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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

{Saving Energy and Our Attic}

With our low economy, we have to look UP for saving some money! Better insulating our attic as best as we can. That's exactly what we did; investing in the attic, in order to create a more energy efficient home and lowering our Carbon Footprint!
 On Monday, March 18, husband Pieter started with building a floor in our attic. That served two purposes: making it possible to walk on; without falling through the ceilings and also making it more energy efficient. We already did have Eco friendly white cellulose on our attic as an insulation.

Remember that in my post about {Our Hallway} I left the following note under the last photo: Looking up to the ceiling where a foldout staircase leads to the attic.
THAT will be another project...
Okay, here you will see what this was all about.
Behind the light you see the cord for pulling out the fold down staircase that leads up to the attic.
In the hallway you see two sheathing boards, that Pieter had cut in half at Home Depot in order to fit them through the opening, up to the attic.
Two by two, brought in through the front door; the shortest distance from the little trailer, behind our Toyota RAV4.
Wearing gloves, I did hand them up to Pieter, who grabbed them from the attic, reaching down.
Many Sheathing plates we handled...
Lots of dust we 'ate' for weeks!
For those of you, not familiar with the construction way in Georgia, USA as well as in many other states, this is under the roof. A very sturdy construction of solid red cedar beams. 
Pieter designed our home and he instructed the contractor to use more beams than usual, to protect the roof against tornados and hurricanes.
They just nailed plaster boards onto these red cedar wood beams and you could not WALK on them; only on the sections where the cedar wood beam is underneath!
So husband Pieter worked for weeks in order to hand cut those sheathing boards. 
Using no nails but screws as to not damage the ceilings and creating lots of dust downstairs...
Many trips up and down the foldout staircase!
Here you also see the outlet and switch that Pieter first installed in order to have working light up there!
Pieter also installed a railing on the pull out staircase!
Pieter did compact and egalize the Eco friendly white cellulose to work it neatly under those sheathing boards.
Literally 'cutting corners'; many corners that is! Using a mask for the bulk of the dust but no matter how, you still 'eat lots of dust'...
Pieter did tighten up all those red cedar beams, many of which were rather loose.
He used screws for doing so.
Heavy duty time for his equipment...
He also had to crawl underneath those air-conditioning ducts... 
Pieter did not go all the way under the shallow part of the roof but he did place an upright plank to keep the insulation material neatly behind.
All the above photos I've taken on March 29, and this one is taken on April 9, when he was about done with this mega job. It took longer than estimated due to so many different corners to be cut out.
This is the short end of the 'T' section, looking towards our front porch.
That pipe is from the ventilation hood above my cooktop in the kitchen...
Now looking the other way of the short end of the 'T' towards our gazebo.
On the sides under the shallow parts of the roof there are the open cellulose insulation material 'beds' with only a plank in front to keep the material from spilling over.
Now we are under the long side of the 'T' section (shape of our home), facing the driveway.
This attic fan, Pieter installed already two years ago in 2011. You can read my previous post below: {Going GREEN with Attic Fan}
Stepping back for a better over view.
Now the attic looks neat and ready even for storage if necessary!
Turning around towards the bay window area (in the back).
It was quite a job to manage working around all those wires that are all over the attic like spaghetti...
Stepping back towards the driveway side and you can see again the opening down with the foldout staircase.
Quite a difference or not?
You see the tile floor in our hallway  down the staircase opening...
There is also a light switch next to the staircase (r) and it is a hotel switch so it turns off automatically.
View from the other side towards the foldout staircase.
Pieter has changed the outlet and switch and installed better permanent light in all areas.
We were so glad to get rid of all the saw dust and I just managed to do a thorough cleaning down stairs, right before we left for our vacation in Curaçao! 
That was mission accomplished; quite a nasty job!
For sure such a floor makes a difference in insulation as well and it certainly will pay off.

Quite an accomplishment for my Pieter, right before his 84th Birthday...

Related link:
{Going GREEN with Attic Fan} | previous post by me


  1. a great deal of work. glad he got it done before the warmer weather set in, and i hope it helps w/ utility bills.

    1. Dearest Theresa,
      Oh, that was the main goal for finishing this before the heat would make it nearly impossible to work like that. It sure helps us with the utility bills and we have done even more to lower them.

  2. a well insulated home makes a huge difference. That was quite a job, but definitely well worth it. I am really impressed at the details he put into it

    1. Dearest Daniela,
      It sure was quite a job and it took a lot more time than we thought it would... The dust is gone and we will save money because of this mega job.

  3. Dearest Mariette,
    what a great job your Husband Pieter did!
    You can be lucky, that he is so clever to do all this by his own :O)
    Have a happy new week,
    love and hugs

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      Thanks and yes, he not only graduated in Horticultural Engineering and designed his own practical Training College for Mushroom Growing in The Netherlands and later two state of the art Mushroom Plants for Campbell Soup in the USA; he also knows how to DO all these things! He is a blessing!
      Happy new week to you as well.

  4. Liebe Mariette,

    das war wieder ein sehr guter Einblick.

