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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Monday, March 24, 2014

{Mom's Hand Knitted Bedspread as Window Display}

Before my Mom came to visit us for the very first time here in the USA, she had the honor of having her Hand Knitted Bedspread as Window Display at 't Schippertje. Of course this was the shop where she had bought all the knitting yarn. I've always loved that leaf pattern, as a matter of fact, I do have two favorite sweaters with leaves. See links below this post...
Here Mom stands proudly in front of the shop's window where her hand knitted bedspread is being displayed.
Funny to look at this photo as at present, I am the same age as Mom was here in mid April of 1987...
Only weeks before Mom with Dad would fly back with us to Georgia/USA.
Not that long ago, Mom decided to start using this bedspread again...
Here it is on their queen size bed and I made this photo on February 21, before going to see Mom again during her dialysis in The Netherlands.
Strange for being for a brief moment on the other side of the ocean... seeing the photos they keep from me in their bedroom (to the right hanging and small one standing below, next to the one from Mom).
Four days later, the big ocean would once more be in–between my Parents and me.
This is such a lovely design!
A better view of those knitted squares with leaf pattern in the center.
Don't you also love this leaf pattern with ajour edges?
Mom for sure is smiling down from heaven, with so many views of her fabulous knitting!

Views on my Pinterest page (just click it)
Click on photo to enlarge...
Here follows an English version:
Size: 130 X 240 CM.
MATERIAL needed: Synthetic wool 2700 gr of natural colour; 5 double-pointed knitting needles 3mm
SQUARE PATTERN: follow the chart
The work is done in rounds on 4 needles. We show you in the chart a quarter of a square; each pattern must therefore be repeated 4 times in each round.
Cast on 8 stitches, placing 2 stitches on each of the 4 needles.
Follow the chart for the odd numbered rounds.
Knit every even-numbered round, (2nd, 4th, 6th etc.) working the 1st stitch of each repeat in twisted knit stitch.
Work rounds 1-48, then purl 2 rounds. Cast off.
Knit 45 squares in total.
TRIANGLES: Cast on 7 stitches. Work back and forth across the rows. Work the odd-numbered rows from the chart, beginning each row with an edge stitch, then working the pattern 2 times and ending with a knit stitch and an edge stitch. Purl the even-numbered rows, working twisted purl stitch into the twisted knit stitches.
Knit 22 triangles in total.
EDGING: Cast on 9 stitches. Round 1: Knit 1, * increase 1, Knit 2 together in twisted knit stitch, repeat from * 3 times.
Round 2 and all even-numbered rounds: Knit 1, increase 1, knit to end.
Round 3: Knit 2, then repat from * as in round 1. Continue thus until there are 16 stitches.
Next even round: Work as for round 2.
Next odd round: Cast off 7 stitches, knit to end. Continue to repeat from round 1 until the work measures 7.5 m. Cast off.
FINISHING: Pin out the squares and triangles, cover with a damp cloth, press lightly and leave to dry.

Join together on wrong side with backstitch. Begin at lower edge by sewing 3 squares in-between 4 triangles, then add 4 and 3 squares alternately to end. Sew 4 triangles at the other end and 7 triangles along each side. When all squares and triangles have been joined together, sew on the border neatly.

Related link:
Italian Crochet Terms and U.S. Crochet Terms | translation for being able to understand the above pattern.
{ME, Turning 20 on December 3!} | previous post with my knitted leaf pattern sweater.
Ancient Grey Stuart Tartan fabric from Chester UK | later post showing the hand knitted leaf pattern


  1. Wow the bedspread is beautiful! Your mom hand knitted this? It is just amazing! I love the leaf pattern very much!
    What an honor her bedspread was displayed in the store window. You must have been very proud :-)

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Oh yes, Mom did hand knit this huge piece of leaf patterned squares all put together. So glad she's still using it as it is gorgeous. Of course this made me feel very proud of her and she is too modest for taking much credit but she of course was proud too.

  2. Oh my, it is stunning and she is so talented! No wonder if got displayed in the yarn store, they were proud she bought her yarn there and made such a beautiful piece of work.....it really was a free advertising for them!
    I too love this pattern. Women from her generation as my mom, who's 84 and my grandma before her; did learn the art of crocheting, needle work, sewing, cooking, etc. I never learned anything like that ever in the USA, except for shop clases where I had Wood work and yes, I did learn some sewing, lol! Your mom was so lovely and still is...that's why you are such a pretty girl too.

