
Friday, June 10, 2011

{Going GREEN with Attic Fan}

In an ongoing effort to lower the cost of energy, my dear husband Pieter did decide to install an attic fan after having worked in the HOT area under the roof. He had to climb up there for finding the wires to connect the newly installed ceiling fans in the living room and kitchen, as seen in {Our Energy Star ceiling fans from Wayfair + Superior Customer Service}. It was on May 15, that I took the first photo from the installation of this attic fan with thermostat (Home Depot). On May 17 Pieter completed it. We both are anxious to find out what the difference in energy consumption will be for next month's billing. Around 11:30 AM in the morning the thermostat starts the attic fan and we have since noticed that the air-conditioning has not been running much. Both of us wonder why a builder would not install such an attic fan right away... Maybe now, when energy prices become an issue, people will be more conscious about GOING GREEN. Let's hope so, because all together we can make a huge difference and it affects ones pocket in a positive way. The investment costs are not high at all; only the labor is rather intensive and working in the heat is not pleasant; even if a big fan is being used up there. All together we ought to lower our Carbon Footprint!
Here you see the cellulose on the attic, which is already a help in insulating the house. Pieter put in this beam newly, so he can walk over it, without having to 'toe' his way through the cellulose, in search for the nearest beam to step on. Our entire roof construction is made out of red cedar and is done in a very solid way; following Pieter's advice after he'd made the drawings for our home himself. The attic fan is being installed in front of those vents that are above the bedroom/garage side of the house.
My dear handy man and 'worker bee' in action. It cost him lots of t-shirt changes, because it was a brutal hot job up there. I am proud of him for being able to perform like this after his quadruple bypass surgery on September 3, 2010. When he saw his cardiologist a week prior to this job, he was told by him that Pieter was his best patient! Sure, he follows up with discipline and we both go to the Fitness Center to build up strength and it pays off. Never easy but that's life. It's not a pick nick to be on earth... But the satisfaction one has from things done with your bare hands is tremendous! It's all worth it.
Remember; he has to stand on those support beams as there is no solid flooring! Not easy to manage and he did hurt his knee while doing that for days on end. Hope it will only be a strained muscle...
Imagine if this would be glass wool, how it would itch...
So much for the invention of cordless drills to work wherever you want to!
Two days later by 8:00 PM I made this photo of the Attic Fan with thermostat being up and running!
A brand new outlet being installed with switch for new light. There was NONE; another neglect by the builder! Several times the people from the air-conditioning had to work on the attic and they too need light.
Light installed now on both ends of the attic. This is above our kitchen area. The silver colored ducts you see here are from the air-conditioning.
Next day, on May 18, the fan began running automatically and has done so every day. Good feeling for having it all installed before the heat starts really hitting us. Now it is already 90s in F or 30s in C and soon that will be 100s or 40s!
Are you ready for the heat too?
Energy wise that is...

Related link:
{Saving Energy and Our Attic} | post by me about energy saving
{Our Energy Star ceiling fans from Wayfair + Superior Customer Service} | post where Pieter had to find the wiring on the attic...


  1. Hallo, oh das sieht nach viel Arbeit aus!!!
    Lieben Dank für deinen netten Kommentar, Marc Cain kenne ich gut! Der Marke war ich vor vielen Jahren mal verfallen. Die gibt es aber auch in Deutschland, liebe Grüße Anja

  2. When I see your beuatiful garden, I think it is all worth it, but to be honest, it sounds a bit too hot for me where you are !! hahaha!! England has more moderate temperatures and more rain- like Holland as you know...well- it all depends what you are used to! I know the raina and the colder weather produces greener grass and makes everything very lush- but then you have the diadvantage of the cold and damp affecting your jopintd onece you get older.Well- you win some, you lose some.Looks like you are ready for sumer anyway!! have a great weekend!

  3. Oh,what a JOB!!!
    Please send your husband BIG
    PRAISE from me!!!

    We all have to take "nature friendly" into consideration. And in Japan, we are facing possible energy shortage for coming summer because of the accident of nuclear power station.
    Saving power is a big issue and we learned the hard way from the accident. I'm hoping that there won't be planned outage nowhere in Japan any more.
    Have a lovely weekend my dearest♪♪♪

  4. What a job! Mijn complimenten voor Pieter!

    Fijn weekend Mariette!


  5. Big squishy hugs to the hubster! What a guy! GO GREEN! YES!


  6. Liebe Mariette,
    was man von euch alles lernen kann! Das ist eine super Idee mit dem Ventilator im Dach. Pieter kann wirklich alles, oder? Bei uns ist es wieder kälter geworden und hat endlich geregnet.
    Liebe Grüße, Johanna

  7. Sadly there is no thought over here of going green or conserving water/energy. Usually during the summer there are power cuts in different areas at different times because everything is just running too much. And there's no insulation in these buildings or proper sealing around windows or doors. Whatever we put dries up over the course of the year. So hard to get my husband to do those types of things as he doesn't find them to be important. But proper sealing can keep the cool air in and the dust out. Past days have been dusty which folks around here don't seem to mind because it does keep the temp down a bit -- still, it was 111 today and is to be the same the rest of the week. On days of full sun, it has already reached 50 and they are saying this summer it will likely get hotter. Hope you've had a good Friday. It's about bedtime here. Best wishes, Tammy

  8. Che lavoro enorme e che fortunata ad avere un marito come il tuo. Ah donna fortunata. Chissà che meraviglia sarà il risultato finale. Buon fine settimana Paola

  9. What a big job but how wonderful to get it all done! Our next job is an energy efficient furnace. That will be our last 'green' thing to buy. I guess we saved the biggest until the last!! :(

    Well done Mariette!
    xo Catherine

  10. Oh Mariette, how wonderful your hubby is handy to do that fan. Good for him!

    Keep cool and have a fun weekend.

    Thanks for all your visits and comments to my blog. Always love having you stop by. Susan

  11. Dear Mariette,

    You have a great handyman to be able to do jobs like this around the home.
    He has done such good work up in the hot attic and to be able to cut down in your power savings is such a good thing.
    Hope that you manage to stay cool - here in NZ we have cooler weather, now that it is winter.

    Sending hugs and hope that you have a happy weekend


Thanks for your visit and comment.