    Alles Liebe


    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Ja danke und auch alles Liebe aus Georgia,

  5. Wat een werk en wat goed dat je man dat allemaal kan en wil doen. Ik bewonder altijd zulke handige mannen. Mijne heeft helaas twee linker handen, hij kan het wel uitdenken maar niet uitvoeren. Ik heb wel altijd geverfd, maar dat doe ik niet meer, te vermoeiend en die ladders vind ik ook te eng.

    1. Beste Marianne,
      Ja kunnen is één maar ook nog doen is een heel andere zaak! Mijn man heeft in Wageningen de opleiding gehad om hele gebouwen met klimaatsinstallaties etc. te ontwerpen o.a. voor de champignonteelt. Zijn eigen praktijkschool voor de champignonindustriee werkte hij uit en ook voor Campbell Soup twee grote state of the art bedrijven. Dus dit is maar op kleine schaal. Als je op de label 'Our Home' clickt kun je b.v. lezen hoe hij zelf de constructie van onze Rose Suite deed. Inclusief het uitgraven van 60 ton grond... En ook de waterleiding; electriciteit en airconditiong zelf allemaal gedaan.
      Ja, mijn man mag van mij ook niet meer op zo'n akelig hoge ladder om twee hoog onder de nok te kunnen schilderen. Dàt hebben onlangs twee schilders voor ons gedaan.

  6. I do hope the insulation is keeping you cool. We have heard on the news about the terrible heat in some parts of America.

    1. Dearest Kay,
      It all helps a little when we have soaring heat during summer. This project will pay off over the coming years; no doubt. Yes, on June 12 we already had Real Feel 47°C and it will be hot throughout July and August.
      I am so excited for you with your upcoming trip to the USA!

  7. Che bel lavoro che ha fatto tuo marito Piter è bravissimo!!
    Penso che non sia stato facile organizzare il tutto,è lui è pieno di ingegneria!!
    Complimenti per tutto cara amica!!
    Felice inizio settimana!!
    Un bacio grande!!

    1. Cara Sabry,
      Grazie per i complimenti e davvero il mio Pieter può fare tutto se stesso e ha le mani d'oro.
      Anche voi felice settimana di luglio.

  8. Liebe Mariette,
    ich staune, was Pieter alles kann. Diese Isolierung wird euch vor Sommerhitze genauso schützen wie vor Winterkälte. Das spart Heizung und Strom. Prima gemacht.
    Liebe Grüße, Johanna

    1. Liebe Johanna,
      Ja so ein harter Arbeiter gibt es nicht viele wie mein Pieter. Er kann ja alles selber nur wünsche ich uns etwas mehr Ruhe in kurzer Zeit...
      Ja, unsere Heizung ist auch vom Strom und wir werden mit allem was wir gemacht haben bestimmt sparen!
      Lieber Gruss,

  9. Liebe Mariette,
    dein Pieter ist nicht nur ein Schatz, er ist auch ein Genie.
    Es gibt wohl nichts, was er nicht kann.
    Ich kann mir vorstellen, was das für eine Arbeit war.
    Einen schönen Abend wünscht Dir

    1. Liebe Irmi,
      Da hast du völlig Recht! Ich kann auch nur beten und hoffen das Gott ihm noch lange Zeit bei bleiben lässt...
      Lieber Gruss,

  10. Devo farti i complimenti cara Mariette, la tua casa deve essere bellissima. Ho visto il tuo vano scala, curatissimo e ora vedo che state sistemando la protezione del sottotetto. Chissà che lavorone ma alla fine ogni cura per la propria casa è giusto farla, è un investimento per il proprio "nido". Paola

    1. Sì certo Paola, dobbiamo investire al fine di isolare la nostra casa così bene come possibile e quindi meno paga di elettricità per il riscaldamento e raffreddamento. Qui c'è più raffreddamento con il nostro clima. Non appena sotto il tetto, ma anche il tetto stesso abbiamo affrontato, per essere continuato...
      Saluti e grazie per i complimenti.

  11. Wow that is an incredible work your husband did! The attic looks very neat! I'm sure it makes huge difference in energy saving.
    We bought the item to seal bottom of door (I don't know how it's called) for the door attached to garage. I hope it helps :-)

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      It was an incredible job and the insulation was already there but just loose and not well distributed. Now it is evenly and compacted under those boards for more buffer. We also did work on the roof; will show that later... This will pay off every single month. Whatever opening you improve for not having heat or cold penetration into your home will pay off! With this economy we must look more at all those details that will up to big differences.
      Hugs to all of you,

  12. Dearest Mariette,

    What a wonderful job Pieter did to your attic - and such a lot of work but you will be so glad to have it insulated and for storage use.
    You must be happy to have that job ticked off the list and a little bit of dust is all worth it.

    Happy new week

    1. Dearest Carolyn,
      You know what you are talking about as you both do the very same in your home! Yes, a little bit of dust is all worth it; that is soon forgotten.
      Happy July week and hugs,

  13. We don't have an attic............they are not common here in Aus..................although there have been times I wish we did have one

    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      Well, I guess you still have some space under the roof part...?
      This was not an attic as such before but now it is accessible after all the hard work.