    1. Dearest Fabby,
      It is a very stunning bedspread indeed.
      There is a lot of truth in you mentioning that previous generations, including myself, in Europe got taught a lot of handwork and cooking etc. It was mandatory but it did serve me for my entire life. Here in the USA I have given crocheting and knitting classes in the 80s as most women here never got taught at school. Very true and it's a pity.
      Thank you for your compliments!

  3. You must write and tell your Mum the bead spread is beautiful. What a big job.
    Hugs Kay

    1. Dearest Kay,
      Oh, I will tell Mom when we call her tomorrow. It was a huge job, I realized that even more so when I took these photos. One can only admire here persistence and steady hand for creating such a perfect piece.

  4. Mariette,this is so beautiful. How talented your mum is. Lovely memories too. x

    1. Dearest Jeanette Ann,
      She is very talented and her hands have created lots of lovely things in her lifetime.
      Fond memories indeed.

  5. Dearest Mariette,
    Your Mum coming to visited in your home,she was shop where all the knitting yarm you alwayo loved the leaf pattem a favorite sweater with leaves. The shop's window her knitted bedspread are displayed,
    What lovely photo presend your same age your Mum...I cant see your Mum.
    The dialysis your mum & you has beautiful Bedsprad.
    I was very happy to read about when you are lovely age...
    I has not see our beautiful photos because one of our war's time
    Hugs and lots of love always!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      Oh, Mom did pose so proud next to the window with her bedspread on display. My husband Pieter did make this slide and I scanned it in December of 2013. It made me quite happy and proud!
      So sad that you lost beautiful photos due to the war period. Too bad that with that fond memories are being lost forever.
      Hugs, love and admiration!

  6. That bedspread is absolutely gorgeous! Wow! Isn't it so funny when we compare ourselves to the age that our parents were at a certain time. We realize we've gotten to the point of actually getting older. It's very strange. Best wishes for a wonderful weekend. Tammy

    1. Dearest Tammy,
      Can't believe how fast those years did pass by...! Oh, I remember Mom knitting on this bedspread and she had a period that she got overwhelmed by it I guess. Than she proceeded to finish it and there is the moment of pride! Pieter made this slide and it was one of those fond things I re-discovered while scanning them to make them digital.
      But being older ourselves now, we start looking different at those photos and I do treasure them.
      Have a lovely new week as well.

  7. Dearest Mariette;
    What an amazing hand-knitted bedspread☆☆☆ Stunning work and talent. She and you for her must have been proud and happy for it being displayed♡♡♡ My comment for your former post is really right. You are her daughter indeed♪♪♪

    Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      You bet I felt proud for my Mom and she too. She deserved the attention as she earned it with all her hours of hand knitting this.
      The Dutch and English saying is that the apple does not fall far from the tree, so it is like mother, like daughter.
      Hugs and love,

  8. Liebe Mariette,

    einen guten Tag wünscht dir

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Kannst du auch stricken?
      Liebe Grüsse und schöner Sonntag.

    2. Liebe Mariette,

      ich kann gut stricken, sticken und häkeln.
      Nur nähen kann ich nicht so gut.

      Alles Liebe

    3. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Entschuldige, ich hatte diese Antwort übersehen...
      Bin froh das du auch stricken, sticken und häkeln kannst!
      Liebe Grüße,

  9. Liebe Mariette,
    das ist wirklich eine ganz wundervolle Handarbeit - so ein herrliches Muster -
    sehr schön finde ich auch das Bett-Rückenteil - so gemütlich bestückt mit
    schönen Erinnerungen -

    ganz liebe Grüße und alles Gute für deine Mama


    1. Liebe Ruth,
      Danke für deine Komplimente! Ja, bestückt mit schönen Erinnerungen dass stimmt. Es tat mir gut hier noch mal rein schauen zu können auf jene Seite vom Ozean.
      Liebe Grüsse und ich werde Morgen via unseren Anruf meine Mama berichten.

  10. Sepre bella la tua mamma e brava!Lo sai che quando è nata la mia figlia Marica una mia zia mi ha fatto una copertina bianca per la culla uguale alla tua coperta.Baci e buonfine settimana!Rosetta

    1. Cara Rosetta,
      Tali pezzi sono speciali e sono felice di leggere che tua zia ha creato una simile coperta come quella della mia Madre per la nascita di tua figlia! Spero che hai ancora quella... o tua figlia la hai.
      Abbraccio e buona domenica!

