1. Dearest Paula,
      Guess your Teka is just perfect—we both are not familiar with that brand but being it European it must also be more energy efficient.

    2. Yes, Teka is also a german brand, like Miele and also very efficient!
      Have a blessed week, Mariette and Pieter!

  5. Unser Warmwasser wird über einen Warmwasserspeicher von einer Gastherme geheizt. 100 Liter.
    Dein Geräte kenne ich jedoch aus früheren Tagen... ich bin so froh, mein Mann ist der absolute tolle
    Handwerker, so brauche ich mich nicht zu kümmern um Geräte jeglicher Art... uff... ganz schrecklich, wenn etwas nicht funktioniert. Aber du hast genau so Glück wie ich, dein Pieter bekommt es in Gang.
    Viele Grüsse zu dir - ich habe Sauerteig-Vollkornbrot im Ofen... wird geliebt in der Familie.

    1. Liebe Viola,
      Wir haben auch einen großen elektrischer Boiler, aber dies ist für sofortiges heißes Wasser in der Küche; eingebaut unter der Theke.
      Ja, dabei hat man wirklich Glück mit so einem Mann!
      Herrliches Brot—das mögen wir beide auch.
      Liebe Grüße,

  6. Pieter is amazing, isn't he?

    Hugs and blessings, dearest Mariette.

    1. Dearest Veronica,
      Yes, he sure IS!
      A treasure to keep.

  7. Replies
    1. Dearest Christina,
      Indeed, owning your own home—there is always something to improve or repair.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