  14. What a hard job! Congratulations to your husband! He is a hero!


    1. Dearest Marina,
      Yes, good things don't come about by sitting with your arms crossed... It is really hard work and first of all; thorough thinking.
      Thanks for your compliment.

  15. Dearest Mariette,
    Pieter has cut in help at homr up to the ettic it makeer energy effcient,
    In the halg way two sheathing boards that had cut at home Depot up to the attice,
    Toyota rav4 wearing goves Pietter did campact and eqalige the Eco frindly sheathing board. Dear Mariette are not much wolking this time?
    I have nice weather for tomorrow all day.
    Hugs and love to you always!

    I feeling like to be in your home.

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      Glad to read you have nice weather all day! You can maybe play golf again. We both are still very busy but in a month we hope we can walk and bike more and enjoy leisure time together.
      Hugs and lots of love and admiratiion.

  16. Tjemig Mariette! Wat een werk heeft hij verricht! Knap hoor! Blij te zien dat jij wel ip mn commentaar knop kan drukken want op mn ipad en computer kan ik het nog steeds niet, ook geen oude comments kan ik aan klikken. Maar wel via mn iphone, heel vreemd. Alle settings nagekeken, alles staat goed. Afijn, ik kom er wel achter.
    Geniet verder van de zomer, tot gauw ergens in cyberspace!

    1. Beste Maureen,
      Ja, vreemd dat je in je oudere posts helemaal niet ín kunt voor comments en bij je laatste lukte het me wèl. Maar maak je er niet druk over. Genoeg andere dingen te doen.
      Ja, dit was echt een mega job en die moest klaar voordat het heet werd hier!
      Lieve 'natte' zomergroetjes,

  17. Dearest Mariette,

    Amazing incredible job has been done by your Husband Pieter.Your attic turned perfectly well done.

    Your husband Pieter really full of energy and he has a great capability in manual job.
    Blessed you!
    wishing you a great week for both and happy 4th July
    hugs to you

    1. Dearest Ayu,
      Thank you - banyak terima kasik - for your compliments!
      Hope you are doing fine and feeling fit with baby. Thanks also for the 4th of July wishes; this is a very festive week here in the USA.

  18. Wow, look at your hubby working away up there! He's quite a handy man:) Insulation makes a huge difference, both in cooling things down and keeping things warm:)

    1. Dearest Victoria,
      Yes, this tremendous job will pay off each and every month with lower electricity bills.

  19. Though this isn't a glamorous update, Mariette, it certainly looks great, and will save so much money in the long run. Not to mention extra storage space! <3

    1. Dearest Stacy,
      Often the least glamorous jobs are most rewarding indeed! Life on earth is not constantly like heaven but we can try and improve it as much as we can!

  20. Dearest Mariette,

    It is REALLY very wise to invest in your own house...really. I added insulation at my attic a couple of years ago also since the insulation was not enough. I think it's worth every penny I spent on it. The house is much warmer and the heating oil bill look more pleasant when I open it:P


    1. Dearest Tammy,
      That is indeed a very clever decision for first spending money on the house in order to save on utility bills!

  21. Ppppfff wat een WERK is dat geweest voor je Pieter...
    En ik weet niet, maar was het toen ook al zo warm daar? Dan heeft hij ook nog eens warm moeten werken...zo recht onder dat dak..en die isolatie, is dat ook een soort glasvezel net hier? De naam zegt het al, die vezelk zit hier vol met glasdeeltjes lijkt het wel, en je krijgt er vreselijk jeuk van als het op je huid komt...ik denk dat jullie ander materiaal hebben daar..

    1. Beste Marian,
      Ja hoor, dat was in maart al een moordend hete job. Het is dan onder het dak ruim 35°C. Daarom wilde Pieter het ook met alle geweld gedaan hebben nog voordat we op 19 april naar Miami vlogen en de volgende dag naar Curaçao. We kwamen pas op 1 mei thuis in de vroege morgen dus toen was het nog heter. Heel wat stof maar de isolatie is gelukkig géén glasvezel. Ik had het in mijn post vermeld dat het Eco-vriendelijke witte cellulose was. Maar leuk is anders, heel wat natte hemden en heel wat was. Ook ontzettend stof overal; dat houd je niet tegen.
      Maar goed; die lelijke klus is geklaard en alweer vergeten. Jullie weten er ook alles van. Het valt ook meestal om e.o.a. reden wel tegen met je planning.
      Lieve groetjes,

  22. Dearest Mariette,
    OMG, I missed this post. What an amazing jjob done by your wonderful husband☆☆☆ It sure must have been a big work for him. When we were making my husband's hobby room, I first saw how the house is built first hand and also insulation. Unbelievable to see that he did it. So sorry for my belated comment, couldn't help miss commenting, my friend.

    Lots of Love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      Thanks for your visit. Oh, it is very interesting to see the 'bones' of the home we are living in. It takes quite some work for adding certain things. Guess if we would not have been working and living in Indonesia at the time our home got built, we would have had it done right away. That would have been so much easier! But there was no Internet connection back than... only via telex.
      Hugs to you,


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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