  11. Prachtige sprei heeft je moeder gemaakt. Knap om zo'n patroon vele malen te herhalen.
    Fijn weekend, lieve groet

    1. Beste Willy,
      Ja inderdaad is het een kwestie van doorzettingsvermogen om dit te herhalen tot het prachtige stuk af is!
      Ook een mooie zondag en heel veel liefs,

  12. Je hebt het breien niet van een vreemde zie ik. Wat een werk, zo'n hele sprei en alles zo gelijkmatig, een kunststuk is het geworden.

    1. Beste Marianne,
      Nee, kennelijk niet en m'n Moeder heeft het me ook al heel vroeg bijgebracht. Ze breit heel gelijkmatig inderdaad en het is een pronkstuk! Laten we hopen dat ze er nog járen plezier van mogen hebben.

  13. Hello Mariette, My grandmother used to knit blankets like this, although not nearly so accomplished as your mother's. Although most of hers were worn out, we may still have one in a linen closet somewhere.

    I love the photo with the beehive hairstyle--I can see why your parents keep it on their wall!

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Thank you and there might certainly be somewhere still a blanket from your Grandmother!
      This is truly a masterpiece and it is so perfect for their bed.
      Oh, my hair was done quite artfully by a cousin of my best friend. The photo they have on their wall used to be also a window display at our photographer's shop. Long time ago...
      Hugs and happy Sunday.

  14. Liebe Marietta,
    heute schaffe ich einmal wieder eine ausführliche Blogrunde .... Und komme Dich hier auch sehr gerne besuchen. Der Bettüberwurf Deiner Mutter ist ein Schmuckstück! Und ich kann sehr gut verstehen, wie stolz Du darauf sein mußt. Schön, dass Du ihn bekommen hast und er einen Ehrenplatz bei Dir hat.

    Ich wünsche Dir noch ein schönes Wochenende
    Grüßle aus Augsburg von Heidrun

    1. Liebe Heidrun,
      Danke für deinen Besuch!
      Der Bettüberwurf ist durch meine Mutter gestrickt worden und er liegt auch noch bei ihr auf'm Bett; nicht bei mir! Da ist noch ein grosser Ozean dazwischen...
      Ich habe dass Bild gemacht am Valentinstag wo wir noch in den Niederlanden waren wegen meiner Mutter's 90ster Geburtstag und auch wegen die 65-jahrige Hochzeit meiner Eltern.
      Auch ein schöner Sonntag und liebe Grüsse,

  15. Dearest Mariette ... this bedspread is beyond GORGEOUS!!! My mother also has this skill - but unlike you who also has this beautiful skill - I did not pick it up. I do admire so much people who have learned and developed their skill for working with thread/yarn and create such works of art. Thank you for sharing this treasure with us. Hugs and Blessings ..C.(HHL)
    P.S. hoping the weather is more spring like where you are ... we got a light sprinkling of snow overnight :(

    1. Dearest Celia,
      Thank you for your meaningful words and yes, our Parents knew so much more about these skills. I have been lucky that it got passed down by my Mom and also by the nuns at the Roman Catholic school we went to.
      We have had some lovely days and let's keep our fingers crossed that the rain will stay away so the tileman can finally put the tiles on!
      Hugs and happy Sunday; regardless the snow flurries.

  16. What a wonderful blanket :-) Love the pattern, and very similar to one I inherited... The beauty is in the hours of care and love done by the one who made it. True value forever. best to your mum and to you dear:-)

    1. Dearest Eli,
      Thank you for your compliments on this lovely blanket!
      Indeed the beauty lies in the labor of love and it is an heirloom that way.
      Thank your for your best wishes.
      Hugs to you and happy Sunday.

  17. wow!!! was für ein Prachtstück von Decke, die tollen Muster faszinieren mich.

