
Monday, May 2, 2011

My 7th Blog Award

On Sunday, April 17, I got this Kreativ Blogger Award passed on by Doris from "Hold my hand"  A social worker's blog. We were in Fort Lauderdale, Florida at that time... So finally I want to share it with my readers and also pass it on to others. I felt honored by Doris for receiving this! This Kreativ Blogger Award obviously came from the German branch of bloggers...
So, here are the rules:

1. Link back to the person who gave you the award.

2. Tell 5 facts about myself... 

3. Give this award to others.
Okay the 5 facts about myself:
1)  I love people and their culture.
2)  Animals I love... could run a zoo!
3)  Being outdoors in nature makes me happy.
4)  Love to crochet, especially the fine DMC thread.
5)  History and Geography are two favorite subjects.
Sure, I could list many more here! But if you broaden your horizon by paying these a visit; you already learn a lot. I feel privileged myself for being able to interact with them!


  1. Thank you so much Mariette, and congratulations to you also.


  2. Liebe Mariette!
    Ich glaube Du kannst besser Deutsch als ich Englisch ;o) drum schreib ich mal ganz frech in meiner Sprache!!! Ich hab mich soeben sehr gefreut, als ich Dich als neue Leserin meines Blogs entdeckt habe!! Danke!!!! Klar, dass ich auch gleich Deinen Blog gesucht und durchstöbert habe und mich als Leserin bei Dir eingetragen habe!! Ich freu mich, dass wir uns nun öfters "lesen"!! Es gefällt mir bei Dir! Bis bald und viele liebe Grüße aus Österreich!!!

  3. Hi Mariette .. many thanks for the award .. really appreciate your thought .. and I'll be visiting the others sometime soon!

    Awards always cheer us on .. and that's what we need .. enjoy the week ahead .. and loved the white rose - those pictures are great to see ..

    Cheers Hilary

  4. Hallo Mariette!
    Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Award!
    Ich finds ja total nett, dass du dich immer mal wieder bei mir meldest.
    Liebe Grüße

  5. Congratulations on a nice award!
    Nice greetings and kisses from Croatia.

  6. awww thankyou Mariette...but I am not sure why I am awarded with it ...cause I am not very creative. But a big thanks anyways cause its really sweet and appreciated. Now you really deserve it...I love your blog.
    I will definitly pass on as soon as I figure out how lol

  7. Hi Mariette!!

    It´s so great knowing a liitle bit more about you :)

    Congratulations for this sweet and creative award!!!

    Have a wonderful week!!

  8. dear mariette, thank you so much for this and congratulations to you. a kiss from lory

  9. Oh my sweet friend CONGRATULATIONS! you are most deservng of this award... I am always inspired after visiting you. And it's such a fun way to learn a little bit more about our friends in BlogLand and by sharing how wonderful to discover new blogs. Wishing you a beautiful week xo HHL

  10. Hi Mariette:)
    I am so glad you wrote a comment on my blog so I could find you here!!! Your blog is a garden heaven...reminding me how much we need to do outside our own house!Inspiration is never wrong:))))

  11. Congratulations to you and thank-you for passing it on to me.

  12. If it wasn't bed time around here I would visit all the lovely bloggers you have listed. I will put it on my to do list for tomorrow. Your 5 facts could relate to me too except for the history and geography -- that's my husband's favorites. :) Hope you are having a good day. Tammy

  13. Oh my Goddd! I'm really happy with this award :D :D :D
    I love them, it means that what you do is appreciated!
    Thank you so much my sweet friend, you're a nice person ^_^

    Kiss and hug

  14. You are so sweet Mariette! Thank you!

    And how fun to learn a little bit more about you. The love of animals ~ I totally get that ~ I would love to work in a zoo! Fun fun!

    I will post my award soon!

    Thank you again my friend!
    xo Catherine


Thanks for your visit and comment.
