
Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Mom & Dad's Trio of Crucifix with Corpus and Plaques with Red Copper Relief Statues

 When I did fly solo to The Netherlands—one last time in June of 2022, it was for a very special reason.
Bringing home some treasures from their estate in Limburg...
Mom & Dad's Trio of Crucifix with Corpus and Plaques with red Copper Relief Statues on oak, now hangs above our bed...
Dad's Maternal Uncle — Heeroom blessed the marriage of Mom & Dad but also this special trio.
It hung above their bed till the very end—now it resides in our home in the USA.
My photo seen hanging to the right here below—also came home...
This photo I took on February 21, 2014 when we flew to The Netherlands for Mom's 90th Birthday and Mom & Dad's 65th Wedding Anniversary.
That was the LAST time I got to see Mom alive... see post below about Mom's Hand Knitted Bedspread as Window Display.

Related links:
Limburg — The Emotional Part | previous post by me
In Memory of my BEST Role Model EVER | later post about Heeroom


  1. You have many beautiful treasures, Mariette, including those. What caught my eye most, though, was your pretty duvet cover/coverlet/bedspread! I have a summer coverlet for my bed that is similar, though with more white in the background. I also love that bunny sitting in the corner, on the shelf!

    1. Dearest Kim,
      Thank you and glad you loved Pieter's 'Snuffy'...
      The cotton flannel pillow cases and duvet cover, as well as fitted sheet are made in Germany. I've just widened it to fit our thinnest Caribbean down duvet. When it is cold, I use another flannel sheet under the duvet cover. Sleeps like a Marmot during winter time!

  2. Se le tiene mucho cariño a esos objetos, tan familiares.

    1. Querida Antónia,
      ¡Sí, tengo mucho afecto por estas cosas!
      Recuerdos muy hermosos y valiosos.

  3. So wonderful to have treasures that remind you of your parents, Mariette. These are exquisite!

    1. Dearest Martha Jane,
      Yes, those are very valuable and they remind me of my Parents and also Heeroom.
      Strong religious pillars of our family and role models.

  4. Replies
    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      Yes, they sure are and even more meaningful!
      Mom and Dad taught us the Faith and we certainly need that in our life.

    2. As they should have . As parents it is our duty to do so. Beautiful things and I am happy some came home with you and Pieter.

    3. Dearest Katie Isabella,
      Oh, those were indeed treasures for taking home with me!
      They mean a lot to me and also to Pieter...

  5. Really wonderful heirlooms. Beautiful.

    God bless.

    1. Dearest Victor,
      They sure are very meaningful—the passing on of our Faith.
      Trying hard to live in Mom & Dad's footsteps and from our ancestors.

  6. What a special treasure Mariette! It hangs just so beautifully above your bed as it did above your parents' bed. It is so wonderful to have heirlooms passed down from generation to generation! Many blessings to you today!

    1. Dearest Marilyn,
      Yes, those are treasures and they are the remnants of our family's Faith.
      Proud of Pieter for having hung them perfectly.

  7. Such precious treasures to remind you of your parents, Mariette.

    Hope your knee is healing well.

    Hugs and blessings, dearest friend.

    1. Dearest Victoria,
      Oh, those are very precious treasures and represent the Faith that my Parents adhered to and raised us all in.
      It is both legs having a fracture and today I'm going to see my orthopedic surgeon so we will know more.

  8. Que lindos, Mariette, é uma benção coisas que temos de nossos pais,
    eu também tenho, e todos os dias estou com eles no meu coração
    e nas lembranças que ficaram, utensílios, objetos decorativos que
    minha mãe adorava e outras coisas.
    É a vida que continua em nós!
    Uma feliz quinta feira para vocês, Mariette.

    1. Prezados Taís,
      De fato, nossos Pais deixaram muitos valores em nós e para nós...
      Importante continuar nessa linha.

  9. Oh Marietta, I had a feeling about you today and yesterday and then you mentioned the accident on my blog. I’m so sorry. I wish I lived closer I would help you. I’m concerned. Please keep me updated - I’ve been praying mightily for you and Pieter.


    PS. Blogger won’t allow me to comment unless I am anonymous. Take care

    1. Dearest Debby,
      Those prayers are very much needed.
      Pieter cooked cabbage for supper yesterday, with white sauce from Trader Joe's soy milk with nutmeg and pepper. I had done the fish and frozen in portions.
      It will still be a long time to go I'm afraid... can't drive a car with this right knee immobilizer.
      A friend from Church will drive us to my orthopedic surgeon one hour away and we hope to know more after that. The pain is the worst and I'm not taking anything due to my CKD in severe stage.