    Ich wünsche Dir ein schönes Wochenende und schicke liebe Grüße mit.
    Traudi aus dem Drosselgarten

    1. Liebe Traudi,
      Ja ein wirkliches Prachtstück ist es geworden und mit viel Liebe gemacht worden.
      Auch ein schöner Sonntag und liebe Grüsse,

  18. Liebe Mariette,
    diese Decke ist ganz wundervoll. Eine Menge Arbeit -
    Das Muster gefällt mir ausnehmend gut.
    Einen schönen Restsamstag wünscht Dir

    1. Liebe Irmi,
      Ja wirklich unbezahlbar so eine Menge Arbeit und sie ist wunderschön. Ich hoffe meine Eltern werden sie noch Jahrenlang benutzen können.
      Auch noch einen schönen Sonntag und liebe Grüsse,

  19. Your Dear Mother's beautiful bedspread is a real work of art! All those intricate stitches and designs are so lovely. Hours and hours of work there - I often wonder what the creator of these beautiful pieces were thinking of and where they were when they created them. No doubt your Mother was thinking of her beautiful family and home. What an honor to have it displayed in the shop window. Yes, I often think of my Mother when she was at my age...there is more understanding of a Mother's worth as we grow older. Hugs xo Karen

    1. Dearest Karen,
      Thank you for your meaningful and wise words. Indeed, how many thoughts have been knitted into those squares? Dreams about Dad, her children and grandchildren...
      She deserved the honor of having it displayed, it is a perfect piece.
      It is so true as we grow older we have more understanding of a Mother's worth!

  20. Wunderschön!
    Und bestimmt eine Arbeit von Monaten!

    1. Liebe Michaela,
      Oh, ganz bestimmt Monaten und mehr... Da muss man schon durchsetzen können!
      Liebe Grüsse und schöner Sonntag.

  21. Ma ho capito bene? Tua mamma ha fatto questo meraviglioso capolavoro? Meraviglioso, straordinariamente meraviglioso Mariette, da conservare gelosamente e con cura certosina!!! Complimenti alla tua dolcissima mamma. Paola

    1. Cara Paola,
      Sì, hai letto correttamente che mia Mamma ha fatto a maglia questo copriletto. Lei ha fatto un lavoro meraviglioso e prego che lei e Papà può usarlo per un po' di tempo a venire. Sono molto orgoglioso del suo lavoro e guarda la sua faccia qui, lei è modestamente divertendo troppo. Pieter ha preso questa diapositiva, e nel mese di dicembre ho scansionato per renderlo digitale; così felice di aver trovato questo tesoro e che sono andato alla loro camera da letto per fare qualche foto di dettaglio mentre ero li in Olanda.
      Abbracci e felice Domenica!

  22. Lieve Mariette,

    Prachtig bedsprei met zeer mooi patroon,knap van je moeder om dat zo te maken.
    Mijn lieve schoonmoeder heeft ook haar hele leven gehaakt,op de laatste 14 jaar van haar leven na.....,wanneer je niet meer weet waarvoor garen,haaknaald en breipennen dienen houd het handwerken op,helaas.

    Fijne zondag en lieve groet,

    1. Lieve Ger,
      Ja best knap toch om zoiets te beginnen en het ook àf te maken ook nog!
      Triest dat je lieve schoonmoeder zo'n trieste fase moest doorstaan. Maar goed dat niemand van ons weet wat er te wachten staat op het einde van ons leven.
      Lieve groetjes en een fijne zondag.

  23. Dear Mariette,
    This knitted bedspread is just lovely! The leaf pattern is so beautiful!!!No wonder they wanted to display it at the window of the shop!
    You mother is so talented, I can only imagine, how many other works of art she has knitted!
    I wish you a lovely Sunday!!

    1. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      Thank you and this was for once a very rewarding thing for my Mom, recognition of one of her beautiful pieces. This was her largest, well, she also did crochet a bedspread for her bridal trousseau.
      Wishing you a lovely Sunday and sending you hugs,

  24. Replies
    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      Indeed a very nice piece of hand work!

  25. Dear Mariette,what a lovely bedspread your dear mother made!!What a beauty!!She's so talented!!I really like the leaves pattern!!So beautiful!!Wish you a happy Sunday!!Hugs!!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      Thank you for your compliments and kind words.
      Can't believe yet another Sunday is almost over with... Time is going way too fast.

  26. Dearest Mariette, your mother has "gold" hands ! This bedsread is apsolutely a work of art and this design is unique ! I have from my mother's hands ,two knitted blankets and I think that for me is very difficult to make something like this ! Also I liked the color You are very proud for your mom !Have a nice Sunday !

    1. Dearest Olympia,
      Indeed, my Mom had golden hands. She is no longer active with handwork but she can look back with lots of pride!
      You are lucky for having two knitted blankets from your Mom and yes, I've never managed anything that huge myself. We only can admire our Mothers even more so for having accomplished such works of art.
      Yes, I am very proud of my Mom!
      Happy new week to you.

