
Saturday, December 31, 2022

December 31 With Pieter J.C. Vedder Visiting Sitanala Leprosy Hospital in Indonesia

 Just wanting to take you back to Indonesia during the time we did still consulting, after having lived and worked there for about 3 years.
So you get to see how we spent New Year's Eve...
December 31, 1998
Grateful for Gil Gillis from TV 35 (at that time) for putting this together for us to show to the Rotarians and others.
En route to our work, on December 31, 1998, we visited Sitanala to deliver a donation from the Dublin, Georgia Rotary Club and Friends. 
Hand delivering the cash US Dollars to Father S. Binzler, a Jesuit, who worked with the leprosy patients on their designated compound.
On November 04, 1989 Princess Diana visited the very same Sitanala Leprosy Hospital.

On the following video you also will see shocking images of the damaged and burned buildings of the Chinese Christians, who ran the businesses for the majority.
In May and November of 1998, those 'rioters' damaged some 6,000 buildings and tortured, raped and killed some 1,200...
It was for me personally the closest I've ever come to a war zone.
Pieter starts out with his finger on the map showing our route of flight for reaching our 'work' destiny:
Atlanta, Georgia/USA on KLM Royal Dutch Airlines to Amsterdam, then on to Singapore and finally reaching Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia.

Happy New Year to ALL!


  1. I can't imagine the horrors you've seen. Fortunately, they also managed to bring love to those in need..
    I want to take the opportunity to wish you and Pieter a happy year 2023

    1. Dearest Christina,
      It makes you aware of our easy life and access to anything. We have absolutely no reason to complain!
      Seeing all this has had a tremendous impact on our life!
      We carried so many things over to give to them—but never enough...
      For the upgrade into business class we receive a toilet bag with some amenities and that's what I was handing out to those women in the hospital.
      It hurts like hell if you just handed out the very last one and there are eyes looking at you for another one.
      But at least we did what we could! Just like Princess Diana—she was their ONLY voice as the entire media ignores them!
      Happy New Year to you and yours.

  2. Happy New Year to you and Pieter, Mariette. I hope it's a good year for you both, and for all your fur babies. Peace and blessings.

    1. Dearest Kim,
      Thank you and Happy New Year to you as well!
      Our lives are already so blessed compared to those leprosy infected ostracized people...
      Both of us will never complain!

  3. I have watch the video twice hurts but Im so impressed of your work there. Great wishes for a HAPPY and better 2023 now!
    Love from a rainy island & Titti

    1. Dearest Titti,
      Thank you for watching this! Yes, had to show this video as the world keeps looking away since Princess Diana died—they totally lost their voice!
      Wishing you a Happy 2023!

  4. In questo nuovo vorrei che tu avessi uno splendido gennaio, un dolce mese di febbraio, un marzo felice, un aprile senza stress, un maggio all'insegna del divertimento, gioia e spensieratezza da giugno a novembre, ed infine un indimenticabile Dicembre colmo di felicità e amore. Possano i miei desideri diventare realtà. Buon 2023.

    1. Caro Giancarlo,
      Vi auguro un Felice Anno Nuovo e soprattutto in buona salute.

  5. Replies
    1. Dearest Anne,
      Thank you and the same to you and yours!

  6. Me pongo al día de tus últimas entradas. Con tantas fiestas no hay tiempo para nada.
    ¡Feliz año Nuevo!

    1. Querida Antónia,
      Feliz Año Nuevo para ti. En el video se puede ver que hemos pasado nuestra víspera de Año Nuevo bastante diferente a veces ... Ahora nos vamos a casa después de relajarnos ocho días en la región más cálida de Florida.

  7. Liebste Mariette, danke für das Video. Du bist ein Weltenbürger und es ist wunderbar, das du viel Gelegenheit hattest in deinem Leben Gutes zu tun und zu bewirken. Danke für deine Aufzeichnungen. Wir müssen alle etwas tun, um das Leben für uns und für andere besser zu machen.
    Ich wünsche dir und Pieter alles Gute für das Jahr 2023. Seid umarmt von Viola

    1. Liebe Viola,
      Ja euch alle auch alles Gute für das neue Jahr 2023.
      Du hast so Recht das wir alle etwas tun sollen für anderen.
      Die Prinzessin Diana hat es immer gemacht aber seid sie nicht mehr lebt — keine andere Person hat es fortgesetzt. Traurig!
      Die Welt schaut einfach weg.
      Liebe Grüße,

  8. Thank you so much for all your good works.

    God bless always.

    1. Dearest Victor,
      No thanks we did what every person ought to do and did it with love.

  9. You and Pieter are truly amazing, my dearest friend.

    May God shower you both with lots of blessings for all your great works.

    1. Dearest Veronica,
      Thank you and we did what we did with LOVE!
      We admired Princess Diana and both of us did just a little bit for making those people known to others for receiving help.

  10. Happy New Year, Mariette, to you and Pieter. The video reminded me very much of the Philippines, though I didn't know that people drive on the left in Indonesia. It was hard to watch the video in places. So much suffering in the world but when people are noticed and valued that brings inner healing and hope. It is inspiring to see the nuns dedicating their lives to caring for persons with leprosy. May God continue to bless them and all the people, both patients and staff, in Sitanala Leprosy Hospital. And May God continue to bless you and Pieter. Father Seán in Ireland

    1. Dearest Father Seán,
      Yes, it is such a stark contrast from the entire Western World where people in general have no clue how so many still struggle for survival.
      At least both of us tried to capture that and bring some much needed awareness. Princess Diana was a strong voice for them but she is no more...
      So many people need God's blessing!


Thanks for your visit and comment.