  10. Ricordi bellissimi.Buona giornata a te e Pieter.

    1. Cara Olga,
      Ricordi importanti e molto sentimentali della Fede che i miei Genitori hanno trasmesso...

  11. I'm seeing in the comments that you've had some sort of accident and now have leg problems. Hope you are okay.

    1. Dearest Tammy,
      Well, a woman in a Lexus did T–bone me on my bike when I was about to make a left turn on green from a road with yield. She only looked to the left for making a rather aggressive right turn (allowed in GA if possible...). So Pieter was behind me and saw me fly.
      Just got back from my orthopedic surgeon in Macon and the cracked right knee cap has not shifted so I'm out of my knee immobilizer. The left fractured Proxima fibula has not worsened. All the bruises and fluids need to get drained and he prescribed some meds (kidney friendly) for starting that. My left upper ribs and lower reef are probably cracked but there is nothing to be done about that... But my worst pain is my right shoulder, I landed on it as on the right upper thigh where I have a huge hematoma. But they first need approval from my insurance to get an MRI done as they suspect rotator cuff problems. Got my next appointment for March 22.
      Crazy times and hoping that the meds that Pieter is picking up now will help ease the pain and drain the nasty swellings...

    2. So very sorry to hear about the accident, Mariette. It certainly could have been much worse so I am glad to know that you are relatively okay and will be able to heal with time. There's a lot of people out there who don't pay much attention to people around them when they are rushing around. My son in Denver has had two run-ins with cars (once while on his skateboard and once while biking which caused his bike frame to be so bent it couldn't be fixed) -- also a girl on an e-scooter smoking her e-cigarette who pulled in front of him while he was biking. Some people are so wrapped up in their own little world that they fail to remember they aren't alone out there and need to be mindful of their actions. Take care of yourself. I hope you feel better which each passing day.

    3. Dearest Tammy,
      Yes, you are right about that a lot of people are not alert when in traffic—for whatever reason. Sorry about your son's run–ins in Colorado!
      I was awake early (due to having been in bed my full 8 hours) and got up. Feeling so much better after my 1st day of 6 methylPREDNISolone 4 mg and today 5, each day down in a total of 6. It removes the swelling and I sure can notice that already.

    4. Ought to have written: Medrol Dosepak (6 yesterday, 5 today and down like that)

  12. Your Cross is beautiful, Mariette, and the plaques belonged to your mom and dad, which makes them very special to you. I noticed the little doll to the right, and I'd love to know more about her. I am a doll lover, especially handmade cloth ones. I wanted to say how sorry I am that you had to go to the ER and fractured your right knee while taking a fall on your bike, and are in so much paint. It sounds like your husband is giving you wonderful care and attention right now. I hope you heal nicely, and saying a prayer for a quick recovery.

    Sending comforting thoughts and love,


    1. Dearest Sheri,
      Thank you and yes that trio is oh so special to me!
      That doll to the right was my Katrien, a Dutch name obvious. She wears Dutch wooden shoes made for dolls. And she has eye lashes that close when lying down. Always loved her and of course she immigrated with me to the USA.
      As for my fractured right knee cap and Proxima fibula on left leg, you better read the reply above.
      Thanks for your comforting thoughts and love,

  13. Li seu acidente que contou acima, Mariette,
    que coisa ruim quando acontece esse tipo de acidente!
    Estimo suas melhoras e que a dor passe logo!

    1. Prezados Taís,
      Sim, tenho medicação agora para o inchaço para remover os fluidos e para ajudar com a dor. Vou tirar uma soneca como eu estou desgastado e também orando por força! Sem dúvida, vou sobreviver a isso.

  14. Olá, Mariette, gostei de ver essa sua postagem tanto pelos objetos que ora ornamentam
    a casa do distinto casal, aí nos EUA, como pelo fato de terem pertencido aos seus pais.
    Meus parabéns pela sensibilidade de manter tais objetos como relíquia familiar.
    Meus votos de que tudo saia bem com sua saúde, principalmente após a consulta médica
    Um bom fim de semana para você e Pietter.
    Um abraço

    1. Prezado Pedro,
      Obrigado por suas palavras significativas aqui!
      A medicação que recebi está me ajudando muito com a dor e esperando que o inchaço também diminua. Amanhã vou ligar para a minha consulta de ressonância magnética para descobrir se o meu manguito rotador na direita deve er está danificado ... No dia 22 de março vou ver meu cirurgião ortopédico sobre isso. Agendamentos anteriores não foram possíveis.
      Mas com orações e paciência vamos curar!

  15. Certainly, a treasure with a lot of estimation value.

    1. Dearest Christina,
      These for sure are pieces with lots of sentimental value.
      They speak about how we got raised.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