  27. What an exquisite bedspread your mother made she is a most talented artist with her needles.
    Thinking of the both of you and send my very best wishes.
    Hugs, love and Gods blessing on you both.
    Shane xox

    1. Dearest Shane,
      Thank you so much for your kind words and compliments.
      Hugs and blessings for you as well, may you soon be up in the air again...

  28. Dearest Mariette,
    How brave your mother is to survive so many years of dialyses.
    It's such a strange feeling when we realize we are older than when our parents did a specific thing. Your mother is a lovely, talented lad; they bedspread is wonderful. Hand made things have memories woven into them.
    Enjoy the day..........xox*s*

    1. Dearest Suzi,
      Mom is indeed a very brave woman and she did create lovely things with her talented hands.
      Indeed we realize now more than before how age 'feels' like when we're past a certain stage.
      For sure there are many memories interwoven with the yarn on her needles...

  29. Hola mi querida Mariette ¡, que maravilla de cubrecama tejió tu madre !, ella tiene manos de ángel ,, que maravilla de tejido !,,

    1. Querida Angélica,
      Gracias, es muy especial para ver una pieza tal perfecta, puntada por puntada tejida por las manos de mi madre. Con tanto amor y aún más paciencia.
      Feliz nueva semana para ti con cariño,

  30. lieve Marriette !!!! heb ik je al verteld dat ik in nederland een nicht heb met de zelfde naam als jou
    Mariette !!! Het is niet een naam die je heel veel hoort ..
    Wat een mooie foto van je moeder voor de etelage ...daar mag ze wel heel trots kijken ,want ze heeft wel een hele mooie bedsprei gemaakt ...die op dit moment weer helemaal in de mode zijn ..ik zie ze in verschillende goede winkels met linnengoed liggen.
    nog een fijne zondag !!! veel liefs xxxx

    1. Lieve Nieneke,
      Grappig, ik had ook een vriendin op de lagere school die Mariette heette.
      Mijn naam heeft een geschiedenis: http://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2014/01/angels-we-know-by-name.html
      Er is nog een link in de blog die verder uitleg geeft... Hyperlinks in mijn blog zijn roze (soms ook goudgeel...).
      Ja, mijn Moeder mag best trots zijn op dit pracht stuk breiwerk. Niet veel vrouwen zullen haar dit nadoen en ik zelf heb ook nog nooit zoiets groots gebreid. Ben best trots op haar!
      Een hele fijne nieuwe week.

  31. A very beautiful spread. Your mother did an excellent job. I have two or three, but not this pattern.

    1. Dearest LV,
      Thank you and yes, Mom can feel mighty proud of such perfect knitting.
      You are lucky for having several yourself. Did you make them?

  32. What a beautiful pattern it is Mariette! You mother is a really talented knitter. The spread looks beautiful on her bed. She is quite right to use it daily. It's to beautiful to be inside a cupboard!

    Happy week!

    Madelief x

    1. Dearest Madelief,
      Thank you, this is indeed a gorgous looking pattern and Mom has always been a talented knitter with lots of perseverance. To have this stashed away would be a pity, she enjoys using it.

  33. Liebe Mariette,

    da hat deine Mama etwas wunderschönes geschaffen. Das Muster ist toll.
    Ich bewundere Frauen die so wunderschöne Handarbeiten machen können. Auch die vielen jungen Frauen welche heute so schöne Dinge Nähen und Häkeln. Ist nicht so meins die Handarbeit...bin schon stolz das ich wenigstens Socken stricken kann. ;-)

    Übrigens ist dein Deutsch sehr gut verständlich. Und sollte ich mal etwas nicht so ganz verstehen, dann denke ich mit und es wird verständlich. :-)
    Schön das du dir die Mühe machst. ♥
    Ich kann keinen englischen Satz ohne Google-Übersetzer.

    Herzliche Grüsse

    1. LIebe Julia,
      Danke, ja heutzutage gibt es wieder ganz vielen jungen Frauen die schöne Dinge machen können. Sehr bewunderenswertig ist dass immer. Socken stricken ist aber auch kompliziert, ich habe welche gestrickt aber nicht viele. Meine Mutter schaffte dass besser.
      Ja, Deutsch hört man hier kaum und es sind schon fast fünfzig Jahre seid ich es auf der Schule gelernt habe... Ja ja, die Zeit geht wahnsinnig schnell.
      Ganz liebe Grüsse,

  34. Dearest Mariette,
    now I know who you take after in being so multi-talented, craftfully skilled and where your love for beautiful things comes from!!! You can be mighty proud of your Mom, and she sure is of you!
    Big hugs!

    1. Dearest Anna,
      Thank you but guess what? My Dad too did knit, he made me a doll's dress when I was a little girl. He did not want to be caught knitting but he could do it very well! Once he did fling his knitting on top of the cupboard when our neighbor knocked at the door... Why hide such a talent?!
      But that was my Dad...
      I am mighty proud of my Mom and she always loved my works, she was thrilled when I crocheted her some very fine handkerchiefs.
      Hugs to you and lots of love from Georgia.

  35. Wow - what a work of art. One day - maybe - I'll have the drive to knit something like that. <3

    1. Dearest Stacy,
      For such a HUGE piece one must have quite some will power to finish it.

  36. Wow, ich bewundere das! Diese unendliche Geduld und Konzentration! Ich hab einfach nicht die Ruhe, wenn ich daheim bin. Da sehe ich in allen Ecken die Arbeit, die nie abreißt und dazu Schreiben, viel Schreiben - da bleibt wenig Energie und Zeit für so etwas. In meiner Jugend habe ich zwar auch gestrickt und auch mal gehäkelt, aber die Werke hielten sich in Grenzen. Vielleicht mal ein Pullover. Meine Lieblingsbeschäftigung war das leider nicht. Meine Schwester handarbeitete aber immer sehr gerne. Es ist mit viel Sitzen verbunden, das ich nicht sehr gut kann. ;-) Und meine Schwester ist manuell viel geschickter als ich. ;-)

    Ein wenig kann ich Dir mit Deiner Mum nachfühlen, denn mein Sohn lebt nun in Polen, das ist auch schon für uns eine weite Entfernung. Wenn wir uns sehen, ist es ähnlich, wenige Tage und dann muß er wieder fort. Zum Glück gibt es Skype. Zur Zeit darf er gar nicht kommen und wir konnten Ostern auch nicht hinreisen. Aber zur Hochzeit im Sommer hoffe ich doch. Man muß doch bei der Hochzeit seines eigenen Kindes dabei sein dürfen!

    So so schön und so perfekt, die Decke! Wahnsinn!
    Ich stelle mir gerade den Tagesablauf Deiner Mama vor, liebe Mariette, sie hatte doch mit der Gärtnerei sehr viel Arbeit und dann noch Handarbeiten. Wann hat sie Essen zu bereitet und den Haushalt gemacht? Wann Körperpflege und alles, was man den ganzen Tag immer zu tun hat ... Chapeau! So eine fleißige und produktive Familie!

    Alles Liebe nochmal

    1. Liebe Sara,
      Ja, solche großen Projekte habe ich selber auch noch nie gemacht... Ich wußte nicht mehr das ich hier auch einige Ecken an gestrickt hatte, mal im Urlaub bei meiner Mutter denke ich. Nein, neben die Arbeit hat meine Mutter so etwas nie tun können, erst in den Jahren nachdem sie pensioniert war hat sie damit angefangen. Sie hat immer nur davon träumen können... Aber Jahre hat sie davon genießen können und auch für die Enkelkinder hat sie vieles gestrickt und so. Diesen Blogpost mit ihre Arbeit ist der 3. meist besuchter von allem Posten hier, mit 5406 bis heute. Die Kaffee und Teetassen hat 60978 bis heute. So hat meine Mutter noch posthume Ehre von ihre Arbeit!
      Bin stolz auf sie und bestimmt schaut sie vom Himmel zu...
      Liebe Grüße,

  37. Da hat Deine Mutter wundervolles geleistet, liebe Mariette! Und das kann ich mir gut vorstellen,dass sie neben der Arbeit keine Zeit dafür hatte. Ein wundervolles Andenken, dass Dich mit jeder Faser an Deine Mutter erinnert.

    Liebe Grüße

    1. Liebe Sara,
      Wo die Bettdecke jetzt ist, weiß ich nicht... Bin stolz auf diese schönen Bilder und ich hatte offensichtlich eine Vorahnung! Letzter Besuch mit ihr noch im Haus!
      Liebe Grüße,

  38. Un copriletto meraviglioso,complimenti a tua mamma!

    1. Cara Olga,
      Grazie per le tue parole qui!
      Un abbraccio,

  39. Cara Mariette, tua mamma aveva le mani d'oro per fare questa coperta. E' assolutamente strepitosa...
    Cara amica, ti auguro una buonissima serata.


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